Associate Editor: Paola Donato
ISSN: 2296-2646
The Impact Factor of this journal is 5.545
The Analytical Chemistry section publishes significant findings and major advances in all branches of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, including concepts in chemical measurement science, sample treatment, instrumentation, separation, sensing and imaging. Articles may be entirely theoretical with regard to analysis or they may report the application of new analytical methods to solve important biochemical, biomedical, environmental, forensic and clinical diagnostic problems. Areas covered by the section, include but are not limited to:
· Analytical methodologies, operations and techniques
· Methodologies and techniques for genomics, proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics
· Structural and surface analysis technologies
· Instrumentation development, improvement and miniaturization
· Point-of-care diagnostics, microfluidics, cellular analysis
· Sensors, biosensors and nanosensors
· Single molecule analysis
· Optical and non-optical imaging technologies
· Computational, statistic, bioinformatic and chemometric methods for analysis
The section requires that the reported methods and technologies are sufficiently innovative and robust compared to other available methods and that systems are demonstrated with real samples.