Prof. Luigi Mondello elected President of the Italian Chemical Society for the three-year period 2026-2028
Prof. Luigi Mondello in the ranking of the most influential scientists worldwide
Prof. Luigi Mondello in the TAS Power List 2020
Prof. Luigi Mondello awarded with the “A.J.P. MARTIN MEDAL”
Award Tranchida
The GCxGC Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof Peter Tranchida
Prof. Francesco Cacciola and Prof. Danilo Sciarrone among the 40 best scientists under 40
Prof. Luigi Mondello awarded with the “Robert Kellner Lecture Award"
Dutton Award
Prof. Luigi Mondello awarded with the "Herbert J. Dutton Award"
Giovane ricercatore 08 Cacciola
The “Giovani Ricercatori” 2008 Award to Dott. Francesco Cacciola
The "Leslie Ettre Award" 2012 to Dott. Danilo Sciarrone
Tasia Award 2015
TASIA Award 2015
Award Tranchida
The "John Phillips Award 2012" to Prof. Peter Quinto Tranchida
The COLACRO medal to Prof. Luigi Mondello
Schermata 2016-01-20 alle 15.05
Prof. Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello in the "2015 Power List" of the world's most influential scientists in Analytical Sciences
Power list 2015
The University of Messina "leader" in the field of chromatography
Golay Award
The "Marcel Golay Award" to Prof. Luigi Mondello
GC×GC Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Luigi Mondello
UNIME circle
VIOLIN – AGER financed the project of the University of Messina on olive trees and oil: scientific innovation and enhancement of the territory
Schermata 2018-02-27 alle 14.43
2nd IRMS day in Messina June, 27-29, 2018
Foto premio
The "HTC Award 2016" to Prof. Paola Dugo
Tasia 2016
Research awarded with the TASIA 2016