Paola Dugo

La prof. Paola Dugo è professore ordinario di Chimica degli Alimenti (CHIM/10) presso l’Università di Messina dal 31 marzo 2014. Laureata in Chimica nel luglio1991. Dopo la laurea, ha lavorato per sei mesi presso l’Università di Siena, svolgendo ricerche sulla relazione odore-struttura. Ha conseguito il titolo di Dottorato di Ricerca in Farmacognosia nel 1996. Nel 1993 ha svolto attività di ricerca presso l’Università di Leeds (Regno Unito), con il Prof. K.D. Bartle.

L’attività di ricerca ha condotto alla stesura di più di 300 lavori, e alla presentazione di numerose comunicazioni a congressi scientifici, nazionali ed internazionali.

Gli interessi scientifici riguardano la caratterizzazione dei derivati agrumari (olii essenziali e succhi); la caratterizzazione di molecole biologicamente attive come carotenoidi, antocianine e cumarine; lo studio di olii essenziali di piante aromatiche; lo studio dei trigliceridi in grassi e oli di interesse alimentare e lo sviluppo di tecniche analitiche. Le ricerche vengono condotte utilizzando tecniche analitiche strumentali moderne ed innovative. In particolare, tecniche cromatografiche, tecniche accoppiate (HPLC/MS, HPLC/MS) e multidimensionali (“heart-cutting” e “comprehensive”).

E’ entrata a far parte della “The Power list 2015” pubblicata dal giornale scientifico internazionale The Analytical Scientist, dedicata ai 100 scienziati che più si sono distinti nelle scienze analitiche. Nel 2016 è stata riconfermata nella “The Power list 2016”, che celebra le 50 donne più influenti nelle scienze analitiche. Nel 2016 ha ricevuto il premio “HTC Award”, per il suo contributo innovativo nel campo delle tecniche cromatografiche combinate. Nel 2017 le è stata assegnata la medaglia “Giovanni Dugo” per le ricerche svolte nel campo della scienza delle separazioni applicata alla chimica degli alimenti.

E’ stata coordinatore del gruppo interdivisionale di Chimica degli Alimenti della Società Chimica italiana (2019-2021) ed è attualmente componente del direttivo. Dal 2016 è Editor della rivista Journal of Chromatography A (Elsevier).


1       Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Eugenia Cogliandro, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, and Antonella Cotroneo.
On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. Part XLVI. Polymethoxylated Flavones of the Non Volatile Residue of Italian Sweet Orange and Mandarin Essential Oils.
Flavour Frag. J., 9, 105-111 (1994). ISSN 0882-5734 (May 1994, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Research article

2       Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Keith D. Bartle, Antony A. Clifford, and David G.P.A. Breen.
Deterpenation of Sweet Orange and Lemon Essential Oils with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Using Silica Gel as an Adsorbent.
Flavour Frag. J. 10, 51-58 (1995). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 1995, John Wiley & Sons LTD West Sussexnd, UK).
Research article

3       Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Eugenia Cogliandro, Antonella Verzera, and Giovanni Dugo.
On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. 51. Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Bitter Orange Oil (Citrus aurantium L.)
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 44(2) 544 -549 (1996). ISSN 0021-8561 (February 1996, Ameri- can Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA).
Research article

4       Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giuseppe Lamonica, and Giovanni Dugo. Characterization of Cold-pressed Key and Persian Lime Oils by GC, GC/MS, HPLC and Physicochemical Indices.
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 45, 3608-3616 (1997). ISSN 0021-8561 (September 1997,
American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

5       Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Eugenia Cogliandro, Antonella Cavazza, and Giovan- ni Dugo.
On the genuiness of citrus essential oils. Part LIII. Determination of the composi- tion of the oxygen heterocyclic fraction of lemon essential oils (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.) by normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography.
Flavour Frag. J. 13, 329-334 (1998). ISSN 0882-5734 (September 1998, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK).
Research article

6       Paola Dugo, Antonella Cotroneo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, and Luigi Mondello.
On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. Part LVII. The Composition of Di- stilled Lime Oil.
Flavour Frag. J. 13, 93-97 1998. ISSN 0882-5734 (March 1998, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK).
Research article

7       Paola Dugo, L.Mondello, A.R. Proteggente and G.Dugo
Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Bergamot Essential Oils.
Riv. Ital. E.P.P.O.S., 27, 31-42 (1999). Istituto Tetrahedron, Milano, Italia Research article

8       Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, E. Sebastiani, R. Ottanà, G. Errante and Giovanni Dugo. Identification of Minor Oxigen Heterocyclic Compounds of Citrus Essential Oils by Liquid Chromatography- Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectro- metry.
J. Liq. Chromatogr. Rel. Technol., 22(19), 2991-3005 (1999). ISSN 1082-6076 (De-
cember 1999, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA). Research article

9       Paola Dugo, M. Russo, L. Mondello, Giacomo Dugo, S. Postorino and A. Carnacini. Chemical and Physico-chemical Parameters, and Composition of the Aromatic Fraction of Limoncello Ital. J. Food Sci., 12, 343-351 (2000). ISSN 1120-1770 (Chirotti Editore, Pinerolo, Italia). Research article

10     Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. On-line Coupled LC-GC. Theory and applications.
LC GC Eur. 16(12a); 35-43 (December 2003, Advanstar Communications, Che- ster, UK). Research article

11     Paola Dugo, Olinda Favoino, Rosario Luppino, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Normal-Phase (Adsorption)-Reversed-Pha- se Liquid Chromatography.
Anal. Chem. 76, 2525-2530 (2004). ISSN 0003-2700 (May 2004, American
Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

12     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Antonella Cotroneo Maria Teresa Russo.
The Composition of the Volatile Fraction and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Five Volatile Components of Faustrime Essential Oil (Monocitrus australatica x Fortunella sp. x Citrus aurantifolia).
J. Essent. Oil Res. 16, 328-333 (2004). ISSN 1041-2905 (July 2004, Allured Publi- shing Corporation, Carol Strema, IL, USA).
Research article

13     Paola Dugo, Olinda Favoino, Maria Lo Presti, Rosario Luppino, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Determination of anthocyanins and related components in red wines by micro-and capillary HPLC.
J. Sep. Sci. 27, 1458-1466 (2004). ISSN 1615-9306 (December 2004, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

14     Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Maria Lo Presti, Biagina Chiofalo, Elisabetta Sali- mei, Alessia Fazio, Antonella Cotroneo, Luigi Mondello.
Determination of triacylglycerols in donkey milk by using high performance
liquid chromatography coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ioniza- tion mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1023-1030 (2005). ISSN 1615-9306 (June 2005, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

15     Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Alessia Fazio, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello. Determination of beef tallow in lard through a multidimensional off-line non-aqueous reversed phase–argentation LC method coupled to mass spec- trometry.
J. Sep. Sci. 29, 567-575 (2006). ISSN 1615-9306 (March 2006, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

16     Paola Dugo, T. Kumm, M.L. Crupi, A. Cotroneo, L. Mondello. Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometric detection in the analyses of triacylglycerols in natural lipidic matrixes.
J. Chromatogr. A 1112 (2006) 269-275. ISSN 0021-9673 (April 2006, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

17     Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Biagina Chiofalo, Antonella Cotroneo and Luigi Mondello.
Separation of triacylglycerols in a complex lipidic matrix by using com- prehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with atmosphe- ric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometric detection.
J. Sep. Sci. 29, 1146-1154 (2006). ISSN 1615-9306 (March 2006, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

18     Paola Dugo, V. Skerikova, T. Kumm, A. Trozzi, P. Jandera and L. Mondello. Elucidation of Carotenoid Patterns in Citrus Products by Means of Com- prehensive Normal Phase × Reversed- Phase Liquid Chromatography. Anal. Chem. 78 (2006) 7743-7750 ISSN 0003-2700 (November 2006, American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA).
Research article

19     Paola Dugo, Katia Buonasera, Maria Lucia Crupi, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello.
Superheated water as chromatographic eluent for parabens separation on octadecyl coated zirconia stationary phase.
J. Sep. Sci. 30, 1125-1130 (2007). ISSN 1615-9306. (May 2007, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

20     Paola Dugo, Miguel Herrero, Daniele Giuffrida, Carla Ragonese, Giacomo Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Analysis of native carotenoid composition in orange juice using C30 co- lumns in tandem
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 2151-2160 (2008). ISSN 1615-9306. (July 2008, WILEY-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

21     Paola Dugo, Daniele Giuffrida, Miguel Herrero, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello Epoxycarotenoids esters analysis in intact orange juices using two-dimensional
comprehensive liquid chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 32, 973-980 (2009). ISSN 1615-9306. (April 2009, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

22     Paola Dugo, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Rosângela Assis Jacques, Elina Bastos Caramão, Luigi Mondello
High Efficiency Liquid Chromatography Techniques Coupled to Mass Spec- trometry for the Characterization of Mate Extracts
J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 7213-7221 (2009) ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2009
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

23     Paola Dugo, Carla Ragonese, Marina Russo, Danilo Sciarrone, Luca Santi, Antonella Cotroneo, Luigi Mondello
Sicilian Lemon oil: Composition of Volatile and oxygen heterocyclic fractions and enantiomeric distribution of volatile components
J. Sep. Sci. 33, 3374-3385 (2010). ISSN 1615-9306. (November 2010, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

24     Paola Dugo, Bonaccorsi Ivana, Ragonese Carla, Russo Marina, Donato Paola, Santi Luca, Luigi Mondello.
Analytical Characterization of Mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) essential oil Flavour Frag. J., 26, 34-46 (2010). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 2011, John Wi- ley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Research article

25     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giuseppe Lamonica, and Giovanni Dugo.
OPLC Analysis of Heterocyclic Oxygen Compounds from Citrus Fruit Essential Oils.
J. Planar. Chromatogr. – Mod. TLC 9, 120- 125 (1996). ISSN 0933-4173 (March-April 1996, Springer Hungarica, Budapest, Hungary).
Research article

26     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo, Darren M. Heaton, Keith D. Bartle, Antony A. Clifford, and Peter Myers.
Rapid Analysis of Polymethoxylathed Flavones from Citrus Oils by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography .
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 44(12), 3900 -3905 (1996). ISSN 0021-8561 (December 1996,
American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

27     Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, Antonella Cavazza, Gio- vanni Dugo.
Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Citrus Essential Oils.
Perfumer & Flavorist 22, 25-30 (1997). ISSN 0272-2666 (January 1997, Allured Publi- shing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL,USA).
Research article

28     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Laura Dugo, Rosanna Stancanelli, e Giovanni Dugo. LC-MS  for the identification of oxygen heterocyclic compounds in citrus essential oils.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 24, 147-154 (2000). ISSN 0731-7085 (December 2000,
Else- vier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

29     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giacinto Errante, Giovanni Zappia, and Giovanni Dugo.
Identification of Anthocyanins in Berries by Narrow-Bore High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Detection.
J. Agric. Food. Chem., 49, 3987-3992 (2001). ISSN 0021-8561 (October 2001,
American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

30     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Domenica Morabito and Giovanni Dugo. Characterization of the Anthocyan Fraction of Sicilian Blood Orange Juice by Micro-HPLC-ESI/MS.
J. Agric. Food. Chem., 51, 1173-1176 (2003). ISSN 0021-8561 (March 2003),
American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

31     Paola Dugo, Olinda Favoino, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Off-line coupling of non-aqueous reversed-phase and silver ion high-perfor- mance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry for the characterization of rice oil triacylglycerol positional isomers.
J. Chromatogr. A, 1041, 135–142 (2004). ISSN 0021-9673 (July 2004, Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

32     Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Olinda Favoino, Lucia Cicero, Norberto A. Rodriguez Zenteno, and Giovanni Dugo.
Characterization of cold-pressed Mexican dancy tangerine oils.
Flavour Frag. J. 20, 60-66 (2005). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 2005, John Wi- ley & Sons, Ltd, Wesr Sussex, UK).
Research article

33     Paola Dugo, Maria Lo Presti, Marcus Öhman, Alessia Fazio, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Determination of flavonoids in citrus juices by micro-HPLC-ESI/MS.
J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1149-1156 (2005). ISSN 1615-9306 (July 2005, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

34     Paola Dugo, Maria del Mar Ramírez Fernández, Antonella Cotroneo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Optimisation of a Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Normal-Phase and Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography System.
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 44, (2006) 561-565. ISSN 0021-9665 (October 2006,
Preston Publications, Nile, IL, USA). Research article

35     Paola Dugo, Francesco Cacciola, Tiina Kumm, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive Multidimensional liquid chromatography: Theory and applications.
J. Chromatogr. A 1184, 353-368, (2008). ISSN 0021-9673 (April 4 2008,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

36     Paola Dugo, Miguel Herrero, Tiina Kumm, Daniele Giuffrida, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive Normal-Phase x Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Photodiode Array and Mass Spectrometry Detection for the Analysis of Free Carotenoids and Carotenoid Esters from Mandarin.
J. Chromatogr. A 1189, 196–206, (2008). ISSN 0021-9673 (May 2008, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

37     Paola Dugo, Miguel Herrero, Daniele Giuffrida, Tiina Kumm, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Application of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography To Elucidate the Native Carotenoid Composition in Red Orange Essential Oil.
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 56, 3478-3485, (2008) ISSN: 0021-8561 (May 2008, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA)
Research article

38     Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Multidimensional liquid chromatographic separations applied to the analysis of food samples.
J. Liq. Chromatogr. Rel. Technol. 31, 1758-1807, (2008). ISSN 1082-6076 (January 2008, Taylor and Francis group, London, UK)
Review article

39     Paola Dugo, Francesco Cacciola, Miguel Herrero, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello Use of partially porous column as second dimension in comprehensive two- dimensional system for analysis of polyphenolicantioxidants
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 3297-3308 (2008). ISSN 1615-9306. (October 2008, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

40     Paola Dugo, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Diego Airado-Rodrìguez, Miguel Herrero, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography to quantify polyphenols in red wines
J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 7483-7487 (2009) ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2009
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Research article

41     Paola Dugo, Anna Piperno, Roberto Romeo, Maria Cambria, Marina Russo, Caterina Carnovale, Luigi Mondello
Determination of Oxygen Heterocyclic Components in Citrus Products by HPLC with UV Detection
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 57, 6543-6551 (2009) ISSN 0021-8561 (July 2009
American Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA) Research article

42     Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Maria Paola Germanò, Antonio Rapisarda, Luigi Mondello
Characterization of the polyphenolic fraction of Morus alba leaves ex- tracts by HPLC coupled to a hybrid IT-TOF MS system
J. Sep. Sci. 32, 3627-3634 (2009) ISSN 1615-9306. (December 2009, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

43     Paola Dugo, Marina Russo, Mariagiovanna Sarò, Caterina Carnovale, Ivana Bonaccorsi and Luigi Mondello,
Multidimensional liquid chromatography for the determination of chiral  cou- marins and furocoumarins in citrus essential oils J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 1828–1836. ISSN 1615-9306. (July 2012, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

44     Paola Dugo, Marco Beccaria, Nermeen Fawzy, Paola Donato, Francesco Cac- ciola, Luigi Mondello
Mass spectrometric elucidation of triacylglycerol content of Brevoortia tyran-
nus (menhaden) oil using non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography under ultra high pressure conditions J. Chromatogr. A, 1259 (2012) 227–236. ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2012 Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

45     Paola Dugo, Nermeen Fawzy, Filomena Cichello, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato and Luigi Mondello
Stop-flow comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometric detection for phospholipid analysis
J. Chromatogr. A 2013, 1278, 46–53. ISSN 0021-9673 (February 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

46     Luigi Mondello, Keith D. Bartle, giovanni Dugo, and Paola Dugo.
Automated HPLC-HRGC: A Powerfull Method for Essential Oils Analysis. Part III. Aliphatic and Terpene Aldehydes of Orange Oil.
J. High. Resolut. Chromatogr. 17, 312-314 (1994). ISSN 0344-7138 (May 1994,
Huthig Buch Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg F.R.G.). Research article

47     L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo, and giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo.
Italian Citrus Petitgrain Oils. Part IV. Composition of Lemon Petitgran Oil.
J. Essent. Oil Res. 9, 495-508 (1997). ISSN 1041-2905 (September 1997, Allured Pu- blishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL,USA).
Research article

48     E. Dellacassa, and Daniel Lorenzo, Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo.
Uruguayan Essential Oils. Part IX. Composition of Leaf Oil of Blepharocalyx tweediei (Hook. et Arn.) Berg. var tweediei(Myrtaceae).
J. Essent. Oil Res. 9, 673-676 (1997). ISSN 1041-2905 (November 1997, Allured Publi- shing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL,USA).
Research article

49     Eduardo Dellacassa, Daniel Lorenzo, Patrick Moyna, Antonella Verzera, Luigi Mondello, and Paola Dugo.
Uruguayan Essential Oils. Part. VI. Composition of Lemon Oil.
Flavour Frag. J., 12, 247-255 (1997). ISSN 0882-5734 (July 1997, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK).
Research article

50     Antonella Verzera, Luigi Mondello, Alessandra Trozzi, and Paola Dugo.
On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. Part. LII. Chemical Characterization of Essential Oil of three Cultivars of Citrus clementine Hort.
Flavour Frag. J. 12, 163-172 (1997). ISSN 0882-5734 (May 1997, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK).
Research article

51     Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo,giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo. Multidimensional Tandem Capillary Gas Chromatography System for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples. Part I. Development of a Fully Automated  Tandem Gas Chromatography System.
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 36,201-209 (1998). ISSN 0021-9665 (April 1998, Preston Publi- cations, Nile, IL, USA.
Research article

52     Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo, giovanni Dugo and Paola Dugo. Development of a fully automated GC-GC system for the analysis of real complex samples: essential oils.
Shimadzu News 1, 16 (1998). (January 1998, Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH, Dui- sburg, Germany).
Research article

53     Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo, giovanni Dugo and Paola Dugo Development of a Fully automated GC-GC system to Analyze Essential Oils. Shimadzu News America 8, 11 (1998). (August 1998, Shimadzu Corporation) Research article

54     Luigi Mondello, Antonella Cotroneo, Giacinto Errante, giovanni Dugo and Paola Dugo.
Determination of anthocyanins in blood orange juices by HPLC analysis. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 23, 191-195 (2000). ISSN 0731-7085 (August 2000, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

55     g. Dugo, F. Salvo, G. Bambara, F. Picciolo, L. Mondello, Paola Dugo. Componenti volatili dei vini derivati da cultivar autoctone siciliane oggetto di selezione clonale.
Vignevini, 4, 119-124 (2000). Research article

56     Luigi Mondello, giovanni Dugo and Paola Dugo. Recent Applications in LC-MS: Food and Flavours.
LC GC Eur. 15, 2-8 (2002). (December 2002, Advanstar Communications, Che- ster, UK).
Research article

57     Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, giovanni Dugo and Paola Dugo. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in combination with rapid scanning qua- drupole mass spectrometry in perfume analysis.
J. Chromatogr. A 1067, 235-243 (2005). ISSN 0021-9673 (10 November
2004, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

58     Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo.
Fast Gas Chromatographic Analysis with a 0.05 mm ID Micro-bore Capilla-
ry Column.
G.I.T. Laboratory Journal, 9(1), 22-24 (2005). ISSN 1611-6038 (GIT VER-LAG GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt, Germany). Research article

59     Tiina Kumm, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo.
2D LC-MS Detection for the Analysis of Complex Lipidic Matrices.
LC GC Eur. (The Column), 1(7) (2005) 20-21. (2005, Advanstar Communica- tions, Chester, UK).
Research article

60     Luigi Mondello, Marco Beccaria, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection for the analysis of triacylglycerols in BORAGO OFFICINALIS J. Sep. Sci. 34, 688-692 (2011). ISSN 1615-9306. (February 2011, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

61     Marina Russo, Germana Torre, Caterina Carnovale, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo
A new HPLC method developed for the analysis of oxygen heterocyclic compounds in Citrus essential oils
J. Essent.  Oil  Res.,  2012,  24(2),  119-129.  ISSN  2163-8152  (April
2012, Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA). Research article

LC-GC Eur. 11 (2014) 570-577. ISSN 1471-6577. (November 2014, Advanstar Co-
munications, Chester, UK). Review

63     L. Mondello, P.Q. Tranchida, Vaclav Stanek, Pavel Jandera, g. Dugo, Paola Dugo. Silver-ion reversed-phase comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromato- graphy combined with mass spectrometric detection in lipidic food analysis. J. Chromatogr. A. 1086 (2005) 91-98. ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2005, Else- vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

64     Luigi Mondello, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Chiara Fanali, Paola Dugo. RP-LCxRP-LC analysis of a tryptic digest using a combination of totally po- rous and partially porous stationary phases.
J. Sep. Sci. 33, 1454-1461 (2010). ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2010 Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany) Research article

65     P. Donato, F. Cacciola, L. Mondello and Paola Dugo Comprehensive Chromatographic Separations in Proteomics
J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 8777-8790. ISSN 0021-9673 (December
2011 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

66     Marina Russo, Adriana Arigo, Maria Luisa Calabro, Sara Farnetti, Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) as a source of nutraceuticals: limonoids and fla- vonoids
J. Funct. Food 20 (2016) 10-19. ISSN: 1756-4646. (January 2016, Elsevier, B.V., Am-
sterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

67     Luisa Schipilliti, Paola Dugo, Luca Santi, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello Authentication of bergamot essential oil by Gas-Chromatography-Combustion- Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS)
J. Essent. Oil Res. 23, 60-71 (2011). ISSN 2163-8152. (March 2011, Taylor & Fran- cis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA).
Research article

68     Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Daniele Giuffrida, Germana Torre, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Ultra high pressure in the second dimension of a comprehensive two-dimen-
sional liquid chromatographic system for carotenoid separation in chili red peppers
J. Chromatogr. A 2012, 1255, 244-251. ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2012 Else- vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

69     Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Stefania Marzocco, Veronica Inferrera, Luigi Mondello Multidimensional Preparative Liquid Chromatography System for Isolation of Fla-
vonoids in Bergamot Juice J.Sep. Sci. 38 (2016) 567-575, ISSN 1615-9306.(January 2016, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Research article

70     Francesca   Rigano,   Paola   Arena,   Domenica   Mangraviti,   Danilo Donnarumma,  Paola Dugo,  Paola  Donato,  Luigi  Mondello, Giuseppe Micalizzi
Identification  of  high  value-generating  molecules  from  the  wastes  of tuna  fishery  industry  by  LC  and  GC  hyphenated  techniques  with automated sample preparation
J. Sep. Sci. 44 (2021) 1571-1580. ISSN 1615-306. (April 2021, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

71     Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Giacinto Errante, Giuseppe Lamonica, Giovanni Dugo, e Stefano Ogliari.
Determinazione Qualitativa e Quantitativa tramite HPLC e HPLC/MS delle Anto- cianine nei Succhi di Arancia Pigmentata.
Ricerche e Innovazioni nell’Industria Alimentare, Ed. S. Porretta, Chrirotti Editori, Pinerolo, Italia. (1999) P. 1095-1100. ISBN 88-85022-73-1 (Giugno 2000, Chirotti Editore, Pinerolo, Italia).
book chapter

72     L. Mondello, Paola Dugo, and g. Dugo, K. D. Bartle, and A.C. Lewis Liquid Chromatography-Gas Chromatography.
Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Ed. Mike Cooke, Academic Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US. pp. 3261-3268 (2000). ISBN 0122267702,(August 2000, Academic
Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US). book chapter

73     g. Dugo, Paola Dugo, and L. Mondello.
Multidimensional Chromatography: Food, Flavours and Fragances Applications. Multidimensional Chromatography, Eds. L. Mondello, A.C. Lewis and K.D. Bartle, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. pp.217-249 (2001). ISBN 0-471- 98869-3, (2002, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK).
book chapter

74     Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Paola Dugo, and Giovanni Dugo. Advanced analytical techniques for the study of citrus oils.
Citrus. The Genus Citrus, Taylor & Francis, London and New York. pp. 179-200 2002. ISBN 0-415-28491-0 (December 2002, Taylor & Francis Health Sciences, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK).
book chapter

75     Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, and Giovanni Dugo. The Chiral Compounds of Citrus Oils Essential Oils.
Citrus. The Genus Citrus, Taylor & Francis, London and New York. pp. 461-495 2002. ISBN 0-415-28491-0 (December 2002, Taylor & Francis Health Sciences, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK).
book chapter

76     L. Mondello, A. Casilli, P. Quinto Tranchida, L. Cicero, Paola Dugo, A. Cotroneo, G.
Determinazione della Composizione e Individuazione delle Adulterazioni degli Olii Essenziali mediante Ultrafast-GC.
In Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 113-116 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Mila- no, Italia).
book chapter

77     L. Mondello, R. Costa, B. Chiofalo, A. Zumbo, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo.
Analisi dei Componenti Volatili dell’Aroma del Formaggio Caprino Siciliano mediante SPME-GC/MS.
In Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 159 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Mila- no, Italia).
book chapter

78     L. Mondello, P. Quinto Tranchida, R. Costa, B. Chiofalo, A. Casilli, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo.
Applicazione dell’Ultra Fast GC per l’Analisi dei Lipidi.
In Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 99-102 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Mila- no, Italia).
book chapter

79     L. Mondello, R. Costa, B. Chiofalo, V. Chiofalo, L. Liotta,Paola Dugo Caratteristiche della Frazione Lipidica delle Carni del Suino Nero Siciliano me- diante GC Ultraveloce.
In “Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti”, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 439-441 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Milano, Italia).
book chapter

80     L. Mondello, P. Quinto Tranchida, A. Casilli, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo. Determinazione di Pesticidi Organofosforici in Olii Vegetali mediante Ultra Fast GC/FPD e Ultra Fast GC/FTD.
In “Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti”, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 644- 647 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Milano, Italia).
book chapter

81     Tranchida P. Q., Casilli A., Paola Dugo, Mondello L., Dugo G.
“Cromatografia gassosa multidimensionale (GCXGC): ottimizzazione dei flussi in entrambi le dimensioni ed applicazione su una matrice alimentare” In “Atti del 6° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006, J. D. Coisson, M. Arlorio, A. Martelli pp. 449-453 (2007) ISBN 978-88-87359-52-7 (Novembre 2007, Taro Editrice, Alessandria – Italy) book chapter

82     Cambria M., Kumm T., Giannino A., Tranchida P.Q., Paola Dugo, Mondello L. “Determinazione di trigliceridi in matrici alimentari tramite HPLC-APCI- MS e HRGC-FID”.
In “Atti del 6° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006, J. D. Coisson, M. Arlorio, A. Martelli pp. 493-496 (2007) ISBN 978-88-87359-52-7 (Novembre 2007, Taro Editrice, Alessandria – Italy) book chapter

83     Lo Presti M., Costa R., Valentino M.R., De Fina M.R., Paola Dugo, Mondello L., Dugo G.
“Determinazione gascromatografica della frazione volatile di Piper cubeba” In “Atti del 6° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006, J. D. Coisson, M. Arlorio, A. Martelli pp. 195-199 (2007) ISBN 978-88-87359-52-7 (Novembre 2007, Taro Editrice, Alessandria – Italy) book chapter

84     Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello Analysis of Food Constituents
Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography, Ed. Lourdes Ra- mos, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 55, pp 215-241 (2009) ISBN 978-0-444-53237-4 (2009 Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) book chapter

85     “Trasformazione e tecniche di conservazione degli alimenti”
Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. Eds Binetti, Marcelli, Baisi,Società Editrice Universo, Roma, 6, pp 401-419 Nutrizione Individuo Popolazione
book chapter (2010) ISBN 978-88-6515-001-6

86     Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Analysis of Essential Oils. Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications, Eds Husnu Can Baser, Buchbauer, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 6, pp 149- 180 (2010) ISBN 978-1-4200-6315-8 Taylor & Francis Group London, UK) book chapter

87     Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Flavor Formation
Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis, Eds Nollet,Toldra, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 12, pp 277-291 (2010) ISBN 978-1-4200-4631-1 (2010 Taylor & Francis Group London, UK) book chapter

88     Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis, Eds Nollet,Toldra, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 29, pp 615-643 (2010) ISBN 978-1-4200-4631-1 (2010 Tay-
lor & Francis Group London, UK) book chapter

89     Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo
Two-dimensional comprehensive liquid chromatography
Handbook of HPLC Second Edition Vol 101, Ed Danilo Corradini, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton (FL), pp 101-117 (2010)
ISBN: *9781574445541
book chapter

90     Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Monica Mondello, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo
Analisi di lipidi mediante la gascromatografia bidimensionale (GCxGC)
In “Atti del 7° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Perugia, 23- 26 Giugno 2008. (2010) ISBN978-88-86993-28-9
book chapter

91     Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Flavor
Sensory Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin, Eds Nollet,Toldrà, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 22, pp 385-412 (2011) ISBN 978-1-4398-4795-4 (2011 Taylor & Francis Group London, UK) book chapter

92     Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Flavor Formation
In Sensory Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin, Eds Nollet,Toldrà, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 21, pp 369-380 (2011) ISBN 978-1-4398-4795-4 (2011 Taylor & Francis Group London, UK) book chapter

93     Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Chiara Fanali, Paola Dugo, Erminia La Camera, Carlo Bisignano.
Identification of the Bacterial Cellular Lipid Fraction by using FAST GC × GC-MS AND Innovative MS Libraries.
In Detection of Biological Agents for the Prevention of Bioterrorism, NATO science for peace and security series., Ed Banoub Joseph, Springer, Dor- drecht, The Netherlands, pp 231-244 (2011) ISBN 9048198143 (2011 Sprin- ger, Dordrecht, The Netherlands)
book chapter

94     Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo Advanced Analytical Techniques for the Analysis of Citrus Oils
In: Citrus Oils: Composition, Advanced Analytical Techniques, Contami- nants, and Biological Activity, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – Industrial Profiles Series, Eds. Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 477-511 (2011) ISBN 978-1- 4398-0028-7 (2011 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA)
book chapter

95     Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo
Recent advances in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for the analysis of natural products
Extreme Chromatography – faster, hotter, smaller, Byrdwell W.C. and Holčapek
M. eds., AOCS Press, Urbana (IL, USA), 2011, pp. 231-253, ISBN 978- 189399766-0
book chapter

96     Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Oxycarotenoids (xanthophylls)
In: Handbook of Analysis of Active compounds in Functional Foods Eds Leo M.L. Nollet & Fidel Toldrà , CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Fl USA (2012), pp.267-286.
book chapter

97     Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Sampling and Sample Preparation Techniques for the Determination of the Volatile Components of Milk and Dairy Products
In: Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation, Volume 4; Pawliszyn, J.; Mondello, L.; Paola Dugo; Eds; Elsevier, Academic Press: Oxford, UK, pp 43–59, 2012. ISBN: 9780123813732
book chapter

98     C. Fanali, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, G. D’Orazio, S. Fanali
“Recent developments in high-performance liquid chromatography” in Food Analysis by HPLC, third edition; editors: Leo M.L. Nollet, Fidel Toldra, CRC Press, November 29, 2012. ISBN: 9781439830840.
book chapter

99     P. Donato, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Separation of Lipids in “Liquid Chromatography: Applications”; editors:  Fanali S., Haddad, P.R., Poole, P.R., Schoenmakers, P., Elsevier, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-12- 415806-1
book chapter

100    Chiara Fanali, Paola Dugo, Javier-Hernandez Borges, Luigi Mondello, Zeineb Aturki, Salvatore Fanali
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Established Separation Techni- que in Food Chemistry. HPLC 2013. Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Nether- lands).
book chapter

101    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Marco Beccaria, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Lipidomics (Chapter 8) in Advanced MAss Spectrometry for Food Safety and Quali- ty (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 1st Ed.) Vol. 68. 395-439. 2015. Ed.
ISBN-13 978-0-444-633408 (Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Yolanda Picò book chapter

102    Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello. 2015. Chapter 4_Flavor in Handbook of Food Analysis III Edition (Editors: Leo
M.L. Nollet & Fidel Toldrà. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken
Sound Parkway NY, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742. ISBN-13: 978-1- 4822-9784-3, pp 47-64. book chapter

103    Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello. 2016. Chapter 7_Analysis of Essential Oils in Handbook of Essential Oil II Edition (Editors:
K. Husnu Baser & G. Buchbauer. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NY, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742. ISBN-13: 978-1-4665- 9047-2, pp 195-228.
book chapter

104    Francesco Cacciola, Marina Russo, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (Chapter 16) in Handbooks in Separation Science. Colin F. Poole, Series Editor. Volume 1. 2017. Liquid Chromatography: Fundamentals and Instrumentation, Second Edition. Editors: S. Fanali, P.R. Haddad, C.F. Poole, M.-L. Riekkola. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-0-12-805393-5.
book chapter

105    Francesco Cacciola, Mariarosa Maimone, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Green sample-preparation techniques in comprehensive two-dimensional chro- matography (Chapter 19) in Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Wilson & Wilson’s. 2017. Edited by D. Barcelò.  Green Sample Preparation  Techniques: Principles,   Advances   and   Applications.   Volume  Editors:   E.   Ibanez,   A. Cifuentes. Else- vier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-0-12-811082- 9. 2018
book chapter

106    Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo
DUCTS (Chapter 8) in Handbook of Advanced Chromatography-Mass Spectro-
metry Techniques. 2017. Edited by Micheal Holcapek and Wm. Craig Byrdwell. Press (London, United Kingdom). ISBN: 978-0-12-811732-3.
AOCS book chapter

107    Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Separation of lipids (Chapter 8) in Handbooks in Separation Science. Colin F. Poole, Series Editor. Volume 2. Liquid Chromatography: Applications, Second Edition. Editors: S. Fanali, P.R. Haddad, C.F. Poole, M.-L. Riekkola. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-012805392-8.
book chapter

108    Francesco Cacciola, Marina Russo, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals, Method Development and Applications (Chapter 4) in ADVANCES IN THE USE OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY MASS SPECTROMETRY (LC-MS): INSTRUMENTATION DEVELOPMENTS  AND
APPLICATIONS. Edited by Achille Cappiello and Pierangela Palma. Elsevier
(Amsterdam, Netherlands). ISBN: 978-0-444-63914-1. book chapter

109    Paola Donato, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Applications  of  Supercritical  Fluid  Chromatography  in  the  Field  of Edible     Lipids     (Chapter     7)     In     book:     Supercritical     Fluid Chromatography,   pp.163-188,   Vol.   2   (December   2018)   Editor: Gerard  Rosse  (De  Gruyter,  Berlin,  Germany).  ISBN:  978-0-444- 63914-1.
book chapter

110    Francesco  Cacciola,  Domenica  Mangraviti,  Luigi  Mondello,  Paola Dugo
“Hyphenations of 2D capillary-based LC with mass spectrometry”
In “Hyphenations of capillary chromatography with mass spectrometry” P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello (Eds) pp. 369-412. ISBN 9780128096383 (2020 Elsevier)
book chapter

111    Chiara Fanali, Margita Utczas, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Flavors  and  Odors  Analysis  (Chapter  18)  in  Chemical  Analysis  of Food,   2e.   Yolanda   Picò   (Ed)   pp.   697-728.   ISBN 9780128132661 (2020 Elsevier)
book chapter

112    Adriana   Arigò,   Mariosimone   Zoccali,   Danilo   Sciarrone,   Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Analysis of Essential Oils  (Chapter 7) in Handbook of Essential Oils III Edition, edited by Husnu Can Baser & Gerhard Buchbauer pp. 191- 221.   ISBN:   9780815370963   (hbk)   ISBN:   9781351246460   (ebk)
(2021 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group) book chapter

113    Emanuela  Trovato,  Giuseppe  Micalizzi,  Paola Dugo,  Margita  Utczás, and Luigi Mondello
Use  of  linear  retention  indices  in  GC/MS  libraries  for  essential  oil analysis (Chapter 8) in Handbook of Essential Oils III Edition, edited by Husnu  Can  Baser  &  Gerhard  Buchbauer  pp.  229-249.  ISBN: 9780815370963 (hbk) ISBN: 9781351246460 (ebk) (2021 CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group) book chapter

114    Mariosimone  Zoccali,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Katia  Arena,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive  two-dimensional  chromatography:  an  insight  into  the analysis of food and food products
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2021) pp 1-32. ISBN:9780471976707.
book chapter

115    Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Aroma Compounds
Handbook  of  Dairy  Foods  Analysis,  Eds  Nollet,Toldra,  Taylor  & Francis Group, London, 13, pp  307-220 (2021) ISBN 9780367343132 (Taylor & Francis Group London, UK)
book chapter

116    Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Flavor
Handbook  of  Dairy  Foods  Analysis,  Eds  Nollet,Toldra,  Taylor  & Francis Group, London, 30, pp  619-646 (2021) ISBN 9780367343132 (Taylor & Francis Group London, UK)
book chapter

117    Giuseppe Micalizzi, Paola Dugo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Luigi Mondello Role of fast gas chromatography in food analysis
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2022) pp 1-32. ISBN:9780471976707.
book chapter

118    Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Anna Rita Proteggente, Maurizio Catalfamo, and Giovanni Dugo.
Characterization of lime essential oil by physicochemical indices, GC/FID, GC/MS, HPLC and multidimensional GC.
Recent Res. Devel. in Agricultural & Food Chem., 2 (1998). Research Signpost Edi- tor, Trivandrum, India. ISBN 81-86481-76-1 (1998, Research Signpost, Trivandum, India).
book chapter

119    Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Rosanna Stancanelli, Giovanni Dugo, e Stefano Ogliari.
Cromatografia Liquida Accoppiata alla Spettrometria di Massa per l’Identificazione di Composti Eterociclici Ossigenati negli Oli Essenziali Agrumari.
in Ricerche e Innovazioni nell’Industria Alimentare, Ed. S. Porretta, Chrirotti Edito- ri, Pinerolo, Italia. (1999) P. 1393-1399. ISBN 88-85022-73-1 (Giugno 2000, Chirotti Editore, Pinerolo, Italia).
book chapter

120    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, and g. Dugo; Citrus Oils: Liquid Chromatography. Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Ed. Mike Cooke, Academic Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US. pp. 2441-2454 (2000). ISBN 0122267702, (August 2000, Academic Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US). book chapter

121    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello and g. Dugo.
Essential Oils/Thin Layer (Planar) Chromatography: Characterization of Essential Oils Balsams and Resins.
Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Ed. Mike Cooke, Academic Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US. pp. 2755-2761 (2000). ISBN 0122267702,(August 2000, Academic
Press Inc. San Diego, CA, US). book chapter

122    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, M. Lo Presti, O. Favoino, R. Luppino, g. Dugo.
HPLC-APCI/MS per l’Analisi dei Componenti a Nucleo Eterociclico contenente Ossigeno degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari.
In Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 476-480 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Mila- no, Italia).
book chapter

123    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, R. Luppino, O. Favoino, g. Dugo.
Analisi di Trigliceridi in Olii e Grassi di Origine Animale e Vegetale mediante HPLC con Colonne Monolitiche.
In “Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti”, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 206- 210 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Milano, Italia).
book chapter

124    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, O. Favonio, M. Lo Presti, R. Luppino, g. Dugo. Micro HPLC-ESI-MS e Micro HPLC-UV-PDA di Antocianine in Succhi di Frutta.
In “Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti”, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 16-19 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Mila- no, Italia).
book chapter

125    Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, O. Favonio, g. Dugo.
HPLC-APCI/MS di Trigliceridi in Olii e Grassi di Origine Animale e Vegetale. In “Qualità e sicurezza degli Alimenti”, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 211- 215 (2004). ISBN 88-86208-22-7 (Maggio 2004, Morgan Edizioni Scientifiche, Milano, Italia).
book chapter

126    Paola Dugo, Mondello L., Kumm T., Dugo G.
“Cromatografia liquida multidimensionale (LCxLC) per l’analisi di matrici alimentari”.
In “Atti del 6° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006, J. D. Coisson, M. Arlorio, A. Martelli pp. 472-476 (2007) ISBN 978-88-87359-52-7 (Novembre 2007, Taro Editrice, Alessandria – Italy)
book chapter

127    Paola Dugo, Daniele Giuffrida, Miguel Herrero, Francesco Cacciola, Giacomo Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Analisi carotenoidi in matrici naturali attraverso l’uso di colonne HPLC in fase inversa accoppiate in serie
In “Atti del 7° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Perugia, 23-26 Giugno 2008. (2010) ISBN 978-88-86993-28-9 book chapter

128    Paola Dugo, Daniele Giuffrida, Miguel Herrero, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo, L. Mondello
“Applicazione della LCxLC-PDA-MS alla caratterizzazione dei carotenoidi in prodotti agrumari”
In “Atti del 7° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti” Perugia, 23- 26 Giugno 2008. (2010) ISBN978-88-86993-28-9
book chapter

129    Paola Dugo, Cacciola F., Mondello L., Donato P.
“Chapter 9 – Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry” in Comprehensive chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry, L. Mondello Ed., John Wiley & sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ (USA), 2011, pp. 331-390. ISBN 978-0-470-43407-9
book chapter

130    Paola Dugo, Cacciola F., Mondello L., Donato P.
“Chapter 10 – Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography applications” in Comprehensive chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry, L. Mondello Ed., John Wiley & sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ (USA), 2011, pp. 391-427. ISBN978-0-470-43407-9
book chapter

131    L. Mondello, Paola Dugo e I. Stagnod’Alcontres.
Isolamento di polimetossiflavoni dagli olii essenziali di arancia dolce e di mandarino mediante cromatografia su colonna e HPLC semipreparativa con riciclo.
Essenz. Deriv. Agrum. 63(4), 395-406 (1993). Research article

132    Luigi Mondello, Keith D. Bartle, Paola Dugo, Peter Gans, and giovanni Dugo. Automated LC-GC: A Powerful Method for Essential Oils Analysis. Part IV. Cou- pled LC-GC-MS(ITD) for Bergamot Oil Analysis.
J. Microcol. Sep. 6, 237-244 (1994). ISSN 1040-7685 (November 1994, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, USA).
Research article

133    L. Mondello, Paola Dugo, K.D. Bartle, B. Frere, g. Dugo.
On-line High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Resolution Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-HRGC-MS) for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures Containing Highly Volatile Compounds.
Chromatographia 39, 529-538 (1994). ISSN 009-5893 (November 1994, Vieweg Publishing, Wiesbaden, Germany).
Research article

134    giovanni Dugo, A. Cotroneo, R. Del Duce, M.G. Donato, Giacomo Dugo, Paola Dugo,
G. Lamonica, G. Licandro, L. Mondello, I. Stagno d’Alcontres, A. Trozzi, and A. Verzera.
The Composition of the Volatile Fraction of the Italian Citrus Essential Oils.
Perfumer & Flavorist 19, 29-51 (1994). ISSN 0272-2666 (November 1994, Allured Publishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA).
Research article

135    Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, giovanni Dugo, and Antonella Cotro- neo.
Automated HPLC-HRGC: A Powerful Method for Essential Oils Analisys. Part V.
*Identification of Terpene Hydrocarbons of Bergamot, Lemon, Mandarin, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, Grapefruit, Clementine and Mexican Lime Oils by Coupled HPLC-HRGC-MS(ITD).
Flavour Frag. J. 10, 33-42 (1995). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 1995, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK). Research article

136    Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Annamaria Basile, giovanni Dugo, Keith D. Bartle. Interactive Use of Linear Retention Indices, on Polar and Apolar Columns, with a MS- Library for Reliable Identification of Complex Mixtures.
J. Microcol. Sep. 7(6), 581-591 (1995). ISSN 1040-7685 (November 1995, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, USA).
Research article

137    Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Keith D. Bartle.
On-line HPLC-HRGC-MS for the analysis of natural complex mixtures.
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 34, 174-181 (1996). ISSN 0021-9665 (April 1996, Preston Publica- tions, Niles, IL, USA).
Research article

138    Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Antonella Cavazza, Giacomo Dugo.
Characterization of Essential Oil of Pummelo (cv. Chandler) by GC/MS, HPLC and Physicochemical Indices.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 8, 311-314 (1996). ISSN 1041-2905 (May 1996, Allured Publishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA).
Research article

139    giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Antonella Cotroneo, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, Annamaria Basile, Pietro Previti, Paola Dugo and Keith D. Bartle.
Characterization of Italian Citrus Petitgrain Oils.
Perfumer & Flavorist 21, 17-28 (1996). ISSN 0272-2666 (May 1996, Allured Publishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA).
Research article

140    Luigi Mondello, giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo, Keith D. Bartle.Italian Citrus Petitgrain Oils. Part I. Composition of Bitter Orange Petitgran Oil.
J. Essent. Oil Res. 8, 597-609 (1996). ISSN 1041-2905 (November 1996, Allured Pu- blishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA).
Research article

141    Luigi Mondello, giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo, and Keith D. Bartle.
On-Line HPLC-HRGC in the Analytical Chemistry of Citrus Essential Oils. Perfumer & Flavorist 21, 25-49 (1996). ISSN 0272-2666 (July1996, Allured Publi- shing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL,USA).
Research article

142    Mondello L., Catalfamo M., Paola Dugo, Proteggente A.R. e Dugo g.
La Gascromatografia Multidimensionale per l’Analisi di Miscele Complesse. Nota Preliminare. Determinazione della Distribuzione Enantiomerica di Componenti degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari.
Essenz. Deriv. Agrum. 67(1), 62-85 (1997). Research article

143    Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo. Multidimensional Capillary GC-GC for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples. Part II. Enantiomeric Distribution of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons and Monoterpe- ne Alcohols of Cold-Pressed and Distilled Lime Oils.
J. Microcol. Sep. 10, 203-212 (1998). ISSN 1040-7685 (March 1998, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, USA ).
Research article

144    L. Mondello, Paola Dugo, A. Cotroneo, A. R. Proteggente, and g. Dugo. Multidimensional Advanced Techniques for the Analysis of Bergamot Oil.
Riv. Ital. E.P.P.O.S., 26, 3-27 (1998). (Settembre 1998, Istituto Tetrahedron, Milano, Italia).
Research article

145    Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo, Paola Dugo, Ivana Bonaccorsi e giovanni Dugo.
Per l’Analisi di Miscele Complesse. Sistema GC Multidimensionale Automatico Lab2000 1, 60-62 (1998). (Gennaio 2002, LAB.E.U.T.A., Milano, Italia.
Research article

146    A. Verzera, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, A. Trozzi, and A. Cotroneo. Extraction Technology and Lemon Oil Composition.
Ital. J. Food Sci., 11, 361-370 (1999). ISSN 1120-1770 (Novembre 1999, Chirotti Editore, Pinerolo, Italia).
Research article

147    giovanni Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Maurizio Catalfamo, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Giuseppe Lamonica, Harold M. McNair, Luigi Mondello, Pietro Previti, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, Alessandra Trozzi e Antonella Verzera. Advanced Analytical Techniques for the Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils. Part. 1 Volatile fraction: HRGC/MS Analysis
Essenz. Deriv. Agrum., 69, 79-111 (1999). Research article

148    giovanni Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Maurizio Catalfamo, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Giuseppe Lamonica, Harold M. McNair, Luigi Mondello, Pietro Previti, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, Alessandra Trozzi e Antonella Verzera. Advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of Citrus essential oils. Part. 2. Vola- tile fraction: LC-HRGC and MDGC
Essenz. Deriv. Agrum., 69, 159-217 (1999). Research article

149    giovanni Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Maurizio Catalfamo, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Giuseppe Lamonica, Harold M. McNair, Luigi Mondello, Pietro Previti, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres, Alessandra Trozzi e Antonella Verzera. Advanced Analytical Techniques for the Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils. Part.
3. Oxygen heterocyclic compounds: HPLC, HPLC/MS, OPLC, SFC, Fast HPLC analysis.
Essenz. Deriv. Agrum., 69, 251-283 (1999). Research article

150    Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Alistair C. Lewis and Keith D. Bartle. High performance liquid chromatography coupled on-line with high resolution gas chromatography. State of the art.
J. Chromatogr. A 842, 373-390 (1999). ISSN 0021-9673 (May 1999, Elsevier, B.V.,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

151    Luigi Mondello, giovanni Zappia, Giacinto Errante, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo. Fast-GC and Fast-GC/MS for the Analysis of Natural Complex Matrices.
LC GC Eur. 13, 495-502 (2000). (July 2000, Advanstar Comunications, Chester, UK). Research article

152    A. Cavazza, K.D. Bartle, Paola Dugo and L.Mondello.
Analysis of Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds in Citrus Essential Oils by Capillary Electrochromatography and Comparison with HPLC.
Chromatographia 53, 57-62 (2001). ISSN 009-5893 (January 2001, Vieweg Publi- shing, Wiesbaden, Germany).
Research article

153    Corradini C, Paola Dugo, Mondello L, Nicoletti I, Stancanelli R, Dugo g.
Determination of flavanone glycosides in citrus fruit extracts by HPLC using a RP narrow bore column.
Am. Lab. 9 (2001). ISSN 0044-7749 (September 2001 International Scientific Communications LTD, Slough, UK).
Research article

154    I. Bonaccorsi, A. Verzera, A. Trozzi. M. Zappalà, Paola Dugo, and L. Mondello. Carotenoid Profile of Sweet Orange and Mandarin Essential Oils.
Ital. J. Food Sci., 15, 133-139 (2003).
Research article

155    Ivana Serraino, Laura Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Emanuela Mazzon, giovanni Dugo, Achille Patrizio Caputi, Salvatore Cuzzocrea.
Protective effects of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside from blackberry extract against peroxynitrite-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular failure.
Life Sci., 73(9), 1097-1114 (2003). ISSN 0024-3205 (January 2003, Elsevier, B.V.,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

156    Antonietta Rossi, Ivana Serraino, Paola Dugo, Rosanna Di Paola, Luigi Mondello, Tiziana Genovese, Domenica Morabito, giovanni Dugo, Lidia Sautebin, Achille
P. Caputi, and Salvatore Cuzzocrea.
Protective Effects of Anthocyanins from Blackberry in a Rat Model of Acute Lung Inflammation.
Free Radical Res., 37(8), 891-900 (2003). ISSN 1071-5762 (March 2003, Taylor & Francis Health Sciences, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK).
Research article

157    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
Comparison of Fast and Conventional GC Analysis for Citrus Esssential Oils. J. Agric. Food. Chem., 51, 5602-5606 (2003). ISSN 0021-8561 (August 2003,
American Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

158    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
Detailed analysis and group type separation of natural fats and oils using com- prehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography.
J. Chromatogr. A, 1019, 187-196 (2003). ISSN 0021-9673 (November 2003, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

159    Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
Fast GC for the Analysis of Fats and Oils.
J. Sep. Sci. 26, 1467-1473 (2003). ISSN 1615-9306 (November 2003, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany) Research article

160    Dugo g., Salvo F., Paola Dugo, La Torre G.L. and Mondello L.
Antioxidants in Sicilian Wines: Analytic and Compositive Aspects.
Drug Exp Clin. Res., 29(5/6), 189-202 (2003). ISSN 0378-6501 (Bioscience Edi- print Inc. Geneva, Switzerland).
Research article

161    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Biagina Chiofalo, Paola Dugo, and giovanni Dugo.
Evaluation of fast gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectro- metry in the analysis of lipids.
J. Chromatogr. A 1035, 237-247 (2004). ISSN 0021-9673 (May 2004, Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

162    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Rosaria Costa, Saverio Festa, and giovanni Dugo.
Comprehensive multidimensional GC for the characterization of roasted coffee beans.
J. Sep. Sci. 27, 442-450 (2004). ISSN 1615-9306 (April 2004, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany) Research article

163    B. Chiofalo, A. Zumbo, R. Costa, L. Liotta, L. Mondello, Paola Dugo, and V. Chiofa- lo.
Characterization of Maltese goat cheese flavour using SPME-GC/MS.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 34, 176-180 (2004). (July 2004, South African Society for Animal Science, South Africa).
Research article

164    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo.
Metodici analitici innovativi per lo studio di matricialimentari.
La Chimica e l’Industria, 4, 78-83 (2004). (Luglio 2004, Promedia Publishing, Milano, Italia). Research article

165    Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
A Very Fast Method for the Preparation and GC Analysis of Human Plasma Fatty Acid Methyl Esters. LC GC Eur. 9, 39-40 (2004). (September 2004, Advanstar Communications, Chester, UK). Research article

166    Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Olinda Favoino, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo.
Fast GC analysis with a 50 µm ID Column: Theory, practical aspects and appli- cation on a highly complex sample.
J. Sep. Sci. 27, 1149-1156 (2004). ISSN 1615-9306 (October 2004, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

167    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, and giovanni Dugo.
Fast GC for the Analysis of Citrus Oils.
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 42, 410-416 (2004). ISSN 0021-9665 (September 2004, Preston Publications, Nile, IL, USA. Research article

168    Lidia Sautebin, Antonietta Rossi, Ivana Serraino, Paola Dugo, Rosanna Di Paola, Luigi Mondello, Tiziana Genovese, Domenico Britti, Angelo Peli, giovanni Dugo, Achille P. Caputi, Salvatore Cuzzocrea.
Effect of Anthocyanins contained in a Blackberry Extract on the Circulary Failure and Multiple Organ Dysfunction caused by Endotoxin in the Rat. Planta Med. 70, 745-752 (2004). ISSN 0032-0943 (August 2004, Gorge Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart, Germany). Research article

169    P.Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo and L. Mondello.
Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Chromatography in Food Analysis.
J. Chromatogr. A, 1054, 3-16 (2004). ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2004, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

170    Maria Lo Presti, Salvatore Ragusa, Alessandra Trozzi, Paola Dugo, Franco Visinoni, Alessia Fazio, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
A comparison between different techniques for the isolation of rosemary essential oil.
J. Sep. Sci. 28, 273-280 (2005). ISSN 1615-9306 (February 2005, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

171    L. Mondello, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo and g. Dugo. Comprehensive two-dimensional GC for the analysis of citrus essential oils. Flavour Frag. J. 20, 136-140 (2005). ISSN 0882-5734 (John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Research article

172    giovanni Dugo, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Philip Marriott, Robert Shellie and Luigi Mondello.
Advanced and Innovative Chromatographic Techniques for the Study of Citrus Essential Oils.
Flavour Frag. J. 20, 249-264 (2005). ISSN 0882-5734 (John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK). Researcharticle

173    Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Maria Lo Presti, Saverio Festa, Alessia Fazio and giovanni Dugo.
Reliable characterization of coffee bean aroma profiles through automated
headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectro- metry with the support of a dual-filter mass spectra library. J. Sep. Sci. 28, 1101-1109 (2005). ISSN 1615-9306 (June 2005, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

174    Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Biagina Chiofalo, Alessandro Zumbo, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
Determination of flavor components in Sicilian goat cheese by automated HS-SPME-GC.
Flavour Frag. J. 20, 659-665 (2005). ISSN 0882-5734 (July 2005, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Research article

175    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo.
Simple Complex Analysis.
LC GC Eur. (The Column), 1(7) (2005) 13. (2005, Advanstar Communica- tions, Chester, UK).
Research article

176    L. Mondello, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo.
La Gascromatografia Multidimensionale (GC-GC) per l’Analisi di Composti Chirali di Oli Essenziali.
La chimica e l’industria, 7, 87, 78-81 (2005). (Settembre 2005, Promedia Pu- blishing, Milano, Italia).
Research article

177    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Maria Lo Presti, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Giovan- ni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
High throughput analysis of bergamot essential oil by fast solid-phase micro- extraction-capillary gas chromatography-flame ionization detection.
J. Chromatogr. A 1103 (2006) 162-165. ISSN 0021-9673 (January 2006, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

178    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Masanao Fu- rukawa, Kyoichi Komori, Kozo Miseki, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo.
Fast enantiomeric analysis of a complex essential oil with an innovative mul- tidimensional gas chromatographic system.
J. Chromatogr. A 1105 (2006) 11-16. ISSN 0021-9673 (January 2006, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

179    Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Maria Lo Presti, Lauro Euclides Soares Barata, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and LuigiMondello.
Evaluation of Leaf-Derived Extracts as an Environmentally Sustainable Source of Essential Oils by Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectometry and Enantioselective Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry.
Anal. Chem. 78(3), 883-890 (2006). ISSN 0003-2700 (February 2006, Ameri-
can Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

180    Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo.
Rapid, micro-scale preparation and very fast gas chromatographic separation of cod liver oil fatty acid methyl esters.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 41, 1566-1570 (2006). ISSN 0731-7085 (August
2006, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

181    g. Dugo, Paola Dugo, F. Vilasi, R. Magnisi, L. Mondello and G.L. La Torre. Determination of the polyphenolic content in Sicilian red wines of pro- tected geographical indication.
Ital. J. Food Sci., 10, 409-422 (2006). ISSN 1120-1770 (Ott-Dic 1998, Chi-
rotti Editore, Pinerolo, Italia). Research article

182    B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Casilli, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo and L. Mondello. Odour Fingerprint Acquisition by Means of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry and Comprehensive Two- Dimensional Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry.
J. Chromatogr. A 1141 279–286 (2007). ISSN 0021-9673 (February 2007,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

183    Paola Donato, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello.
Rapid analysis of food products by means of high speed gas chromato- graphy
J. Sep. Sci. 30, 508-526 (2007). ISSN 1615-9306. (March 2007, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Review article

184    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello.
Comprehensive Chromatographic Methods for the Analysis of Lipids TRAC-Trend Anal. Chem. 26(3), 191-205 (2007). ISSN 0165-9936.
(March 2007, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

185    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello.
Generation of Improved Gas Linear Velocities in a Comprehensive Two- dimensional Gas Chromatography System
Anal. Chem. 79, 2266-2275 (2007). ISSN 0003-2700 (March 2007, American
Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

186    Ricardo Lopez, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Determination of trans-resveratrol in wine in micro-HPLC with fluorescen- ce detection.
J. Sep. Sci. 30, 669-672 (2007). ISSN 1615-9306. (March 2007, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

187    R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello.
Reliable identification of terpenoids and related compounds by using Linear Retention Indices interactively with Mass Spectrometrysearch
Nat. Prod. Commun. 2 (4), 413-418, (2007). ISSN 1934-578X (April 2007,
Natural Product, Inc., Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

188    M. Lo Presti, M. L. Crupi, B. d’Acampora Zellner, S. Ragusa, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo and L. Mondello.
Characterization of Artemisia arborescens L. (Asteraceae) leaf-derived essential oil from Southern Italy.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 19, 218-224, 2007. ISSN 1041-2905 (May-June 2007,
Allured Publishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA). Research article

189    M.L. Crupi, R. Costa, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo and L. Mondello.
A comprehensive study on the chemical composition and aromatic cha- racteristics of lemon liquor.
Food Chem. 105, 771-783, 2007. ISSN 0308-8146. (July 2007, Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

190    Luigi Mondello, Danilo Sciarrone, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tran- chida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo.
Fast Gas Chromatography-full Scan Quadruple Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Allergens in Fragrances.
J. Sep. Sci. 30, 1905-1911, (2007). ISSN 1615-9306. (July 2007, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

191    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Maria Lo Presti, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo
Comprehensive Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry for
the Separation of Pesticides in a Very Complex Matrix Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 389, 1755-1763 (2007). ISSN 1618-26. (November 2007,Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany). Research article

192    Rosaria Costa, Barbara Zellner, Maria L. Crupi, Maria R. De Fina, Maria R. Valentino, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
GC-MS, GC-O and enantio-GC investigation on the essential oil of Tarcho- nanthus camphoratus L.
Flavour Frag. J., 23, 40-48 (2008). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 2008, John Wiley & Sons LTD, England, UK).
Research article

193    Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, and giovanni Dugo, Comprehensive Two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: a Review article.
Mass Spectrom. Rev., 27(2) , 101-124, (2008). ISSN 0277-7037 (March-April 2008, John Wiley & Sons, INC, Hoboken NJ,USA)
Review article

194    Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry in Food Flavour Analysis
J. Chromatogr. A 1186, 123-143, (2008). ISSN 0021-9673 (April 4, 2008,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

195    Luigi Mondello, Angelo Salvatore, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Ca- silli, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo
Reliable identification of pesticides using linear retention indices as an active tool in gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis
J. Chromatogr. A 1186, 430-433, (2008). ISSN 0021-9673 (April 4, 2008,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

196    Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Danilo Sciarro- ne, Paola Dugo and giovanni Dugo
Analysis of Allergens in Fragrances by using Multiple Heart-cut Multidi- mensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
LC GC Eur. 21(3), 130-137, (2008). (March 2008, Advanstar Comunica- tions, Chester, UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Research article

197    Miguel Herrero, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Daniele Giuffrida, Gia- como Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Serial coupled columns reversed-phase separations in high-performance liquid chromatography. Tool for analysis of complex real samples
J. Chromatogr. A 1188, 208-215, (2008). ISSN 0021-9673 (April 25, 2008,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

198    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Agostino Giannino, Monica Mondello, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello.
Elucidation of Fatty Acid Profiles in Vegetable Oils Exploiting Group-Type Patterning and Enhanced Sensitivity of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography.
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 1797-1802, (2008). ISSN 1615-9306. (June 2008, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

199    Vincenzo Mollace, Salvatore Ragusa, Iolanda Sacco, Carolina Muscoli, Fran- cesca Sculco, Valeria Visalli, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Domenicantonio Rotiroti and Francesco Romeo.
The Protective Effect of Bergamot Oil Extract on Lecitine-like OxyLDL Re- ceptor-1 Expression in Balloon Injury-related Neointima Formation.
J. Cardiovasc. Pharm. Therap. 13(2), 120-129, (2008). ISSN: 1074-2484 (June 2008, Sage Publications Inc., Teller Rd, California, USA)
Research article

200    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Micro-bore Column Fast Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Es- sential Oil Analysis.
Nat. Prod. Commun., 3(7), 1161-1164 (2008). ISSN 1934-578X. (July 2008,
Natural Product, Inc., Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

201    Luigi Mondello, Miguel Herrero, Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo, Hernan Cortes, giovanni Dugo.
Quantification in Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromato- graphy.
Anal. Chem. 80, 5418-5424 (2008). ISSN 0003-2700 (July 2008, American
Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

202    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Monica Mondello, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Evaluation of use of a very short Polar microbore column segment in high speed gas chromatography analysis
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 2634-2639 (2008). ISSN 1615-9306. (August 2008, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

203    Barbara D’Acampora Zellner, Carlo Bicchi, Paola Dugo, Patrizia Rubiolo, giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Linear retention indices in gas chromatographic analysis: a Review article Flavour Frag. J., 23, 297-314 (2008). ISSN 0882-5734 (September/October 2008, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Review article

204    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Angelo Salvatore, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Analysis of Cod Liver Oil Fatty Acids whit GCxGC
Separation Science 0(1), 24-28 (2008). ISSN:
Research article

205    Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Paola Donato, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello.
Offline LC-GC x GC in combination with rapid-scanning quadrupole mass spectrometry
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 3329-3336 (2008) ISSN 1615-9306. (October 2008, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

206    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Paola Donato, Danilo Sciarrone, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello.
Acquisition of deeper knowledge on the human plasma fatty acid profile exploi- ting comprehensive 2-D GC.
J. Sep. Sci. 31, 3347-3351 (2008). ISSN 1615-9306. (October 2008, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

207    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rita de Cassia Zacardi de Souza, Lauro Euclides Soares Barata, Monica Mondello, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Analysis of Macacaporanga (Aniba parviflora) Leaf Essential Oil by using Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Combined with Rapid- Scanning Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Chromatography Today, 1, 5-9. ISSN 1752-8070 (October 2008, Designs for You Limited ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, AL3 6PH, U.K.) per conto della Chroma- tographic Society.
Research article

208    Bartolo Gabriele, Alessia Fazio, Paola Dugo, Rosaria Costa, Luigi Mondello Essential oil composition of Citrus medica L. C.v. Diamante (Diamante citron) determined after using different extraction methods.
J. Sep. Sci. 32, 99-108 (2009) ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2008, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

209    Rosaria Costa, Maria Rosa De Fina, Maria Rita Valentino, Abdolhossein Ru- staiyan, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
An investigation on the volatile composition of some Artemisia species from Iran
Flavour Frag. J., 24, 75-82 (2009). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 2009, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK). Research article

210    Katia Buonasera, giovanni D’Orazio, Salvatore Fanali, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Separation of organophosphorus pesticides by using nano-liquid chromatography J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 3970-3976 (2009). (May 2009 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

211    Carla Ragonese, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Leonard M. Sidisky, Mark V. Robillard and Luigi Mondello.
Evaluation of Use of a Dicationic Liquid Stationary Phase in the Fast and Conventional Gas Chromatographic Analysis of a Health-Hazardous C18 Cis/Trans Fatty Acid
Anal. Chem., 81, 5561-5568 (2009). ISSN 0003-2700 (July 1, 2009, Ameri-
can Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

212    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Enhanced resolution comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography applied to the analysis of roasted coffee volatiles
J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 7301-7306 (2009) ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2009
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Research article

213    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Optimized Use of a 50 µm Internal Diameter Secondary Column in a Com- prehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography System
Anal. Chem. 81, 8529-8537 (2009) ISSN 0003-2700 (October 15, 2009, Ame-
rican Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

214    Rosaria Costa, Maria Lo Presti, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Volatile Constituents of Tagetes bipinata L.
J. Essent. Oil Res., 21, 511-515 (2009) ISSN 1041-2905 (November/Decem- ber 2009, Allured Publishing Corporation, Carol Stream, IL, USA) Research article

215    Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Q. Tranchida, Rosangela Assis Jacques, Elina
Bastos Caramao, Sabrina Moret, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Characterization of the yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) volatile fraction using solid-phase microextraction-comprehensive 2-D GC-MS
J. Sep. Sci. 32, 3755-3763 (2009) ISSN 1615-9306. (December 2009, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany)
Research article

216    Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Michele Navarra, Vilfredo Raymo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Study on the chemical composition variability of some processed berga- mot (Citrus bergamia) essential oils
Flavour Frag. J., 25, 4-12 (2010). ISSN 0882-5734 (January 2010, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK). Research article

217    Danilo Sciarrone, Luisa Schipilliti, Carla Ragonese, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Thorough evaluation of the validity of conventional enantio-gas chromatography in the analysis of volatile chiral compounds in mandarin essential oil: A comparative investigation with multidimensional gas chromatography. Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
J. Chromatogr. A 1217, 1101-1105 (2010) ISSN 0021-9673 (January 2010
Research article

218    Luisa Schipilliti, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Danilo Sciarrone, Russo Marina, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Genuineness assessment of mandarin essential oils employing Gas Chro- matography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) J. Sep. Sci. 33, 617-625 (2010). ISSN 1615-9306. (March 2010, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany) Research article

219    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Robert Shellie, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Analysis of fresh and aged tea tree essential oils by using GCxGC-qMS
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 48, 262-266 (2010) ISSN 0021-9665 (April 2010, Preston Publications, Niles, Illinois)
Research article

220    Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive chromatography (GCxGC and LCxLC) coupled to mass spec- trometry for the analysis of complex samples
Spectra Anal. 273, 33-39 (2010) ISSN1255-2909 (Avril/Mai 2010, DB-Print) Research article

221    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Chiara Fanali, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Optimized Use of a 50 µm ID secondary column in comprehensive two-di- mensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
J. Chromatogr. A 1217, 4160-4166 (2010) ISSN 0021-9673 (June 2010 Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Research article

222    Paola Donato, Chiara Fanali, Luca Santi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
LC-MS techniques for the detection and characterisation of bioactive com- pounds in food.
Food Sci. Technol. 24-2, 44-46 (2010) ISSN 0101-2061 (Soc.  Brasileira Ciencia Tecnologia Alimentos, Campinas, Brazil)

223    Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Erminia La Camera, Giuseppe Bisignano, Lanfranco Conte, Luigi Mondello
Characterization of bacterial lipid profiles by using rapid sample preparation and fast comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in combina- tion with mass spectrometry
J. Sep. Sci. 33, 2334-2340 (2010). ISSN 1615-9306. (August 2010, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

224    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Accurate quadrupole MS peak reconstruction in optimized gas-flow com- prehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
J. Sep. Sci. 33, 2791-2795 (2010). ISSN 1615-9306. (October 2010 Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

225    Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Luca Santi, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Advances of Modern Gas Chromatography and Hyphenated Techniques for Analysis of Plant Extracts
Curr. Org. Chem. 14 (16), 1752-1768, (2010). (October 2010 Bentham Scien- ce, The Netherlands)
Review article

226    Maria Scandinaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Gio- vanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Rapid Quality Control of Flavours and Fragrance using Fast GC-MS and Milti-MS Library Search Procedures
LC GC Eur. 23 (9), 456-464, (2010) ISSN 1471-6577 (October 2010,
Research article

227    Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Carla Ragonese, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Evaluation of a Rapid-Scanning Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry in an Apo- lar x Ionic-Liquid Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography System
Anal. Chem. 82 (20), 8583-8590 (2010). ISSN 0003-2700 (October 15, 2010,
American Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

228    Danilo Sciarrone, Carla Ragonese, Caterina Carnovale, Anna Piperno, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Evaluation of Tea Tree Oil Qualità and Ascaridole: A Deep Study by Means of Chiral and Multi Heart-Cuts Multidimensional Gas Chromatography System
Coupled to MS Detection J. Chromatogr. A 41, 6422-6427 (2010) ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2010 Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

229    Rosaria Costa, Francesco Pizzimenti, Francesca Marotta, Paola Dugo, Luca Santi, Luigi Mondello.
Volatiles from steam-distilled leaves of some plant species from Madagascar and New Zealand and evaluation of their biological activity
Nat. Prod. Commun. 5(11), 1803-1808 (2010). ISSN 1934-578X (November 2010, Natural Product, Inc., Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

230    Danilo Sciarrone, Rosaria Costa, Carla Ragonese, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Laura Tedone, Luca Santi, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, Daniel Joulain, Luigi Mondello.
Application of a multidimensional gas chromatography system with simultaneous mass spectrometric and flame ionization detection to the analysis of sandalwood oil
J. Chromatogr. A 1218, 137-142 (2011). ISSN 0021-9673 (January 2011 Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Research article

231    Chiara Fanali, Laura Dugo, giovanni D’Orazio, Melania Lirangi, Marina Dachà, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Analysis of anthocyanins in commercial fruit juices by using nano-liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass  spectrometry  and  high.performance liquid chromatography with UV-vis detector.
J. Sep. Sci. 34, 150-159 (2011). ISSN 1615-9306. (February 2011, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

232    Marina Russo, Francesco Cacciola, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Determination of flavanones in CITRUS juices by means of one-and two-dimen- sional liquid chromatography J. Sep. Sci. 34, 681-687 (2011). ISSN 1615-9306. (March 2011, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

233    Francesco Cacciola, Pierluigi Delmonte, Karolina Jaworska, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Jeanne I. Rader
Employing ultra high pressure liquid chromatography as the second dimension in a comprehensive two-dimensional system for analysis of Stevia rebaudiana Extracts
J. Chromatogr. A 1218, 2012–2018 (2011). ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2011 Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

234    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola , Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
The secrets of red wine – Determination of polyphenols by comprehensive 2D LC with PDA and MS/MS (IT-TOF) detection
LC GC Eur. Applications book 3/2011, 8-9. (March 2011, Advanstar Comunica- tions, Chester, UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Research article

235    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello The beauty and the health
Comprehensive LC x LC/PDA/IT-TOF of pigments in food
Food Sci. Technol. 2011, 25(2), 52-53. (February 2011 Institute of Food Science & Technology)
Research article

236    Tedone laura, Bonaccorsi Ivana, Paola Dugo, Cotroneo Antonella, Mondello Luigi Reliable identification and quantification of volatile components of Sage essential oil using ultra HRGC
Nat. Prod. Commun. 6(3), 417-422 (2011). ISSN 1555-9475. (March 2011, Natural
Product, Inc.,Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

237    g. Dugo, D. Sciarrone, R. Costa, I. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, L. Santi, Hussein A. Fakhry
Characterization of oils from the fruits, leaves and flowers of the bitter orange tree
J. Essent. Oil Res. 23, 45-59 (2011). (March 2011, Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA).
Research article

238    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Eduardo Sommella, Chiara Fanali, laura Dugo, Marina Dachà, Pietro Campiglia, Ettore Novellino, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
On-line Comprehensive RPLC x RPLC with Mass Spectrometry Detection for the Analysis of Proteome Samples
Anal. Chem. 83, 2485-2491 (2011). ISSN 0003-2700 (March 2011, American
Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

239    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Filomena Cichello, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Determination of phospholipids in milk samples by means of hydrophobic inte- raction liquid chromatography coupled to evaporative light scattering and mass spectrometry detection.
J. Chromatogr. A 1218 6476-6482 (2011). ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2011
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

240    Miceli, Natalizia; Trovato, Ada; Marino, Andreana; Bellinghieri, Valentina; Mel- chini, Antonietta; Paola Dugo; Cacciola, Francesco; Donato, Paola; Mondello, Luigi; Güvenç, Ayşegül; De Pasquale, Rita; Taviano, Maria Fernanda
Phenolic composition and biological activities of Juniperus drupacea Labill.
berries from Turkey Food Chem. Toxicol. 49 (2011) 2600-2608. ISSN 0278-6915. (October 2011 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

241    P.Q. Tranchida, G. Purcaro, Paola Dugo and L. Mondello
Modulators for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: a Review article.
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem. 2011, 30(9),
1437-1461 Review article

242    Purcaro G., Tranchida P.Q., Conte L., Obiedziñska A., Paola Dugo, Dugo g., Mondello L.
Performance evaluation of a rapid-scanning quadrupole mass spec- trometer in the comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography analysis of drinking-water pesticides.
J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2411–2417. ISSN 1615-9306. (February 2011,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

243    I. Bonaccorsi, D. Sciarrone, A. Cotroneo, L. Mondello, Paola Dugo, g. Dugo
Enantiomeric distribution of key volatile components in Citrus essen- tial oils
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 21(5), 841-849, 2011. ISSN 0102- 695X. (September/October 2011 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Ne- therlands).
Research article

244    P.Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, G. Purcaro, S. Moret, L. Conte, M. Beccaria,
Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
A rapid multidimensional liquid gas chromatography method for the analysis of mineral oil paraffins in vegetable oils.
J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7476– 7480. ISSN 0021-9673 (October
2011 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

245    C. Fanali, L. Dugo, F. Cacciola, M. Beccaria, S. Grasso, M. Dachà, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Chemical Characterization of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) Oil J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 13043–13049. ISSN: 0021-8561 (No- vember 2011, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WA- SHINGTON, DC 20036 USA)
Research article

246    Carla Ragonese, Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Evaluation of a Medium-Polarity Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase in the Analysis of Flavor and Fragrance Compounds
Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 7947–7954. ISSN 0003-2700 (September 2011,
American Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

247    Chiofalo B., Paola Dugo, Bonaccorsi I.L., Mondello L.
Comparison of major lipid components in human and donkey milk: new perspectives for a hypoallergenic diet in humans
Immunopharm. immunotoxicol. 2011, 33(4), 633-644. ISSN 1532-2513 (April 2011, Informa Pharmaceutical Science, London, United Kingdom). Research article

248    I. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, D. Sciarrone, g. Dugo, L. Haro- Guzman
Analytical characterization of industrial essential oils from fruits and leaves of C. aurantifolia Tan and key latifolia Swing
J. Essent. Oil Res. 2011, 23(5), 68-79. ISSN 2163-8152. (September 2011,
Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA). Research article

249    Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, Germana Torre and Luigi Mondello
Analysis of Native Carotenoid Composition of Sweet Bell Peppers by Serial- ly Coupled C30 Columns
Nat. Prod. Commun. 2011, 6(12), 1817-1820. ISSN 1555-9475. (June
Natural Product, Inc.,Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

250    Schipilliti L., Paola Dugo, Bonaccorsi I., Mondello L.
Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to Gas Chro- matography-Combustion–Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS) and to enantioselective Gas Chromatography (es-GC) for strawberry fla- voured food quality control
J. Chromatogr. A 2011, 1218(42), 7481-7486. ISSN 0021-9673 (October
2011 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

251    Schipilliti Luisa, Paola Dugo, Dugo giovanni, Mondello Luigi Authenticity control on lemon essential oils employing Gas Chromato- graphy-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS)
Food Chem. 131 (2012) 1523–1530. ISSN 0308-8146. (April 2012, Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

252    Peter Q. Tranchida, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Heart-cutting multidimensional gas chromatography: recent evolution, applications, and future prospects
Anal. Chim. Acta 2012, 716, 66– 75. ISSN 0003-2670. (February 2012, Else- vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Review article

253    Eduardo Sommella, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Pietro Campiglia, and Luigi Mondello
Development of an online capillary comprehensive 2D-LC system for the analysis of proteome samples
J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 530–533. ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2012, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

254    P.Q. Tranchida, I. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, g. Dugo
Analysis of Citrus essential oils: state of the art and future perspectives. A Review article.
Flavour Fragr. J., 2012, 27, 98-123. ISSN 0882-5734 (March 2012, John Wi-
ley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK). Review article

255    Daniele Giuffrida, Adela Pintea, Paola Dugo, Germana Torre, Raluca Maria Pop, Luigi Mondello
Determination of carotenoids and their esters in fruits of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) by HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS
Phytochem. Anal. 2012, 23(3), 267-273. ISSN 1099-1565. (March 2012
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

256    g. Dugo, I. Bonaccorsi, D. Sciarrone, L. Schipilliti, M. Russo, V. Raymo,
A. Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Characterization of cold-pressed and processed bergamot oils by using GC-FID, GC-MS, GC-C-IRMS, enantio-GC, MDGC, HPLC, and HPLC- MS-IT-TOF
J. Essent.  Oil  Res.  2012,  24(2),  93-117.  ISSN  2163-8152  (April
2012, Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA). Research article

257    Peter Q. Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Rapid Multidimensional Liquid-Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Saturated Hydrocarbon Contamination in Foods Containing Vegetable Oil
LC GC Eur. 25, 20-25 (2012). ISSN 1471-6577 (January, 2012, Advanstar
Communications, Chester, UK). Research article

258    Bonaccorsi I., Sciarrone D., Schipilliti L., Paola Dugo, Mondello L., Dugo g. Multidimensional Enantio-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry for the Authenticity Assessment of lime Essential Oils (C. aurantifolia Swin- gle and C. latifolia Tanaka)
J. Chromatogr. A 2012, 1226, 87-95. ISSN 0021-9673 (February 2012
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

259    Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Advances in Sample Preparation for Food Analysis
LC GC Eur. 2012, 5, 8-14. (May 2012, Advanstar Comunications, Chester,
UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Review article

260    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Advances in GC-MS for food analysis.
LC GC Eur. 2012, 5, 25-30. (May 2012, Advanstar Comunications, Chester,
UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Review article

261    Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Marco Beccaria, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Advances in LC-MS for food analysis
LC GC Eur. 2012, 5, 15-24. (May 2012, Advanstar Comunications, Chester,
UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Review article

262    Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Advances in multidimensional LC-GC for food analysis
LC GC Eur. 2012, 5, 31-35. (May 2012, Advanstar Comunications, Chester,
UK). ISSN 1471-6577.
Review article

263    Pio Maria Furneri, Luigi Mondello, Giuseppina Mandalari, Donatella Paoli- no, Paola Dugo, Adriana Garozzo, Giuseppe Bisignano
In vitro antimycoplasmal activity of Citrus bergamia essential oil and its ma- jor components
Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2012, 52, 66-69. ISSN 0223-5234. (May 2012 Elsevier,
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

264    N. Hussin, L. Mondello, R. Costa, Paola Dugo, N.I.N. Yusoff, M.A. Yarmo, A.A. Wahab, M. Said.
Quantitative and physical evaluation of patchouli essential oils obtained from different sources of Pogostemon cablin. Nat. Prod. Commun. 2012, 7(7), 927-930. ISSN 1555-9475. (July 2012,
Natural Product, Inc.,Westerville, Ohio, USA). Research article

265    Peter Q. Tranchida, Flavio A. Franchina, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
A flow-modulated comprehensive gas chromatography-mass spectro- metry method for the analysis of fatty acid profiles in vegetable, mari- ne, and biological samples
J. Chromatogr. A 2012, 1255, 171–176. ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2012 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

266    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Mass Spectrometry Detection In Comprehensive Liquid Chromato- graphy: Basic Concepts, Instrumental Aspects, Applications and Trends Mass Spectr. Rev. 2012, 31, 523–559. ISSN: 1098-2787. (March 2012
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

267    Carla Ragonese, Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Use of ionic liquids as stationary phases in hyphenated gas chromato- graphy techniques: a Review article
J. Chromatogr. A 2012, 1255, 130–144. ISSN 0021-9673 (September 2012 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Review article

268    Danilo Sciarrone, Sebastiano Pantò, Carla Ragonese, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Increasing the Isolated Quantities and Purities of Volatile Compoun- ds by Using a Triple Deans-Switch Multidimensional Preparative Gas
Chromatographic System with an Apolar-Wax-Ionic Liquid Stationary- Phase Combination
Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 7092−7098. ISSN 0003-2700 (July 2012, American Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

269    M.P. Germanò, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, Paola Dugo, G. Certo, V. D’Angelo,
L. Mondello, A. Rapisarda
Betula pendula leaves: Polyphenolic characterization and potential in- novative use in skin whitening products. Fitoterapia, 2012, 83, 877-882. ISSN 0367-326X(Juyly 2012 Elsevier, B.V.,Am- sterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

270    G. Pennazza, C. Fanali, M. Santonico, L. Dugo, L. Cucchiarini, M. Dachà, A. D’Amico, R. Costa, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Electronic nose and GC–MS analysis of volatile compounds in Tuber magna- tum Pico: Evaluation of different storage conditions
Food Chem. 136 (2013) 668–674. ISSN 0308-8146 (January 2013 Elsevier, B.V.,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

271    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Flavio Antonio Franchina, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Measurement Of Fundamental Chromatography Parameters In Conventional And Split-Flow Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: A Focus On The Importance Of Second-Dimension Injection Efficiency
J. Sep. Sci. 36 (2013) 212–218. ISSN 1615-9306. (October 2013, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

272    Giorgia Purcaro, Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Quinto Tranchida, laura Barp, Sabrina Moret, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
A Comparison Of Two Different Multidimensional Liquid-Gas Chromato- graphy Interfaces For The Determination Of Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocar- bons In Foodstuffs
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405 (2013) 1077–1084. ISSN 1618-2650. (January 2013,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

273    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Flavio Antonio Franchina, Iva- na Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello.
Fast gas chromatography combined with a high-speed triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for the analysis of unknown and target citrus essential oil volati- les.
J. Sep. Sci. 2013, 36, 511–516. ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2013, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

274    Peter Quinto Tranchida, Flavio Antonio Franchina, Mariosimone Zoccali, Sebastia- no Pantò, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Untargeted And Targeted Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GC Analysis Using A Novel Unified High-Speed Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
J. Chromatogr. A 1278 (2013) 153-159. ISSN 0021-9673 (February 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

275    Marina Russo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Germana Torre, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Determination of Bioactive Compounds in the Juice of Pummelo (C. grandis Osbeck)
Nat. Prod. Commun. 1278 (2013) 153-159. ISSN 1555-9475. (March 2013, Natural Product, Inc.,Westerville, Ohio, USA).
Research article

276    Rosaria Costa, laura Tedone, Selenia De Grazia, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Multiple Headspace-Solid-Phase Microextraction (MHS-SPME): an application toquantification of mushroom volatiles
Anal. Chim. Acta 770 (2013) 1–6. ISSN 0003-2670. (April 2013, Elsevier, B.V., Am- sterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

277    Luisa Schipilliti, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Evaluation of gas-chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) for the quality assessment of Citrus liqueurs
J. Agric. Food Chem. 61 (8) (2013) 1661-1670. ISSN: 0021-8561 (October 2013, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA)
Research article

278    M. Russo, F. Cichello, C. Ragonese, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello Profiling and quantitative determination of polar lipids in milk by hydrophilic in- teraction liquid chromatography coupled to evaporative-light scattering and mass spectrometry detection
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405 (2013) 4617-4626. ISSN 1618-2650. (January 2013, Sprin- ger, New York, USA).
Research article

279    P. Q. Tranchida, S. Salivo, F. A. Franchina, I. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the unsaponifiable fraction of vegetable oils by using comprehensive 2D GC with dual MS/FIDdetection
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405 (2013) 4655-4663. ISSN 1618-2650. (January 2013, Sprin- ger, New York, USA).
Research article

280    M. F. Taviano, A. Marino, A. Trovato, V. Bellinghieri, A.Melchini, Paola Dugo, F. Cacciola,
P. Donato, L.Mondello, A.Güvenç, R.De Pasquale, N. Miceli
Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus and Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. macro- carpa (Sibth. & Sm.) Ball. “berries”: phenolic profile and biological activities
Food Chem. Toxicol. 58 (2013) 22–29. ISSN 0278-6915. (August 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

281    D. Sciarrone, S. Pantò, A. Rotondo, L. Tedone, P. Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello Rapid collection and identification of a novel component from Clausena lansium Ske- els leaves by means of three-dimensional preparative GC and NMR/FTIR/MS analysis Anal. Chim. Acta 785 (2013) 119-125. ISSN 0003-2670. (June 2013, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

282    Enrique Murillo, Daniele Giuffrida, Dania Menchaca, Paola Dugo, Germana Torre, Antonio J. Meléndez-Martinez, Luigi Mondello
Native carotenoids composition of some tropical fruits
Food Chem. 140 (2013) 825-836. ISSN 0308-8146. (October 2013, Elsevier, B.V., Am-
sterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

283    P. Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, L. Schipilliti, D. Sciarrone, Paola Dugo and L. Mondello Solid-Phase Microextraction-Fast Gas Chromatography Combined With A High- Speed Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer For Targeted And Untargeted Food Analysis
J. Sep. Sci. 36 (2013) 2145-2150. ISSN 1615-9306. ((June 2013, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

284    P. Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, I. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, L.Mondello, g. Dugo
The off-line combination of high performance liquid chromatography and comprehen- sive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: a powerful approach for highly-detailed essential oil analysis
J. Chromatogr. A 1305 (2013) 276-284. ISSN 0021-9673 (August 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

285    M.P. Germanò, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, Paola Dugo, G. Certo, V. D’Angelo, L. Mondello, A. Rapisarda
Betula pendula Roth leaves: gastroprotective effects of an HPLC-fingerprinted methanolic extract
Nat. Prod. Res. 27 (2013) 1569-1575. ISSN 1478-6419 (September 2013, Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom).
Research article

286    Peter Q. Tranchida, Simona Salivo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Archimede Rotodo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
J. Chromatogr. A 1313 (2013) 194-201. ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

287    Peter Q. Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Flavio A. Franchina, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
J. Chromatogr. A 1314 (2013) 216-223. ISSN 0021-9673 (November 2013 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

288    Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Marco Beccaria, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem 52 (2013) 186-205. ISSN 0165-9936 (December 2013
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

289    Chiara Fanali, laura Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Nano-Liquid Chromatography in Food Analysis.
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem. 52 (2013) 226–238. ISSN 0165-9936 (December 2013
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

290    Carla Ragonese, laura Tedone, Marco Beccaria, Germana Torre, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Characterization of lipid fraction of marine macroalgae from South Italy by means of chromatography techniques coupled to mass spectrometry
Food Chem. 145 (2014) 932–940. ISSN 0308-8146. (February 2014, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

291    Rosaria Costa, Marina Russo, Selenia De Grazia, Elisa Grasso, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
A thorough investigation on the oxygen heterocyclic fraction of lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle) juice
J. Sep. Sci. 37 (2014) 792-797. ISSN 1615-9306. (March 2014, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

292    Marina Russo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Germana Torre, Mariagiovanna Sarò, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Determination and quantification of bioactive molecules from lemon-processing by- products
J. Funct. Food 9 (2014) 18–26. ISSN: 1756-4646. (July 2014 Elsevier, B.V., Amster- dam, The Netherlands).
Research article

293    Danilo Sciarrone, Sebastiano Pantò, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Rapid Isolation of High Solute Amounts by Using a Totally Orthogonal On-line Four-Dimensional Preparative System: Normal Phase-Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Methyl Siloxane-Ionic Liquid-Wax Phase Gas Chromatography
Anal. Chem. 86 (2014) 4295–4301. ISSN 0003-2700 (April 2014, American Chemi-
cal Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Researcharticle

294    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Francesca Rigano, Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupo- le mass spectrometry: application to a challenging food case-study
LC GC N AM. 5 (2014) 42-47. ISSN: 1527-5949. (May 2014, Advanstar Communica-
tions, Duluth, MN, USA). Research article

295    Peter Q. Tranchida, Flavio A. Franchina, Simona Salivo, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Flow-modulated Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Elucidation of the Fatty Acids and Unsaponofiable Constituents of Oil Derived from Lemon Seeds, A Food-Industry Waste Producy  LC GC N AM. 5 (2014) 24-29-47. ISSN: 1527-5949.  (May 2014, Advanstar Commu-
nications, Duluth, MN, USA). Research article

296    Gabriel Mazzi Leme, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Alberto Jose Cavalheiro, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Continuous vs. segmented second dimension system gradients for comprehensive two- dimensional liquid chromatography of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 406 (2014) 4315-4324. ISSN 1618-2650. (July 2014, Springer, New York, USA).

297    Marco Beccaria, Giuseppe Sullini, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
High performance characterization of triacylglycerols in milk and milk-related sam- ples by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry
J. Chromatogr. A 1360 (2014) 172-187. ISSN 0021-9673. (September 2014 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

298    Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Francesca Rigano, Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to triple  quadrupole mass spectrometry: application to a challenging food case-study
LC GC Eur. 9 (2014) 28-32. ISSN 1471-6577. (September 2014, Advanstar Comuni- cations, Chester, UK).
Research article

299    Peter Q. Tranchida, Flavio A. Franchina, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Use of greatly-reduced gas flows in flow-modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography- mass spectrometry
J. Chromatogr. A 1359 (2014) 271-276. ISSN 0021-9673 (October 2014 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

300    Débora Tomasini, Francesco Cacciola , Francesca Rigano , Danilo Sciarrone , Paola Donato, Marco Beccaria , Elina Bastos Caramão , Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Complementary analytical liquid chromatography methods for the characterization of aqueous phase from pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomasses
Anal. Chem. 86 (2014) 11255-11262. ISSN 0003-2700 (November 2014, American Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

301    P. Tranchida, F. Franchina, Paola Dugo. L. Mondello
J. Chromatogr. A 1372 (2014) 236-244. (December 2014, AElsevier, B.V., Amster- dam, The Netherlands).
Research article

302    Marina Russo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Veronica Inferrera, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Underestimated sources of flavonoids, limonoids and dietary fiber: availability in oran-
ge’s by-products. J. Funct. Food 12 (2015) 150–157. ISSN: 1756-4646. (January 2015, Elsevier, B.V., Am-
sterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

303    Meriem Mokhtar, Jan Soukup, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Ali Riazi, Pavel Jandera, Luigi Mondello
Determination of the polyphenolic content of Capsicum annuum L. by liquid chroma- tography coupled to photodiode array and mass spectrometry detection and evalua- tion of its biological activity
J. Sep. Sci. 38 (2015) 171-178. ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2015, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Research article

304    S. Salivo, M. Beccaria, G. Sullini, P.Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Analysis of human plasma lipids by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chro- matography with dual detection and with the support of high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for structural elucidation
J. Sep. Sci. 37 (2015) 267-275. ISSN 1615-9306. (January 2015, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Research article

305    Cacciola F, Russo M, Beccaria M, Donato P, Farnetti S, Paola Dugo, and Mondello L
Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography Methods for Analysis of polyphenols in Food Samples
Austin Chromatogr. 2(1) (2015):1028 Review article

306    Rosaria Costa, Marco Beccaria, Elisa Grasso, Ambrogina Albergamo, Marianna Oteri,  
Paola Dugo, Salvatore Fasulo, Luigi Mondello
Sample preparation techniques coupled to advanced chromatographic methods for marine organisms investigation
Anal. Chim. Acta 875 (2015) 41-53. ISSN 0003-2670. (May 2015, Elsevier, B.V., Am-
sterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

307    Francesco Cacciola , Francesca Rigano , Danilo Sciarrone , Paola Donato, Marco Becca-          
ria , Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive two-dimeliquid chromatography: characterization of aqueous phase from pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomasses
Chrom+Food Forum 06/2015 (M. Dellert-Ditter). Research article

308    Marco Beccaria, Rosaria Costa, Giuseppe Sullini, Elisa Grasso, Francesco Cacciola,     
Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Determination of the triacylglycerol fraction in fish oil by comprehensive liquid chro- matography techniques with the support of gas chromatography and mass spectromet- ry
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407 (2015) 5211-5225. ISSN 1618-2650. (July 2015, Springer, New York, USA).
Research article

309    Marina Russo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Reduced Time HPLC Analyses for Fast Quality Control of Citrus Essential Oils
J. Essent. Oil Res. 27 (2015) 307-315. ISSN 2163-8152. (July 2015, Taylor& Francis Group Boca Raton, FL, USA).
Research article

310    Danilo  Sciarrone, Sebastiano Pantò,  Francesco        Cacciola, Rosaria        Costa, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
Advanced         preparative      techniques       for       the       collection        of pure     components from        essential          oils
Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 2 (2015) 1-15. ISSN: 2148-9367 (July 2015, Badebio Ltd., Tur- key).
Review article

311    Danilo Sciarrone, Sebastiano Pantò, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Evolution and current status of preparative gas chromatography as green sample preparation technique
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem 71 (2015) 65-73. ISSN 0165-9936 (September 2015 Else- vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Review article

312    Peter Q. Tranchida, Mariarosa Maimone, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello
The penetration of green sample-preparation techniques in the field of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem 71 (2015) 74-84. ISSN 0165-9936 (September 2015 Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Review article

313    Non-polar lipids characterization of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) seed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame ionization/mass spectrometry detection and non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry detection Chiara Fanali, Marco Beccaria, Simona Salivo, Peter Tranchida, Giusy Tripodo, Sara Farnetti, laura Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
J. Sep. Sci. 38 (2015) 3151-3160. ISSN 1615-9306.(September 2015, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

314    L. Schipilliti, I. Bonaccorsi, A. Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Carbone Isotope ratio of Selected Volatiles in C. sinensis and in orange flavoured food
J. Sci. Food Agric. 95 (2015) 2944-2950. ISSN 1097-0010 (October 2015, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Research article

315    Mariosimone Zoccali, Ivana L. Bonaccorsi, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello and giovanni Dugo
Analysis of the sesquiterpene fraction Citrus essential oils by using off-line com- bination of high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography- based methods: a comparative study
Flav. Frag. J. 30 (2015) 411.422. ISSN 0882-5734 (November 2015, John Wiley & Sons LTD, Devon, England, UK).
Research article

316    Marco Beccaria, Erica Moret, Giorgia Purcaro, Lorena Pizzale, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Lanfranco S. Conte
Reliability of the ΔECN42 limit and global method for extra virgin olive oil purity assessment using different analytical approaches
Food Chem. 190 (2016) 216-225. ISSN 0308-8146. (January 2016, Elsevier, B.V.,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

317    Carla Ragonese, Danilo Sciarrone, Elisa Grasso, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Enhanced resolution of Mentha piperita volatile fraction using a novel medium- polarity ionic liquid GC stationary phase
J. Sep. Sci. 39 (2016) 537-544. ISSN 1615-9306. (February 2016, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

318    Meriem Mokhtar, Marina Russo, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Daniele Giuffri- da, Ali Riazi, Sara Farnetti, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Capsaicinoids and carotenoids in Capsicum annuum: analytical characterization and evaluation of its biological properties
Food Anal. Meth. 9 (2016) 1381-1390. ISSN 1618-2650. (May 2016, Springer, New York, USA).
Research article

319    Francesco Cacciola, Daniele Giuffrida, Margita Utczas, Domenica Mangraviti, Marco Beccaria, Paola Donato, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Analysis of the carotenoid composition and stability in various overripe fruits by com- prehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography
LC GC Eur. 29 (2016) 252-256. ISSN 1471-6577. (May 2016, Advanstar Comunica-
tions, Chester, UK). Research article

320    Natalizia Miceli, Luigina Pasqualina Buongiorno, Maria Grazia Celi, Francesco Cac- ciola, Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello, Irene Bonaccorsi, M. F. Taviano Role of the flavonoid-rich fraction in the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Bauhi- nia forficata Link. (Fabaceae) leavesextract
Nat. Prod. Res. 30 (2016) 1229-1239. Research article

321    Marina Russo, Francesca Rigano, Adriana Arigò, Danilo Sciarrone, Maria Luisa Ca- labrò, Sara Farnetti, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Rapid  isolation,  reliable  characterization,  and  water  solubility  improvement  of polymethoxyflavones from cold-pressed mandarin essential oil
J. Sep. Sci. 39 (2016) 2018-2027. ISSN 1615-9306. (June 2016, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim,Germany). Research article

322    P. Tranchida, F. Franchina, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Mass Spectrom. Rev. 35 (2016) 524-534. ISSN: 1098-2787. (July-August 2016 Wi- ley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany)
Review article

323    Francesco Cacciola, Marco Beccaria, Marianna Oteri, Margita Utczas, Daniele Giuffrida, Nicola Cicero, Giacomo Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Chemical characterization of old cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L. var. Acephala) seed oil by liquid chromatography and different spectroscopic detectionsystem
Nat. Prod. Res. 30 (2016) 1646-1654. ISSN 1478-6419. (July 2016, Taylor and Fran- cis group, London, United Kingdom).
Research article

324    Paola Donato, Francesca Rigano, Francesco Cacciola, Mark Schure, Sara Farnetti, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive  Two-Dimensional  Liquid  Chromatography-Tandem  Mass  Spec- trometry  for  the  Simultaneous  Determination  of  Wine  Polyphenols  and  Target Contaminants
J. Chromatogr. A 1458 (2016) 54-62. ISSN 0021-9673. (August 2016, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

325    Francesco Cacciola, Daniele Giuffrida, Margita Utczas, Domenica Mangraviti, Paola Dugo, Dania Menchaca, Enrique Murillo, Luigi Mondello
Application of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for carote- noid analysis in red mamey (Pouteria sapote) fruit
Food Anal. Meth. 9 (2016) 2335-2341. ISSN 1936-9751. (August 2016, Springer, New York, USA)
Research article

326    M’hammedAguennouz, Marco Beccaria, Giorgia Purcaro, Marianna Oteri, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Olimpia Musumesci, Annmaria Ciranni, Rosa Maria Di Giorgio, Antonio Toscano, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analysis of lipid profile in lipid storage myophatys
J. Chromatogr. B 1029-1030 (2016) 157-168. ISSN 1570-0232. (September2016, Else-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

327    Ivana Bonaccorsi, Francesco Cacciola, MargitaUtczas, Veronica Inferrera, Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Characterization of the pigment fraction in sweet bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) harvested at green and overripe yellow and red stages by offline multidimensional convergence chromatography/liquid chromatography-mass  spectrometry
J. Sep. Sci. 39 (2016) 3281-3291. ISSN 1615-306. (September 2016, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

328    Marco Beccaria, Marianna Oteri, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Ivana Lidia Bonaccorsi, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Reuse of dairy product: evaluation of the lipid profile evolution during and after their shelf-life
Food Anal. Meth. 9 (2016) 3143-3154. ISSN 1618-2650. (November 2016, Springer, New York, USA).
Research article

329    Francesco Cacciola, Sara Farnetti, Paola Dugo, Philip John Marriott, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography for Polyphenol Analysis in Foodstuffs
J. Sep. Sci. 40 (2017) 7–24. ISSN 1615-306. (January 2017, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Review article

330    Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography and Other Liquid-Based Comprehensive Techniques Coupled to Mass Spectrometry in Food Analysis Analytical Chemistry 2017 89 (1), 414-429  ISSN: 0003-2700 (Jauary 2017, American Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Review article

331    R. Costa, A. Albergamo, M. Piparo, G. Zaccone, G. Capillo, A. Manganaro, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello Multidimensional gas chromatographic techniques applied to the analysis of lipids from wild-caught and farmed marine species
Eur. J. Lip. Sci. Technol. 119 (2017) 1600043. ISSN: 1438-9312. (Februray 2017,
Bentham Science Publishers, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates). Research article

332    Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Q. Tranchida, Ivana L. Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello and giovanni Dugo
Detailed analysis of the volatile fraction of mandarin essential oils by using the off- line combination of high performance liquid chromatography and com- prehensive gas chromatiography-mass spectrometry
Food Anal. Meth. 110 (2017) 1106-1116. ISSN 1618-2650. (April 2017, Springer,
New York, USA). Research article

333    Paola Donato, Francesca Rigano, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Determination of Bioactive Polyphenols and Target Contaminants in Wine by the Nexera-e
Food Lab. Int. 1 (2017) 20-23. (April 2017, Shimadzu Europa GmbH, Duisburg, Germany).
Research article

334    Marco Beccaria, Veronica Inferrera, Francesca Rigano, Krzysztof Gorynski, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Highly informative multiclass profiling of lipids by ultra-high performance li- quid  chromatography  –  Low  resolution  (quadrupole)  mass  spectrometry  by using electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in- terfaces
J. Chromatogr. A 1509 (2017) 69-82. ISSN 0021-9673. (August 2017, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

335    N. Miceli, A. Filocamo, S. Ragusa, F. Cacciola, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, R. F. De Rose, G. E. Lombardo, M. F.Taviano
Isatis tinctoria L. (Brassicaceae): Chemical characterization, cytotoxic and an- tioxidant effects of phenolic-rich fraction from cauline leaves
Chem. Biodivers. 14 (8) e1700073. ISSN: 1612-1880. (August 2017, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, UK).
Research article

336    Daniele Giuffrida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Salvatore V. Giofrè, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello
Apocarotenoids determination in Capsicum chinense Jacq. cv Habanero by su- percritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry Food Chem. 231 (2017) 316–323. ISSN: 0308-8146. (September 2017, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

337    Mariosimone Zoccali, Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Direct online extraction and determination, by supercritical fluid extraction- supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry of targeted carotenoids from red Habanero peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)
J. Sep. Sci.  40 (2017) 3905-3913. ISSN 1615-306. (October 2017, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany). Research article

338    Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Multidimensional liquid chromatography in food analysis
TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem 96 (2017) 116-123. ISSN 0165-9936 (November 2017
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

339    A. Arigò, M. Zoccali, M. Utczás, M.L. Calabrò, Paola Dugo and L. Mondello Characterization of limonoids in citrus essential oils by means of supercritical fluid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SFC-QqQ MS)
Nat. Vol. Essent. Oils 4 (2017) 126. ISSN: 2148-9367 (Badebio Ltd., Turkey). Conference article

340    C. Fanali, G. Micalizzi, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello
Ionic liquids as stationary phases for fatty acids analysis by gas chromatography Analyst 142 (2017) 4601-4612. (December 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Great Britain).
Review article

341    L. Schipilliti, I. L. Bonaccorsi, C. Occhiuto, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello Athentication of Citrus Volatiles based on Carbon Isotope Ratios
J.Essent. Oil Res. 30 (2018) 1-15. ISSN 2163-8152 (January 2018, Taylor and don, United Kingdom).
Francis group, Lon- Research article

342    Francesca Rigano, Marianna Oteri, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Proposal of a linear retention index system for improving identification relia- bility of triacylglycerol profiles in different lipid samples by liquid chromato- graphy methods
Anal. Chem. 90 (2018) 3313-3320. ISSN: 0003-2700 (March 2018, American
Chemical Society, Washington. D.C., USA). Research article

343    Mekala Venkatachalam, Miroslava Zelena, Francesco Cacciola, Lenka Ceslova, Emmanuelle Girard-Valenciennes, Patricia Clerc, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Mireille Fouillaud, Archimede Rotondo, Daniele Giuffrida, Laurent Dufossé Partial characterization of the pigments produced by the marine-derived fun- gus Talaromyces  albobiverticillius 30548. Towards a new fungal red colorant for the food industry.
J. Food Comp. Anal. 67 (2018) 38-47.  ISSN: 0889-1575. (April 2018, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

344    Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Recent Analytical Techniques Advances in the Carotenoids and Their Derivati- ves Determination in Various Matrixes
J.Agric. Food Chem. 66 (2018) 3302-3307. ISSN: 0021-8561 (April 2018, Ame-
rican Chemical Society, Columbus. OH, USA). Research article

345    Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Characterization of Glycyrrhiza glabra Extract. Comprehensive two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry using multi-segmented Shift Gra- dients in the second Dimension
Chrom+Food Forum 04/2018 (M. Dellert-Ditter). Research article

346    Daniele Giuffrida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Adriana Arigò, Francesco Cacciola, Co- ralia Osorio Roa, Paola Dugo, LuigiMondello
Comparison of different analytical techniques for the analysis of carotenoids in Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum Cav.)
Arch.Bioch.Biophys.646(2018)161-167. ISSN:0003-9861.(May2018,Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

347    Paola Donato, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Marianna Oteri, Francesca Rigano, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive lipid profiling in marine organisms by hyphenated and multidi- mensional chromatography techniques coupled to mass spectrometry detection Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 410 (2018) 3297-3313. ISSN: 1618-2650. (May 2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

348    Maria Fernanda Taviano, Khaled Rashed, Angela Filocamo, Francesco  Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Carlo Bisignano, Rosaria Acquaviva, Natalizia Mi- celi
Phenolic profile and biological properties of the leaves of Ficus vasta Forssk. (Moraceae) growing in Egypt
BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 18 (2018) 161. ISSN: 1472-6882. (May 2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

349    Francesco Cacciola, Domenica Mangraviti, Francesca Rigano, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Hernan J.Cortes
ovel Comprehensive Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography Approach for Elucidation of the microbosphere of shikimate-producing Escherichia coli SP1.1/pKD15.071 Strain
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 410 (2018) 3473-3482. ISSN: 1618-2650.(June 2018, Sprin-
ger, New York, USA). Research article

350    Marina Russo, Chiara Fanali, Giusy Tripodo, Paola Dugo Rosario Muleo, laura Dugo, laura De Gara, Luigi Mondello
Analysis of phenolic compounds in different parts of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit by HPLC-PDA-ESI/MS and evaluation of their antioxidant activity: application to different Italian varieties.
Anal. Bional. Chem. 410 (2018) 3507-3520. ISSN: 1618-2650. (June 2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

351    M. F. Taviano, A. Filocamo, S. Ragusa, F. Cacciola, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Paterniti Mastrazzo, R. F. De Rose, M. Celano, G. E. Lombardo, A. Melchini,
N. Miceli Phenolic profile, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of polar ex- tracts from leaves and flowers of Isatis tinctoria L. (Brassicaceae) growing in Sicily
Plant Biosyst. 152 (2018) 795-803. ISSN: 1126-3504.(July 2018, Taylorand Francis group, London, United Kingdom).
Research article

352    Yong Foo Wong, Francesco Cacciola, Soraya Fermas, Solange Riga, Darryl James, Valeria Manzin, Brice Bonnet, Philip John Marriott, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Untargeted profiling  of Glycyrrhiza  glabra  with  comprehensive  two-di- mensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry using multi-seg- mented shift gradients in the second dimension: expanding the metabolic coverage
Electrophoresis 39 (2018) 1993-2000. ISSN: 0173-0835 (August 2018, Wi- ley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Research article

353    Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Chiara Fanali, lauraDugo, Mariosimone Zoc- cali, Luigi Mondello, laura De Gara
Determination of caffeine in coffee, tea and cocoa using online extraction coupled to liquid chromatography
Food Anal. Meth. 11 (2018) 2637-2644. ISSN 1618-2650 (October2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

354    Juliana  Garcia,  Daniele  Giuffrida,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi  Mondello,  Coralia Orosio Roa
Development  and  characterisation  of  carotenoid-rich microencapsulates from tropical fruit by-products and yellow tamarillo (Solanum betaceum Cav.)
Powder Technol.  339 (2018) 7020-709. ISSN 0032-5910. (October  2018,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

355    Utczás, M., Cacciola, F., Giuffrida, D., Russo, M., Bonaccorsi, I., Paola Dugo, Mondello, L.
Bioactives Screening in Overripe Fruits and Vegetables by Liquid Chroma- tography Coupled to Photodiode Array and Mass Spectrometry Detection Food Anal. Meth.11 (2018) 3053-3070. ISSN 1618-2650. (November 2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

356    Mariosimone Zoccali, Adriana Arigò, Marina Russo, Fabio Salafia, Paola Dugo, and LuigiMondello
Characterization of limonoids in Citrus essential oils by means ofsupercri- tical fluid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Food Anal. Meth.11 (2018) 3257-3266. ISSN 1618-2650. (November 2018,
Springer, New York, USA). Research article

357    Paola  Donato,  Daniele  Giuffrida,  Marianna  Oteri,  Veronica  Inferrera, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Supercritical  fluid  chromatography×ultrahigh  pressure  liquid  chroma- tography  for  red  chilli  pepper  fingerprinting  by  photodiode  array,  qua- drupole-time-of-flight  and  ion  mobility  mass  spectrometry  (SFC×RP- UHPLC-PDA-QToF MS-IMS)
Food Anal. Meth.11 (2018) 3331-3341. ISSN 1618-2650. (December
2018,  Springer,  New  York,  USA). Research article

358    Natalizia Miceli, Emilia Cavò, Salvatore Ragusa, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo,  Luigi  Mondello,  Andreana  Marino,  Fabrizio  Cincotta, Concetta Condurso, Maria Fernanda Taviano
Phytochemical    characterization    and    biological    activities    of    a hydroalcoholic  extract  obtained  from  the  aerial  parts  of  Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br.subsp. incana (Brassicaceae) growing wild in Sicily (Italy)
Chem. Biodivers. 16 (4)   e1800677. ISSN: 1612-1880. (April  2019,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, UK). Research article

359    Katia Arena, Francesco Cacciola, Domenica Mangraviti, Mariosimone Zoccali, Francesca Rigano, Nino Marino, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Determination of the polyphenolic fraction of  Pistacia vera  L. kernel extracts  by  comprehensive  two-dimensional  liquid  chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 411 (2019) 4819-4829. ISSN: 1618-2650. (July
2019,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

360    Mariosimone   Zoccali,   Daniele   Giuffrida,   Fabio   Salafia,   Carmen Socaciu, Kari Skjånes, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
First Apocarotenoids Profiling of Four Microalgae Strains Antioxidants  8  (2019)  209.  ISSN  2076-3921.  (July  2019,  MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

361    Jitka   Klikarovà,   Archimede   Rotondo,   Francesco   Cacciola,   Lenka Česlovà, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesca Rigano Complementary   analytical   approaches   for   the   elucidation   of   the phenolic fraction of extra virgin olive oils
Food Anal. Meth. 12 (2019) 1759-1770.   ISSN: 1618-2650. (August
2019, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

362    Francesca Rigano, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello High-performance  liquid  chromatography  combined  with   electron ionization mass spectrometry: A review
TRAC-Trend  Anal.  Chem.  118  (2019)  112-122.  ISSN  0165-9936.
September 2019, Elsevier, B.V.,  Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

363    Adriana  Arigò,  Francesca  Rigano,  Giuseppe  Micalizzi,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Oxygen  Heterocyclic  Compound  Screening  in  Citrus  Essential  Oils by    Linear    Retention    Index    Approach    Applied    to    Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Photodiode Array Detector
Flav. Fragr. J. 34 (2019) 349-364. ISSN 0882-5734 (September 2019,
John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex, UK). Research article

364    Francesca   Rigano,   Domenica   Mangraviti,   Sara   Stead,   Nathaniel Martin,  Davy Petit, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Rapid  evaporative  ionization  mass  spectrometry  coupled  with  an electrosurgical knife for the rapid identification of Mediterranean Sea species
Anal.   Bioanal.   Chem.   411   (2019)   6603-6614.   ISSN   1618-2650.
(October 2019,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

365    Yassine   Oulad   El   Majdoub,   Mohammed   Diouri,   Paola   Arena, Adriana  Arigò,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Francesca  Rigano,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Evaluation       of       the       availability       of       delphinidin       and cyanidin‑3‑O‑sambubioside from Hibiscus sabdariffa and 6‑gingerol from Zingiber  officinale  in  colon  using  liquid  chromatography  and mass spectrometry detection
Eur.  Food  Res.  Technol.  245  (2019)  2425-2433.  ISSN  1438-2377.
(November 2019,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

366    Daniella C. Murador, Fabio Salafia, Mariosimone Zoccali, Paula L.G. Martins, Antonio G. Ferreira, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Veridiana
V. de Rosso, Daniele Giuffrida
Green     extraction     approaches     for     carotenoids     and     esters: characterization of native composition from orange peel
Antioxidants   8   (2019)   613.   ISSN   2076-3921.   (November   2019, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

367    Daniele  Giuffrida,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Paula  Mapelli-Brahm,  Carla
M. Stinco, Paola Dugo, Marianna Oteri, Luigi Mondello, Antonio J. Melendez-Martinez
Free   carotenoids   and   carotenoids   esters   composition   in   Spanish orange
and mandarin juices from diverse varieties
Food Chem. 300 (2019) 125-139. ISSN 0308-8146. (December 2019,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

368    Mohti H., Taviano M.F., Cacciola F., Paola Dugo, Mondello L., Marino A., Crisafi G., Benameur Q., Zaid A., Miceli N.
Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton leaves and flower buds: Effect of extraction sol- vent/technique on their antioxidant ability, antimicrobial properties and phenolic profile
Nat. Prod. Res. 34 (2020) 46-52. ISSN 1478-6419. (January 2020, Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom).
Research article

369    Marina    Russo,    Francesco    Cacciola,    Katia    Arena,    Domenica Mangraviti, laura de Gara, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Characterization of the polyphenolic fraction of pomegranate samples by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection
Nat.  Prod.  Res.  34  (2020)  39-45.  ISSN  1478-6419.  (January  2020,
Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

370    Francesca   Rigano,   Marina   Russo,   Adriana   Arigò,   Paola Dugo,   L. Mondello
Combining  Linear  Retention  Index  and  Electron  Ionization  Mass Spectrometry    for    a    Reliable    Identification    in    Nano    Liquid Chromatography
J.  Chromatogr.  A    1610  (2020)  460581.  ISSN:  0021-9673  (January
2020, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

371    Rocío  Gallego,  Katia  Arena,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi  Mondello,  Elena Ibáñez, Miguel Herrero
Application  of  compressed  fluid-based  extraction  and  purification procedures      to      obtain      astaxanthin-enriched      extracts      from Haematococcus pluvialis and characterization by comprehensive two- dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry Anal. Bional. Chem. 412 (2020) 589-599. ISSN 1618-2650. (January 2020,  Springer, New York, USA).
Research article

372    Giuseppe  Micalizzi,  Emanuela  Ragosta,  Sara  Farnetti,  Paola Dugo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Luigi Mondello, Francesca Rigano
Rapid     and     miniaturized     qualitative     and     quantitative     gas chromatography profiling of human blood fatty acids
Anal.  Bional.  Chem.  412  (2020)    2327–2337  (2020).  ISSN  1618-
2650. (January  2020,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

373    Mariosimone  Zoccali,  Daniele  Giuffrida,  Roberta  Granese,  Fabio Salafia, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Free   apocarotenoids   and   apocarotenoids   esters   determination   in human
Anal.   Bioanal.   Chem.   412   (2020)   1335-1342.   ISSN   1618-2650.
(Februray 2020,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

374    Katia  Arena,  Francesca  Rigano,  Domenica  Mangraviti,  Francesco Cacciola, Francesco Occhiuto, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Exploration of Rapid Evaporative-Ionization Mass Spectrometry as a Shotgun Approach for the Comprehensive Characterization of Kigelia Africana (Lam) Benth. Fruit
Molecules  25  (2020)  962.  ISSN  1420-3049  (February  2020,  MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland). Research article

375    Katia  Arena,  Francesco  Cacciola,  laura  Dugo,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello
Determination of the metabolite content of Brassica juncea cultivars by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array and mass spectrometry detection
Molecules 25 (2020) 1235. ISSN 1420-3049 (March 2020, MDPI AG,
Basel, Switzerland). Research article

376    laura Dugo, Marina Russo, Francesco Cacciola, Filippo Mandolfino, Fabio  Salafia,  Alessandra  Vilmercati,  Chiara  Fanali,  Monica  Casal, laura De Gara, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesca Rigano Detrmination of the Phenol and Tocopherol Content in Italian High- Quality  Extra-Virgin  Olive  Oils  by  Using  LC-MS  and  Mulivariate Data Analysis
Food  Anal.  Meth.  13  (2020)  1027-1041.   ISSN: 1618-2650.  (April
2020, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

377    Katia  Arena,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Francesca  Rigano,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Evaluation  of  matrix  effect  in  one-dimensional  and  comprehensive two-dimensional  liquid chromatography  for the  determination  of  the phenolic fraction in extra virgin olive oils
J. Sep. Sci. 43 (2020) 1781-1789. ISSN 1615-306. (May 2020, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Research article

378    Francesca  Rigano,  Marianna  Oteri,  Giuseppe  Micalizzi,  Domenica Mangraviti, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Lipid profile of fish species by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and a novel linear retention index database
J. Sep. Sci. 43 (2020) 1773-1780. ISSN 1615-306. (May 2020, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

379    Francesco  Cacciola,  Francesca  Rigano,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi  Mondello Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography as a powerful tool for the analysis of food and food products
TrAC-Trend Anal. Chem 127 (2020) 115894. ISSN 0165-9936. (June
2020, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

380    Jitka  Klikarová, Lenka  Česlová, Petra  Kalendová, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello., Francesco Cacciola
Evaluation  of  Italian  extra  virgin  olive  oils  based  on  the  phenolic
compounds composition using multivariate statistical methods
Eur.  Food  Res.  Technol.  246  (2020)  1241-1249.  ISSN  1438-2377.
(June 2020,  Springer, New York, USA). Research article

381    Natalizia   Miceli,   Andreana   Marino,   Aysegul   Koroglu,   Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Maria Fernanda Taviano Comparative study of the phenolic profile, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities  of  leaf  extracts  of  five  Juniperus  L.  (Cupressaceae)  taxa growing in Turkey
Nat.  Prod.  Res.  34  (2020)  1636-1641.  ISSN 1478-6419. (June 2020,
Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

382    Ivan  Aloisi,  Mariosimone  Zoccali,  Paola Dugo,  Peter  Q.  Tranchida, Luigi Mondello
Fingerprinting of the unsaponifiable fraction of vegetable oils by using cryogenically-modulated      comprehensive      two-dimensional      gas chromatography-high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Food Anal. Meth. 13 (2017) 1523-1529. ISSN 1936-9751 (July 2020,
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg). Research article

383    Soukaina Hrichi, Francesca Rigano, Raja Chaabane-Banaoues, Yassine Oulad    El    Majdoub,  Domenica    Mangraviti, Davide    Di    Marco, Hamouda    Babba,     Paola Dugo,    Luigi    Mondello, Zine    Mighri, Francesco Cacciola
Identification of Fatty acid, Lipid and Phenol compounds from Prunus armeniaca L. kernel extracts
Foods 9 (2020) 896.  ISSN 2304-8158. (July 2020, MDPI AG, Basel,
Switzerland). Research article

384    Hafssa El Cadi, Asmae El Cadi, Ayoub Kounnoun, Yassine Oulad El Majdoub,  Miguel  Palma  lovillo  Jamal  Brigui,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello, Francesco Cacciola
Wild   strawberry   (Arbutus   unedo):   Phytochemical   screening   and antioxidant properties of fruits collected in northern Morocco
Arab. J. Chem.  13 (2020) 6299-6311. ISSN 1878-5352 (August 2020,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article

385    Anna  Różańska,  Marina  Russo,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Fabio  Salafia, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Nutraceutical properties of Italian extra virgin olive oils  from various sources by using LC-MS and multivariate data analysis
Foods  9  (2020)  1120.  ISSN  2304-8158.  (August  2020,  MDPI  AG,
Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

386    Hicham  Mohti,  Maria  Fernanda  Taviano  Francesco  Cacciola,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi  Mondello,  Abdelhamid  Zaid,  Emilia  Cavò,  Natalizia Miceli
Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke subsp. macrocarpa Turrill leaves and roots   from   Morocco:   assessment   of   the   efficiency   of   different extraction techniques and solvents on their antioxidant capacity, brine shrimp toxicity and phenolic characterization
Plant Biosyst. 154 (2020) 692-699. ISSN: 1126-3504. (September 2020, Taylorand Francis group, London, United Kingdom).
Research article

387    Stefany  Grutzmann  Arcari,  Katia  Arena,  Jeferson  Kolling,  Paloma Rocha, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesco Cacciola Polyphenolic compounds  with  biological  activity  in  guabiroba     (Campomanesia xanthocarpa    Berg)    by    comprehensive    two-    dimensional    liquid chromatography
Electrophoresis  41  (2020)  1784-1792.  ISSN:  1522-2683.  (October 2020, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Research article

388    Hafssa  El  Cadi,  Hajar  EL  Bouzidi,  Ginane  Selama,  Asmae  El  Cadi, Btissam Ramdan, Yassine Oulad El Majdoub, Filippo Alibrando, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello,  Asmae  Fakih Lanjri, Jamal Brigui, Francesco Cacciola
Physico-Chemical  and  Phytochemical  Characterization  of  Moroccan Wild  Jujube  “Zizyphus  lotus  (L.)”  Fruit  Crude  Extract  and  Fractions Molecules 25 (2020) 5037. ISSN 1420-3049 (November 2020, MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland). Research article

389    Yassine  Oulad  El  Majdoub,  Filippo  Alibrando,  Francesco  Cacciola, Katia Arena, Eleonora Pagnotta, Roberto Matteo, Giuseppe Micalizzi, laura Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Chemical  characterization  of  three  accessions  of  Brassica  juncea  L. extracts from different plant tissues
Molecules 25 (2020) 5421. ISSN 1420-3049 (November 2020, MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland). Research article

390    Aziz  Bouymajane,  Yassine  Oulad  El  Majdoub,  Francesco  Cacciola, Marina  Russo,  Fabio  Salafia,  Alessandra  Trozzi,  Fouzia  Rhazi Filali, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Characterization  of  phenolic  compounds,  vitamin  E  and  fatty  acids from monovarietal virgin olive oils of “Picholine marocaine” cultivar Molecules 25 (2020) 5428. ISSN 1420-3049 (November 2020, MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland). Research article

391    Zoccali, M., Giuffrida, D., Salafia, F., Rigano, F., Paola Dugo Casale, M., Mondello, L.
Apocarotenoids profiling in different Capsicum species
Food  Chem.  334  (2021)  127595.  ISSN  0308-8146.  (January  2021,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

392    Giuseppe   Micalizzi,   Federica   Vento,   Filippo   Alibrando,   Danilo Donnarumma, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Cannabis   Sativa   L.:   a   comprehensive   review   on   the   analytical methodologies for cannabinoids and terpenes characterization
J.  Chromatogr.  A  1637  (2021)  461864.  ISSN:  0021-9673  (January
2021, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

393    Filippo  Mandolfino,  Katia  Arena,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Multidimensional  liquid  chromatography  approaches  for  analysis  of food contaminants
J.  Sep.  Sci.  43  (2021)  1773-1780.  ISSN  1615-306.  (January  2021,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Review article

394    G. Micalizzi, K. Huszti, Z. Palinkas, F. Mandolfino, D.R. Martose, Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, M.Utczas
Reliable   identification   and   quantification   of   anabolic   androgenic steroids in dietary supplements by using gas chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Drug Test. Anal. 13 (2021) 128-139. ISSN 1942-7611. (January 2021,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany). Research article

395    Eliane  Lazzari,  Katia  Arena,  Elina  B.  Caramão,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello, Miguel Herrero
Comprehensive  two-dimensional  liquid  chromatography-based  quali- quantitative screening of aqueous phases from pyrolysis bio-oils Electrophoresis  42  (2021)  58-67.  ISSN:  1522-2683.  (January  2021, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany).
Research article

396    Fadoua   Asraoui,   Ayoub   Kounnoun,   Hafssa   El   Cadi,   Francesco Cacciola,   Yassine   Oulad   El   Majdoub,   Filippo   Alibrando,   Filippo Mandolfino, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Adnane Louajri Phytochemical  Investigation  and  Antioxidant  Activity  of  Globularia alypum L.
Molecules  26  (2021)  759.  ISSN  1420-3049  (February  2021,  MDPI
AG, Basel, Switzerland). Research article

397    Emanuela    Trovato,    Adriana    Arigò,    Federica    Vento,    Giuseppe Micalizzi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Influence     of     Citrus     Flavor     Addition     in     Brewing     Process: Characterization  of  the  Volatile  and  Non-Volatile  Profile  to  Prevent Frauds and Adulterations
Separations 8 (2021) 18. ISSN 1420-3049 (February 2021, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

398    Domenica Mangraviti, Francesca Rigano, Adriana Arigò, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Differentiation of Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils by Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry
LWT Food Sci. Technol. 138 (2021) 110715. ISSN 0023-6438 (March
2021, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

399    Francesca  Rigano,  Adriana  Arigò,  Marianna  Oteri,  Roberta  La  Tella, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
The   Retention   Index   Approach   in   Liquid   Chromatography:   An Historical Review and Recent Advances
J. Chromatogr. A 1640 (2021) 461963. ISSN: 0021-9673 (March 2021,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

400    Giuseppe  Micalizzi,  Filippo  Alibrando,  Federica  Vento,  Emanuela Trovato,  Mariosimone  Zoccali,  Paolo  Guarnaccia,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello Development of a Novel Microwave Distillation Technique for   the   Isolation   of   Cannabis   Sativa   L.   Essential   Oil   and  Gas Chromatography Analyses for the Comprehensive Characterization of Terpenes and Terpenoids, Including Their Enantio-Distribution Molecules 26 (2021) 1588. ISSN 1420-3049 (March 2021, MDPI AG,
Basel, Switzerland). Research article

401    Francesco    Cacciola,    Katia    Arena,    Filippo    Mandolfino,    Danilo Donnarumma, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
RP-LC×RP-LC  vs.  HILIC×RP-LCsystems  for  the  elucidation  of  the polyphenolic content of food and natural products
J.  Chromatogr.  A  1645  (2021)  462129.  ISSN  0021-9673  (May  2021,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Review article

402    Marina  Russo,  Francesca  Rigano,  Adriana  Arigò,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello
Coumarins, Psoralens and Polymetoxyflavones in Cold-pressed Citrus Essential Oils: a Review
J.  Essent.  Oil  Res.  33  (2021)  221-239.  ISSN  2163-8152  (May-June
2021, Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

403    Paola  Arena,  Danilo  Sciarrone,  Paola Dugo,  Paola  Donato,  Luigi Mondello
Pattern-type  Separation  of  Triacylglycerols  by  Silver  Thiolate×Non- aqueous Reversed Phase Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography Separations  8  (2021)  88.  ISSN  1420-3049  (June  2021,  MDPI  AG,
Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

404    Adriana Arigò, Paola Dugo, Francesca Rigano, Luigi Mondello
Linear  Retention  Index  Approach  applied  to  Liquid  Chromatography coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry to determine Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds at Trace Level in Finished Cosmetics
J.  Chromatogr.  A  1649  (2021)  462183.  ISSN  0021-9673  (July  2021,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

405    Hafssa  El  Cadi,  Hajar  El  Bouzidi,  Ginane  Selama,  Btissam  Ramdan, Yassine Oulad El Majdoub, Filippo Alibrando, Jamal Brigui, Ammar
B.   Altemimi,   Paola Dugo,   Luigi   Mondello,   Francesco   Cacciola Characterization   of   Rubus   fruticosus   L.   berries   growing   wild   in Morocco:     Phytochemical     screening,     antioxidant     activity     and chromatography analysis
Eur.  Food  Res.  Technol.  247  (2021)  1689-1699.  ISSN  1438-2377.
(July 2021, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

406    Yassine Oulad El Majdoub, Giovanna Ginestra, Giuseppina Mandalari, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesco Cacciola
The  digestibility  of  Hibiscus  sabdariffa  L.  polyphenols  using  an  in vitro  human  digestion  model  and  evaluation  of  their  antimicrobial activity
Nutrients  13,  2021,  2360.  ISSN  2072-6643.  (July  2021,  MDPI  AG,
Basel, Switzerland). Research article

407    Adriana  Arigò,  Francesca  Rigano,  Marina  Russo,  Emanuela  Trovato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Dietary   Intake   of   Coumarins   and   Furocoumarins   through   Citrus Beverages:   A   Detailed   Estimation   by   a   HPLC-MS/MS   Method Combined with the Linear Retention Index System
Foods 10, 2021,1533. ISSN 2304-8158. (July 2021, MDPI AG, Basel,
Switzerland). Research article

408    Touria Lechhab, Farida Salmoune, Wafaê Lechhab, Yassine Oulad El Majdoub, Marina Russo, Maria Rita Testa Camillo, Emanuela Trovato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesco Cacciola
The  impact  of  pedoclimatic  conditions  and  the  crop  year  on  the bioactive  fraction  of  olive  oil  from  19  Moroccan  areas:  a  study  over two successive years
Eur.  Food  Res.  Technol  247  (2020)  2993-3012.  ISSN  1438-2377.
(October 2021, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

409    Marina Russo, Ivana Lidia Bonaccorsi, Francesco Cacciola, laura De Gara, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Distribution of bioactives in entire mill chain from the drupe to the oil and wastes
Nat.  Prod.  Res.  35  (2021)  4182-4187.  ISSN 1478-6419. (November
2021, Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

410    Marina   Russo,   Ivana   Lidia   Bonaccorsi,   Adriana   Arigò,   Francesco Cacciola, laura De Gara, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Blood  orange  (Citrus  sinensis)  as  a  rich  source  of  nutraceuticals: investigation  of  bioactive  compounds  in  different  parts  of  the  fruit  by HPLC-PDA/MS
Nat.  Prod.  Res.  35  (2021)  4606-4610.  ISSN 1478-6419. (November
2021, Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

411    Mariosimone Zoccali, Marina Russo, Maria Rita Testa Camillo Fabio Salafia, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
On-Line coupling of supercritical fluid extraction with enantioselective supercritical      fluid      chromatography-triple      quadrupole      mass spectrometry for the determination of chiral pesticides in hemp seeds: a proof-of-principle study
Food  Chem.  373  (2022)  131418.  ISSN  0308-8146.  (March  2022,
Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

412    Katia   Arena,   Emanuela   Trovato,   Francesco   Cacciola,   Ludovica Spagnuolo, Elisa Pannucci, Paolo Guarnaccia, Luca Santi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, laura Dugo
Phytochemical   Characterization   of   Rhus   coriaria   L.   Extracts   by Headspace    Solid-Phase    Micro    Extraction    Gas    Chromatography, Comprehensive    Two-Dimensional    Liquid    Chromatography,    and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation
Molecules 27 (2022) 1727. ISSN 1420-3049 (March 2022, MDPI AG,
Basel, Switzerland). Research article

413    Emanuela  Trovato,  Federica  Vento,  Donato  Creti,  Paola Dugo,  Luigi Mondello
Elucidation  of  analytic-compositional  fingerprinting  of  three  different species     of     chili     pepper     by     using     Headspace-Solid     Phase Microestraction  coupled  to  Gas  chromatography-Mass  spectrometry analysis, and sensory profile evaluation
Molecules 27 (2022) 2355. ISSN 1420-3049 (April 2022, MDPI AG,
Basel, Switzerland). Research article

414    Paola Arena, Francesca Rigano, Paolo Guarnaccia, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Emanuela Trovato
Elucidation  of  the  Lipid  Composition  of  Hemp  (Cannabis  sativa  L.) Products    by    means    of    Gas    Chromatography    and    Ultra-high Performance  Liquid  Chromatography  coupled  to  Mass  Spectrometry Detection
Molecules  27  (2022)  3358.  ISSN  1420-3049  (May  2022,  MDPI  AG,
Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

415    Marianna   Oteri,   Francesca   Rigano,   Giuseppe   Micalizzi,   Monica Casale, Cristina Malegori, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comparison of lipid profile of Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils by using rapid chromatographic approaches
J.  Food  Comp.  Anal.  110  (2022)  104531.  ISSN:  0889-1575.  (July
2022, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Research article

416    Adriana Arigò, Marina Russo, Maria Rita Testa Camillo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Mariosimone Zoccali
Supercritical   fluid   chromatography-tandem   mass   spectrometry   of oxygen heterocyclic compounds in Citrus essential oils
Anal.  Bioanal.  Chem.  414  (2022)  4821-4836.  ISSN  1618-2650.  (July
2022, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

417    Roberta  La  Tella,  Francesca  Rigano,  Paolo  Guarnaccia,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Non-psychoactive cannabinoids identification by linear retention index approach  applied  to  a  hand-portable  capillary  liquid  chromatography platform
Anal.   Bioanal.   Chem.   414   (2022)   6341-6353.   ISSN   1618-2650.
(September 2022, Springer, New York, USA). Research article

418    Ginane  Selama,  Hafssa  El  Cadi,  Btissam  Ramdan,  Yassine  Oulad  El Majdoub,    Paola Dugo,    Luigi    Mondello,    Francesco    Cacciola, Mohammed Nhiri
Determination    of    the    polyphenolic    content    of    Ammodaucus leucotrichus  Cosson  &  Durieu  by  liquid  chromatography  coupled  to mass  spectrometry  along  with  the  evaluation  of  the  antioxidant  and antiglycation properties
J. Sep. Sci. 45 (2022) 3301-3309. ISSN 1615-9306 (September 2022,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article

419    Fatima  Zahra  Sadiki,  Aziz  Bouymajane,  Mohammed  Sbiti,  Souhail Channaoui,   Giuseppe   Micalizzi,   Francesco   Cacciola,   Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Mostafa El Idrissia
Chemical profile, antibacterial, antioxidant and insecticidal activities of essential oil of Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters cones
J. Essent. Oil Res. 34 (2022) 383-393. ISSN 2163-8152 (October 2022,
Taylor and Francis group, London, United Kingdom). Research article

420    laura  Martin-Pozo,  Katia  Arena,  Francesco  Cacciola,  Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello
Comprehensive   two-dimensional   liquid   chromatography   in   food analysis. Is any sample preparation necessary?
Green  Anal.  Chem.  3  (2022)  100025.  ISSN  2772-5774  (December, 2022, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Review article

421    Marianna Oteri, Giovanni Bartolomeo, Francesca Rigano, Juan Aspromonte, Emanuela Trovato, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Marco Beccaria
Comprehensive Chemical Characterization of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Seed Oil with a Focus on Minor Lipid Components
Foods 12 (2023) 23. ISSN 2304-8158. (January 2023, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

422    Tania Maria Grazia Salerno, Marianna Oteri, Paola Arena, Emanuela Trovato, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello
Fast Triacylglycerol Fingerprinting in Edible Oils by Subcritical Solvent Chromatography
Separations 10 (2023) 56. ISSN 1420-3049 (January 2023, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

423    Ghanya Al-Naqeb, Cinzia Cafarella, Eugenio Aprea, Giovanna Ferrentino, Chiara Buzzanca, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesca Rigano
Supercritical fluid extraction of Cactus Opuntia ficus-indica L and Opuntia dillenii seeds oil, antioxidant activity, chemical characterization and comparison with conventional solvent extraction
Foods 12 (2023) 618. ISSN 2304-8158. (February 2023, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland).
Research article

424    Tássia Henrique Nievierowski, Flávio Fonseca Veras, Rafaela Diogo Silveira, Barbara Giocastro, Ivan Aloisi, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Adriano Brandelli, Claudia Alcaraz Zini, Juliane Elisa Welke
A Bacillus-based biofungicide agent prevents ochratoxins occurrence in grapes and impacts the volatile profile throughout the Chardonnay winemaking stages
Int. J. Food Microbiol. 389 (2023) 110107. ISSN 0168-1615 (March 2023, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

425    Emanuela Trovato, Katia Arena, Roberta La Tella, Francesca Rigano, Roberto Laganà Vinci, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Paolo Guarnaccia
Hemp seed-based food products as functional foods: a comprehensive
characterization of secondary metabolites
J. Food Comp. Anal. 117 (2023) 105151. ISSN: 0889-1575 (April 2023, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research article









































































































































































































36     Angelo Starrantino, Giorgio Terranova, Paola Dugo, Ivana Bonaccorsi and Luigi Mondello.
On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. Part. IL. Chemical Characterization of the Essential Oil of New Hibryds of Lemon obtained in Sicily.
Flavour Frag. J. 12, 153-161 (1997). ISSN 0882-5734 (May 1997, John Wiley & Sons LTD, West Sussex UK).
Research article

220    Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Francesco Cacciola, giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello
High peak capacity separation of peptides through the serial connection of LC columns under high temperature
J. Sep. Sci.,32, 1129-1136 (2009) ISSN 1615-9306. (April 2009, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Research article