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Convegno Regionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Milazzo, Italia, 11-13 Dicembre 1991. G. Dugo, G. Di Bella, G. Cimino e L. Mondello. “Residui di Procimidone nelle Uve, nel Mosto e nel Vino”. Comunicazione Orale (1)
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Fifteenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography – Riva del Garda, 24-27 Maggio 1993. G. Dugo, L. Mondello, A. Verzera, A. Cotroneo and A. Trozzi. “Investigation on Enantiomeric Distribution of Monoterpenic Alcohols in Citrus Essential Oils by Automated On-line HPLC-HRGC”. Comunicazione Orale
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Massa 93, Chimica e Biotecnologie Agro-alimentari, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Italia, 13-18 Settembre 1993. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, E. Cogliandro, I. Stagno d’Alcontres e A. Cotroneo. “La Frazione Polimetossiflavonica degli Oli Essenziali di Arancia Dolce e di Mandarino”. Comunicazione Orale
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Massa 93, Chimica e Biotecnologie Agro-alimentari, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Italia, 13-18 Settembre 1993. A. Verzera, A. Trozzi, L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo, I. Stagno d’Alcontres e G. Dugo. “La Distribuzione Enantiomerica di Alcoli Monoterpenici come Riferimento di Genuinità e di Qualità degli Oli Essenziali Agrumari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Metodiche HPLC per il Controllo di Qualità degli Alimenti e delle Bevande Alcoliche, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 7-8 Ottobre 1993. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres e Antonella Cotroneo. “La Frazione dei Composti a Nucleo Eterociclico Contenente Ossigeno degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Metodiche HPLC per il Controllo di Qualità degli Alimenti e delle Bevande Alcoliche, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 7-8 Ottobre 1993. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Antonella Verzera, Alessandra Trozzi, Antonella Cotroneo e Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres. “Determinazione della Distribuzione Enantiomerica di Alcoli Monoterpenici negli Olii Essenziali Agrumari mediante Accoppiamento Automatico ‘On-line’ HPLC-HRGC”. Comunicazione Orale
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Metodiche HPLC per il Controllo di Qualità degli Alimenti e delle Bevande Alcoliche, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 7-8 Ottobre 1993. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo e Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres. “Isolamento di Polimetossiflavoni dagli Olii Essenziali di Arancia Dolce e di Mandarino mediante Cromatografia su Colonna e HPLC Semipreparativa con Riciclo”. Comunicazione Orale
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II Congresso Italo-Peruviano di Etnomedicina Andina, Lima, Perù, 27-30 Ottobre 1993. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Antonella Verzera, Alessandra Trozzi, Antonella Cotroneo e Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres. “Il Dosaggio degli Enantiomeri di Componenti degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari Mediante Accoppiamento ‘On-line’ HPLC-HRGC con Colonne Capillari Chinali”. Comunicazione Poster
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I Congreso de la Federacion Farmaceutica Sudamericana – Montevideo, 4-7 Novembre 1993. A. Verzera, A. Trozzi, L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo, I. Stagno d’Alcontres, G. Dugo, D. Lorenzo, E. Dellacassa. “Influencia de la tecnología de extracciòn y del origen y variedad de fruta sobre la relaciòn enantiomérica de alcoholes monoterpénicos en aceites esenciales cítricos”. Comuicazione Orale
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Seminari di Chimica degli Alimenti, Messina, Italia, 16-17 Maggio 1994. L. Mondello. “ ‘On-line’ HPLC-HRGC-MS: Applicazioni all’Analisi degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (1)
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Trasformazioni Molecolari nelle Tecnologie Alimentari. Metodi di Valutazione, Milano, Italia, 19-20 Maggio 1994. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Antonella Cotroneo e Antonella Verzera. “Variazione del Contenuto e della Distribuzione Enantiomerica degli Alcoli Monoterpenici negli Olii Essenziali Agrumari in Funzione della Tecnologia di Estrazione”. Comunicazione Poster
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III Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano di Etnomedicina, Roma-Eur, Italia, 19-22 Settembre 1994. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, Giovanni Dugo e Antonella Cotroneo. “Identificazione e Dosaggio degli Idrocarburi Sesquiterpenici negli Olii Essenziali Agrumari mediante Accoppiamento Automatico ‘On-line’ HPLC-HRGC-MS(ITD)”. Comunicazione Poster
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Sixteenth International Symposium On Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 27-30, 1994. Giovanni Dugo, Alessandra Trozzi, Antonella Cotroneo, Paola Dugo, Eduardo Dellacassa, Luigi Mondello and Keith D. Bartle. “Automated HPLC-HRGC: A Powerful Method for Essential Oil Analysis. Determination of Enantiomeric Distribution of Monoterpene Alcohols (Linalol, Terpinen-4-ol and α-Terpineol) in Citrus Essential Oils from Different Origin”. Comunicazione Poster
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Sixteenth International Symposium On Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 27-30, 1994. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Keith D. Bartle, Giovanni Dugo and Bernard Frere. “On-line High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Resolution Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-HRGC-MS) for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures Containing High Volatile compounds”. Comunicazione Poster
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II Congreso de Ciencias Farmaceuticas del Cono Sur, Santiago del Cile, Ottobre 1994. A. Verzera, A. Trozzi, L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo, I. Stagno d’Alcontres, G. Dugo, D. Lorenzo e E. Dellacassa. “Influencia de la Tecnología de Extracción y del Origen y Variedad de Fruta Sobre la Relacíon Enantiomérica de Alcoholes Monoterpénicos en Aceites Esenciales Cítricos”. Comunicazione Poster
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II Simposio Internacional Quimica de Productos Naturales y sus Aplicaciones, Concepcion, Chile, 30 de Noviembre al 2 de Diciembre 1994. Antonella Verzera, Alessandra Trozzi, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo y Giovanni Dugo. “Estudio de la Relacion Enantiomerica de Alcoholes Monoterpenicos en Aceites Esenciales Citricos”. Comunicazione Poster
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Seventeenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA, May 7-11, 1995. Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo and Keith D. Bartle. “On-line LC/GC/MS for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (2)
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Seventeenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA, May 7-11, 1995. Luigi Mondello , P. Dugo, A. Basile, Giovanni Dugo and Keith D. Bartle. “Interactive Use of Kovats Indices, on Polar and Apolar Columns, with an MS-Library for Reliable Identification of Complex Mixtures”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello, G. Dugo and K.D. Bartle. “On line HPLC-HRGC and HPLC-HRGC-MS in the Analytical Chemistry of Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (3)
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello. “Applicazioni di On-line LC-GC all’analisi di olii essenziali”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 4)
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, E. Cogliandro, A. Verzera e G. Dugo. “I composti a nucleo eterociclico contenente ossigeno degli olii essenziali agrumari”. Comunicazione Orale
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello, P. Dugo, E. Cogliandro e Giacomo Dugo. “Caratterizzazione dell’olio essenziale di pummelo (Cv. Chandler) mediante GC-MS, HPLC e indici chimico-fisici”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. M. Nicotina, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, P. Previti, Giacomo Dugo e E. Caprio. “La frazione aromatica di uve falanghina e trebbiano trattate con acaricidi specifici”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello, P. Dugo, A. Cotroneo, A. Basile e G. Dugo. “Analisi GC-MS e indici di Kovats su colonne apolari e polari per una sicura identificazione dei composti della frazione volatile degli olii essenziali agrumari”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello, K.D. Bartle, P. Dugo, A. Cotroneo e G. Dugo. “Analisi dei petitgrain di arancio dolce e di arancio amaro mediante GC-MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, E. Cogliandro, A. Verzera, A. Cavazza e G. Dugo. “I composti a nucleo eterociclico contenente ossigeno dell’olio essenziale di arancia amara”. Comunicazione Poster
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2° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Giardini Naxos, Italia, 24-27 Maggio 1995. L. Mondello, K.D. Bartle, I. Stagno d’Alcontres, A. Cotroneo e G. Dugo. “Analisi dei petitgrain di limone e di mandarino mediante GC-MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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IV Congreso Italo-Latinoamericano de Etnomedicina “Felice Fontana”, Ecuador, 6-9 Noviembre 1995. Paola Dugo, L. Mondello, Giovanni Dugo, E. Dellacassa, D. Lorenzo e P. Moyna. “I Composti a nucleo eterociclico contenente ossigeno degli olii essenziali agrumari”. Comunicazione Poster
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Technical Meeting, The Coca Cola Company, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 26 Gennaio 1996. L. Mondello. “On-line LC-GC-MS for Identification of Citrus Volatiles”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 29-February 1, 1996. L. Mondello, G. Dugo, P. Dugo and K.D. Bartle. “On-line HPLC-HRGC in the Analytical Chemistry of Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 5)
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 29-February 1, 1996. L. Mondello, K.D. Bartle, P. Dugo, A. Cotroneo and G. Dugo. “The Composition of Petitgrain Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ((6)
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 29-February 1, 1996. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, I. Stagno d’Alcontres, A. Basile and G. Dugo. “Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 29-February 1, 1996. A. Verzera, G. Lamonica, L. Mondello, A. Trozzi and G. Dugo. “The Composition of Bergamot Oil”. Comunicazione Orale
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 29-February 1, 1996. D. Heaton, K.D. Bartle, A.A. Clifford, P. Dugo, L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “Rapid Analysis of Polymethoxylated Flavones from Citrus Oils by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”. Comunicazione Poster
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Fourth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Bruges, Belgium, February 7-9, 1996. L. Mondello, G. Dugo and K.D. Bartle. “On-line Coupled HPLC-HRGC-MS in Food Analyses”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (7)
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18th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 20-24, 1996. L. Mondello, M. Catalfamo, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Multidimensional Capillary GC-GC System for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples”. Comunicazione Poster
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18th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 20-24, 1996. L. Mondello, M. Catalfamo, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Enantiomeric Distribution of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons and Monoterpene Alcohols of Citrus Oils by Multidimensional GC-GC Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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18th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 20-24, 1996. D. Heaton, K.D. Bartle, A.A. Clifford, P. Dugo, L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “Rapid Analysis of Polymethoxylated Flavones (PMFs) from Citrus Oils by SFC”. Comunicazione Poster
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XIX Congresso Nazionale, Ricerca e Tecnologia, Riccione, Italia, 9-14 Giugno 1996. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo e Paola Dugo. “Determinazione della distribuzione enantiomerica di componenti volatili di miscele complesse mediante gascromatografia multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Poster
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V Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano di Etnomedicina “Agostino Codazzi”, Roma, Italia, 18-20 Settembre 1996, Padula, Certosa, Italia, 21-22 Settembre 1996. Dugo G., Mondello L., Catalfamo M. e Dugo P. “Analisi di miscele complesse di sostanze volatili mediante gascromatografia multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Poster
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V Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano di Etnomedicina “Agostino Codazzi”, Roma, Italia, 18-20 Settembre 1996, Padula, Certosa, Italia, 21-22 Settembre 1996. Della cassa E., Lorenzo D., Moyna P., Mondello L., Cotroneo A., Stagno d’Alcontres I. e Dugo P. “La composizione dell’olio essenziale di tre piante aromatiche uruguayane: Blepharocalyx tweediei (ARRAYAN), Eugenia uruguayensis (GUAYABO BLANCO) e Hyptis floribunda”. Comunicazione Poster
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Tecniche Analitiche Avanzate per l’Analisi degli Olii Essenziali, Messina, Italia, 6 Maggio 1997. Luigi Mondello. “Sviluppo di un nuovo sistema GC multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (8)
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Ninenteenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA, May 18-22, 1997. Luigi Mondello, Maurizio Catalfamo, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Multidimensional Capillary GC-GC System for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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Nineteenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA, 18-22 May 1997. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo. “Solid phase microextraction of flavor components in wines”. Comunicazione Poster
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Università di Messina, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, Tecniche Cromatografiche per l’analisi di Alimenti e Prodotti Farmaceutici, Messina, Italia, 19-20 Giugno 1997. Luigi Mondello. “Gas Cromatografia con colonne capillari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 9)
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Chimica e Alimentazione: Obiettivo Salute, Roma, Italia, 30 Giugno-1 Luglio 1997. Dugo G., Mondello L., Catalfamo M. e Dugo P. “La determinazione della distribuzione enantiomerica dei componenti degli oli essenziali agrumari mediante gascromatografia multidimesionale”. Comunicazione Poster
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16èmes Journées Internationales Huiles Essentielles, Digne les Bains, France, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Septembre 1997. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Antonella Cotroneo and Giovanni Dugo. “Techniques Multidimensionnelles Avancees pour l’Analyse des Huiles Essentielles de Bergamote”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 10)
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16èmes Journées Internationales Huiles Essentielles, Digne les Bains, France, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Septembre 1997. Antonella Verzera, Alessandra Trozzi, Ildefonsa Stagno d’Alcontres and Luigi Mondello. “The Composition of the Volatile Compounds of Calabrian Bergamot Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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WOCMAP II, II Congreso Mundial de Plantas Aromáticas y Medicinales para el Bienestar de la Humanidad, Mendoza, República Argentina, 10 al 15 de Noviembre de 1997. Daniel Lorenzo , Antonella Verzera, Alessandra Trozzi, Luigi Mondello, Eduardo Dellacassa y P. Moyna. “Estudio de composición de aceites esenciales cítricos del Uruguay: Citrus clementine Hort. 1”. Comunicazione Poster
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PITTCON ’98, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 1-5, 1998. I.L. Bonaccorsi, H.M. McNair, L.A. Brunner, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “HPLC Methodology for the Determination of Organophosphourus and Organochlorine Pesicides in Citrus Juice”. Comunicazione Poster
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Seventh Latin American Congress On Chromatography, Águas de São Pedro, Brasil, March 25-27, 1998. Luigi Mondello, Piero Previti, Antonella Cotroneo, G. Dugo, and H. McNair. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography: Analysis of Lemon Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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Seventh Latin American Congress On Chromatography, Águas de São Pedro, Brasil, March 25-27, 1998. L. Mondello, A. Verzera, G. Dugo, E. Dellacassa, D. Lorenzo and A. Lloret. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography for Enantiomeric Analysis of Uruguayan Citrus Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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Seventh Latin American Congress On Chromatography, Águas de São Pedro, Brasil, March 25-27, 1998. H.M. McNair, L.A. Brunner, L. Mondello, I. Bonaccorsi and P. Dugo. “HPLC Methodology for Determination of Organophosphourus and Organochlorine Pesticides in Citrus Juice”. Comunicazione Poster
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20th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 26-29, 1998. L. Mondello, M. Catalfamo, G. Dugo, P. Dugo and I. Bonaccorsi. “Analysis of High Boiling Compounds by an Innovative Multidimensional GC-GC System”. Comunicazione Poster
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Università di Messina, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, Le nuove frontiere della cromatografia, Messina, Italia 8-9 Settembre 1998. L. Mondello. “Gascromatografia multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 11)
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22nd International Symposium on Chromatography, Roma, Italia, September 13-18, 1998. L. Mondello, M. Catalfamo and G. Dugo. “A New Multidimensional Capillary Gas Chromatography System: Instrumentation Development and Applications”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (12))
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22nd International Symposium on Chromatography, Roma, Italia, September 13-18, 1998. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, I. Bonaccorsi, H. McNair, E. Sebastiani and G. Dugo. “Characterization of the Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Citrus Essential Oils by HPLC/MS with APcI+ Interface”. Comunicazione Poster
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22nd International Symposium on Chromatography, Roma, Italia, September 13-18, 1998. L. Mondello, A. Verzera, A. Cotroneo and G. Dugo. “Enantiomeric Distribution of Citrus Essential Oils Components by Multidimensional Capillary Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Poster
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3° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Letojanni (Messina), Italia, 8-9 Ottobre 1998. Dugo P., Mondello L., Dugo G., Bonaccorsi I., McNair H.M. and Sebastiani E. “HPLC/MS con interfaccia APcI+ per l’analisi di miscele naturali di composti eterociclici a nucleo contenente ossigeno”. Comunicazione Orale
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3° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Letojanni (Messina), Italia, 8-9 Ottobre 1998. I.L. Bonaccorsi, H.M. McNair, L. Mondello e Giacomo Dugo. “Confronto delle Tecniche di Analisi HPLC e GC per la Determinazione di Residui di Pesticidi in Succhi di Agrumi”. Comunicazione Poster
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3° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Letojanni (Messina), Italia, 8-9 Ottobre 1998. L. Mondello, A. Verzera, A. Cotroneo e G. Dugo. “Determinazione della Distribuzione Enantiomerica dei Composti degli Olii Essenziali Agrumari mediante Gascromatografia Multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Poster
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International Congress, Bergamott98, Reggio Calabria, Italy, November 30- December 2, 1998. Luigi Mondello, Piero Previti and Giovanni Dugo. “Multidimensional Advanced Techniques for the Analysis of Bergamot Oil”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (13)
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International Congress, Bergamott98, Reggio Calabria, Italy, November 30- December 2, 1998. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello and Rosaria Costa. “Coumarins and Psoralens Content of Calabrian Bergamot Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale
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International Congress, Bergamott98, Reggio Calabria, Italy, November 30- December 2, 1998. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Francesco Crispo and Antonella Cotroneo. “Enantiomeric Distribution of Volatile Components of the Bergamot Oil”. Comunicazione Orale (2)
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Università di Messina, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, Metodiche HPLC e HPLC/MS per lo studio di Sostanze Naturali Biologicamente Attive, Messina, 17 Marzo 1999. Luigi Mondello, Giacinto Errante, Giovanni Zappia, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “HPLC semipreparativa e analitica e HPLC/MS per l’isolamento, l’identificazione e il dosaggio delle antocianine di succhi di arance pigmentate”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (14)
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Università di Messina, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, Metodiche HPLC e HPLC/MS per lo studio di Sostanze Naturali Biologicamente Attive, Messina, 17 Marzo 1999. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Identificazione di componenti minori della frazione a nucleo eterociclico contenente ossigeno degli olii essenziali agrumari mediante HPLC/MS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Università di Ferrara, Dip. Scienze Farmaceutiche, Facoltà di Farmacia, Metodiche HPLC e HPLC-MS per la Ricerca di Sostanze Naturali e di Xenobiotici nelle Bevande, Ferrara, Italia, 14 Maggio 1999. L. Mondello “Metodiche HPLC e HPLC/MS per lo studio delle antocianine di succhi di arance pigmentate”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (15)
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Twenty-first International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Park City, Utah, USA, June 20-24, 1999. Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Giacomo Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Matrices”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (16)
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8th International Meeting on Recent Developments in Pharmaceuticaas Analysis (RDPA ’99), Rome, June 29-July 3, 1999. G. Errante, L. Mondello, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and G. Lamonica. “Analytical and Semipreparative HPLC and HPLC/MS for Isolation, Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Anthocyanins of Blood Orange Juices”. Comunicazione Poster
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III Reuniáo da Sociedade Latino-Americana de Fitoquímica, Gramado, Brasil, de 13 a 17 de Setembro de 1999. I. Loayza, W. De Groot, D. Lorenzo, E. Dellacassa, L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “Composition of the Essential Oil of Porophyllum Ruderala (Jacq.) Cass. from Bolivia”. Comunicazione Poster
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4° Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti – CISETA -, Cernobbio, 16-17 Settembre 1999. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Zappia, R. Stancanelli, G. Dugo and S. Ogliari. “HPLC-APcI-MS Analysis of Coumarins, Psoralens and Polymethoxylated Flavones of Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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4° Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti – CISETA -, Cernobbio, 16-17 Settembre 1999. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Errante, G. Lamonica, G. Dugo and S. Ogliari. “Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Anthocyanins of Blood Orange Juices by HPLC and HPLC/MS”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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Le Nuove Frontiere della Scienza della Separazione, Ferrara, Italia, 12-13 Ottobre 1999. Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Approcci gascromatografici innovativi per lo studio di matrici complesse”. Comunicazione Orale (3)
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Workshop “Tecniche cromatografiche e tecnologie innovative nella produzione e controllo degli alimenti.Cagliari, Italia, 14-15 Ottobre 1999. G. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Gascromatografia ultraveloce per l’analisi di matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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13ª Rassegna Internazionale della Chimica e 36ª Edizione Mac ’99, Milano, Italia, 19-22 ottobre 1999. Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Giacomo Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Franco Bruno. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) in Natural Fats”. Comunicazione orale a Invito ( 17)
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13ª Rassegna Internazionale della Chimica e 36ª Edizione Mac ’99, Milano, Italia, 19-22 ottobre 1999. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Giacinto Errante, Giovanni Dugo and Stefano Ogliari. “HPLC and HPLC/MS for isolation, identification and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins of blood orange juices”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (18)
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13ª Rassegna Internazionale della Chimica e 36ª Edizione Mac ’99, Milano, Italia, 19-22 ottobre 1999. Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Paola Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Franco Bruno. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (19)
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13ª Rassegna Internazionale della Chimica e 36ª Edizione Mac ’99, Milano, Italia, 19-22 ottobre 1999. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Zappia, Giovanni Dugo and S. Ogliari. “Characterisation of the Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds of Citrus Essential Oils by HPLC-APcI+-MS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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22nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Gifu, Japan, November 8-12, 1999. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, P. Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, H.M. McNair, G. Dugo. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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22nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Gifu, Japan, November 8-12, 1999. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, I. Bonaccorsi, Giacomo Dugo, H.M. McNair, G. Dugo. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Matrices. Determination of Fatty Acids Methyl Esters (FAMEs) in Natural Fats”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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22nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Gifu, Japan, November 8-12, 1999. L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo, Giacomo Dugo, Keith D. Bartle and G. Dugo. “Multidimensional GC for the Analysis of Chiral Compounds”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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22nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Gifu, Japan, November 8-12, 1999. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Errante, L. Dugo, G. Dugo. “Analysis of Volatile Flavour Compounds in Alcoholic Beverages Made with Fruits by SPME-GC”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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Solution for Scientists Symposium, Olympia, London, UK, 29-30 November 1999. Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo. “Multidimensional Capillary Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Real Samples”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 20)
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 15-18, 2000. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, P. Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, G. Dugo and H.M. McNair. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 21)
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 15-18, 2000. G. Dugo, L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo and M. Catalfamo. “Study on the Enantiomeric Distribution of Volatile Components of Citrus Essential Oils by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography (MDGC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 22)
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International Citrus Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 15-18, 2000. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Errante and G. Dugo. “Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Oxygen Heterocyclic Compounds in Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Applicazioni di Tecniche Analitiche Innovative per una Migliore Conoscenza del Vino e dell’Olio d’Oliva, Marsala, Italia, 19 Aprile 2000. Luigi Mondello. “Applicazione di un sistema gascromatografico ultraveloce all’analisi degli olii d’oliva”. Comunicazione Orale (4) |
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Le Tecniche Strumentali nello Studio dell’Ambiente e della Salute Umana, Siena, Italia, 2 Giugno 2000. F. Bruno, L. Mondello, G. Dugo. “Nuove tecniche strumentali per la determinazione di inquinanti ambientali”. Comunicazione Orale
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23rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, June 5-10, 2000. A. Cavazza, K.D. Bartle, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils by Capillary Electrochromatography (CEC) in Reversed Phase and with Non-aqueoous Mobile Phase”. Comunicazione Poster
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23rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, June 5-10, 2000. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, P. Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, I. Bonaccorsi and G. Dugo. “Fast-GC/FPD Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Natural Complex Matrices”. Comunicazione Poster
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23rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, June 5-10, 2000. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, P. Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, I. Bonaccorsi and G. Dugo. “Identification of Complex Samples by Fast-GC/MS Using Linear Retention Indices in Conjuction with the MS-Library”. Comunicazione Poster
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Applicazioni di Tecniche Analitico-Strumentali nel Settore Agroalimentare, Grugliasco, Torino, Italia, 13 Giugno 2000. F. Bruno, L. Mondello, G. Dugo. “Fast GC con rivelatore fotometrico a fiamma su pesticidi in prodotti agroalimentari” Comunicazione Orale
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. Dugo G., Mondello L. “Approcci gascromatografici innovativi per lo studio di matrici complesse” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, I. Bonaccorsi, Giacomo Dugo, Giovanni Dugo. “GC veloce per l’analisi di matrici naturali. Determinazione di acidi grassi metilesteri (FAMEs) in grassi naturali”. Comunicazione Orale ( 5)
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giacinto Errante, Giovanni Dugo. “Caratterizzazione mediante HPLC/MS con interfaccia API di flavonoidi in matrici naturali”. Comunicazione Orale
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. I. Nicoletti, C. Corradini, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, R. Stancanelli. “Impiego di metodi cromatografici miniaturizzati applicati allo studio e alla caratterizzazione di nuovi integratori alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. Cavazza A., Bartle K.D., Dugo P., Mondello L. “Analisi di composti eterociclici ossigenati in olii essenziali di agrumi mediante elettrocromatografia capillare (CEC) e confronto con HPLC”. Comunicazione Poster
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. A. Cavazza, K. D. Bartle, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Analisi di polimetossiflavoni in olii essenziali di agrumi mediante elettrocromatografia capillare”. Comunicazione Poster
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. Mondello L., Zappia G., Dugo P., Dugo Giacomo, Dugo G. “GC veloce per l’analisi di oli essenziali”. Comunicazione Poster
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Ferrara, Italia, 28-30 Giugno 2000. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Errante, G. Dugo. “Analisi di componenti volatili in bevande alcoliche a base di frutta mediante SPME-GC”. Comunicazione Poster
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IX Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano di Etnomedicina, Urbino 18-20, Roma 21 Settembre 2000.Giovanni Dugo e Luigi Mondello. “Gascromatografia Ultraveloce per l’Analisi di Matrici Complesse (Olii Essenziali, Grassi Animali e Vegetali)” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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23rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Olympia, London, UK, October 1-5, 2000.L. Mondello, G. Zappia and G. Dugo. “Fast GC and Fast GC-MS for analysis of natural complex mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 23)
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Recenti Sviluppi e Nuovi Campi di Applicazione della LC-MS in Campo Chimico, Biologico e Biotecnologico, Milano, Italia, 24 Novembre 2000.Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo“Analisi in HPLC-MS con interfaccia a pressione ambiente (API) di composti naturali biologicamente attivi”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (24)
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Terzo Millennio: Il Futuro della Chimica Analitica nel Controllo Alimentare ed Ambientale, Roma, Italia, 22-24 Febbraio 2001. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, G. Dugo, R. Shellie, P.J. Marriott. “Metodi Gascromatografici Innovativi per l’Analisi di Matrici Complesse Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale (6)
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24th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, USA, May 20-24, 2001. Robert Shellie, Philip Marriott, Giovanni Zappia and Luigi Mondello. “Chiral Essential Oil Analysis using Comprehensive Gas Chromatography”.Comunicazione Poster
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9th International Meeting on Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis-RDPA ’01, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Messina, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “Advanced Analytical Techniques for Pharmaceutical Analysis. The New Millenium Frontier”Comunicazione Orale a Invito (25)
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9th International Meeting on Recent developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis RDPA ’01, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Messina, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.Dugo P., Mondello L., Zappia G., Errante G., Dugo G. “Evaluation of Triacylglycerol (TAG) content in Vegetable Oils by Nonaqueous Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (NARP-HPLC) with Atmosphere Pressure Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/APCI/MS) Detection”. Comunicazione Poster
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9th International Meeting on Recent developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis RDPA ’01, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Messina, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.Dugo P. , Mondello L., Errante G., Zappia G., Dugo G., Serraino I., Dugo L., Cuzzocrea S. “HPLC/ESI/MS Analysis of Anthocyanins in Red Fruits”. Comunicazione Poster
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9th International Meeting on Recent developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis RDPA ’01, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Messina, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.L. Mondello, G. Zappia, G. Errante, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Fast GC for the Analysis of Fats and Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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9th International Meeting on Recent developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis RDPA ’01, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Messina, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.L. Mondello, G. Zappia, G. Errante, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography (MDGC) for the Analysis of Chiral Compounds”. Comunicazione Poster
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Tecniche Cromatografiche Innovative nel Settore Agro-Alimentare, Cagliari, Italia, 17 Luglio 2001.Luigi Mondello.“HPLC e HPLC/MS per la determinazione di sostanze biologicamente attive da matrici alimentari”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 26)
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GC-2010 Tour, Duisburg, Germany, September 4, 2001.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Conventional and Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Complex Mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (27)
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GC-2010 Tour, Darmstadt, Germany, September 6, 2001.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Conventional and Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Complex Mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 28)
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GC-2010 Tour, Berlin, Germany, September 11, 2001.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Conventional and Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Complex Mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (29)
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GC-2010 Tour, Leipzig, Germany, September 12, 2001.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Conventional and Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Complex Mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (30)
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GC-2010 Tour, Munchen, Germany, September 13, 2001.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Conventional and Fast GC for the Analysis of Natural Complex Mixtures”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 31)
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5° Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti (CISETA), Cernobbio (CO) 13- 14 September 2001. L. Mondello, G. Zappia, G. Dugo. “Metodi cromatografici innovativi per l’analisi di matrici complesse alimentari”. Comunicazione Poster
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6th Workshop on the “Developments in the Italian PhD Research in Food Science and Technology”, Acitrezza (CT), Italy, 20-22 Settembre 2001.G. Dugo, L. Mondello.“Gascromatografia convenzionale e ultraveloce per l’analisi di miscele naturali complesse”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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15. Norske Symposium i Kromatografi, Sandefjord, Norvegia, 6-8 Gennaio 2002.L. Mondello and G. Dugo.“Advanced Analytical Techniques for Nutraceuticals Analysis”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (32)
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Seventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Brugge, Belgium, February 6-8, 2002.L. Mondello, P. Dugo and G. Dugo.“Advanced Analytical Techniques for the Characterization of Complex Matrices: Multidimensional and Fast GC Methods”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (33)
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Attualità ed Interdisciplinarietà della Chimica Analitica, Roma, Italia, 20-22 Febbraio 2002. Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Metodi cromatografici innovativi per l’analisi di miscele naturali”. Comunicazione Orale (7)
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Attualità ed Interdisciplinarietà della Chimica Analitica, Roma, Italia, 20-22 Febbraio 2002. Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Tecniche gascromatografiche innovative per l’analisi degli oli essenziali: una realtà di oggi che trae origine da una brillante intuizione del passato del prof. Arnaldo Liberti”. Comunicazione Orale
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25th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo”Multidimensional and Fast-GC Methods for Food Analysis”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (8) |
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25th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002.Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Adriana Lloret and Giovanni Dugo “Fast-GC for the Analysis of the Volatile Fraction of Citrus Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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25th 25th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002.Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Adriana Lloret, Lucia Cicero and Giovanni Dugo. “Determina“Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Methyl Esters in Fats and Oils by Fast-GC”.Comunicazione Poster
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25th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, D. Morabito and G. Dugo. “MicroHP MicroHPLC-ESI-MS of Anthocyanins in Fruit Juices”.Comunicazione Poster
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25th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Adriana Lloret and Giovanni Dugo. “Identification of Complex Samples by Fast GC/MS using a Conventional Mass Spectrometer”.Comunicazione Poster
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25th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 13-17, 2002.Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Adriana Lloret, Lucia Cicero, Giacomo Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Vegetable Oils by Fast-GC/FPD and Fast-GC/FTD”. Comunicazione Poster
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Semináře “Fast GC”, Brnĕ, Czek Republic, 22 Maggio 2002.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Theory of Fast GC”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito |
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Semináře “Fast GC”, Brnĕ, Czek Republic, 22 Maggio 2002.Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo.“Application of fast GC to Real Natural Samples”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 34) |
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Premio Sapio per la Ricerca Italiana 2002, Roma, Italia, 4 Giugno 2002.Luigi Mondello.“Gascromatografia veloce e multidimensionale per il controllo di qualità di oli essenziali”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 35) |
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Scienza, etica e mercato nelle produzioni agricole, Marsala, Italia, 18 Giugno 2002. Erice, Italia, 19 Giugno 2002.Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Determinazione del tenore in antociani in vini siciliani”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito |
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Scienza, etica e mercato nelle produzioni agricole, Marsala, Italia, 18 Giugno 2002. Erice, Italia, 19 Giugno 2002.Luigi Mondello.“Analisi Fast-GC di matrici alimentari”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 36) |
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Metodi cromatografici innovativi per la caratterizzazione di polifenoli ed altri componenti minori nel vino, Roma, Italia, 20 Giugno 2002.Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo.“Analisi μHPLC e μHPLC-ESI-MS della frazione antocianinica dei vini rossi”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito |
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Massa 2002, An International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry, Cetraro (CS), Italia, 27 Giugno-1 Luglio 2002. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo.“Micro HPLC/MS per lo Studio di Molecole Biologicamente attive in Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito |
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Il Laboratorio di Prova nel Monitoraggio Ambientale e Biologico dell’Esposizione Professionale a Xenobiotici, Fondazione “Salvatore Maugeri”, Pavia, Italia, 4 Ottobre 2002. F. Bruno, L. Mondello e G. Dugo. “Possibilità e Potenzialità Applicative della GC-High Speed”. Comunicazione Orale
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FAFS, Food Authenticity and Food Safety. Metodiche Analitiche Avanzate Applicate all’Autenticazione ed alla Sicurezza Alimentare, Novara, Italia, 17-18 Ottobre 2002. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Metodi Cromatografici Miniaturizzati (Ultra-fast e Multidimensionali) per la Caratterizzazione di Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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FAFS, Food Authenticity and Food Safety. Metodiche Analitiche Avanzate Applicate all’Autenticazione ed alla Sicurezza Alimentare, Novara, Italia, 17-18 Ottobre 2002. Franco Bruno, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “L’evoluzione Strumentale e le Tecniche Innovative nella Gascromatografia ‘Ultra Fast’ e nella ‘Fast’ GC-MS”. Comunicazione Orale (9)
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FAFS, Food Authenticity and Food Safety. Metodiche Analitiche Avanzate Applicate all’Autenticazione ed alla Sicurezza Alimentare, Novara, Italia, 17-18 Ottobre 2002. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Adriana Lloret, Lucia Cicero e Giovanni Dugo. “Determinazione degli Esteri Metilici degli Acidi Grassi di Oli e Grassi medinate Fast-GC”.Comunicazione Poster
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FAFS, Food Authenticity and Food Safety. Metodiche Analitiche Avanzate Applicate all’Autenticazione ed alla Sicurezza Alimentare, Novara, Italia, 17-18 Ottobre 2002. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Domenica Morabito e Giovanni Dugo. “MicroHPLC-MS per lo Studio della Frazione Antocianinica in Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Poster
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First International Symposium on Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography, Volendam, Netherlands, March 6-7, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli and Giovanni Dugo. “Comprehensive GCxGC for Food Analisys”. Comunicazione Poster
Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Hannover, Germany, 1 Aprile 2003. Luigi Mondello “Ultra-Fast GC for the Analysis of Adulterations in Oils and Fats”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 37)
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 2 Aprile 2003. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra-Fast GC for the Analysis of Adulterations in Oils and Fats”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 38)
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Leipzig, Germany, 3 Aprile 2003. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra-Fast GC for the Analysis of Adulterations Oils and Fats”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (39)
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar Duisburg, Germany, 8 Aprile 2003. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra-Fast GC for the Analysis of Adulterations in Oils and Fats”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (40)
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Munich, Germany, 10 Aprile 2003. Luigi Mondello.“Ultra-Fast GC for the Analysis of Adulterations in Oils and Fats”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito (41)
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Luigi Mondello, and Giovanni Dugo. “Comprehensive GCXGC for Food Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale (10)
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “The Application of Ultra-fast GC in Analytical Food Chemistry”. Comunicazione Poster
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26th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Determination of Essential Oil Composition and Adulterants with Ultra-fast GC”. Comunicazione Poster
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Biagina Chiofalo, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Application of Ultra-fast GC in the Analysis of Lipids”. Comunicazione Poster
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Athanasia Sakkà, Paola Dugo, Rosaria Costa, Vincenzo Chiofalo and Giovanni Dugo. “Reliable Identification of Classes of Compounds using Spectrometric Informations with Linear Retetion Indices”. Comunicazione Poster
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides in Vegetable Oils by Ultra-fast GC/FPD and Ultra-fast GC/FTD”. Comunicazione Poster
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26th International Symposiumon Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 18-22, 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Olinda Favoino, Maria Lo Presti, Rosario Luppino and Giovanni Dugo. “MicroHPLC-ESI-MS and MicroHPLC-UV-PDA of anthocyanins in fruit juices”. Comunicazione Poster
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Séminaire de Grasse. Techniques d’analyses rapide pour aromes et parfums, Grasse, France, 5 Juin 2003. Luigi Mondello.“Fast GCMS pour analyses des huiles et acides gras”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 42)
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “La gascromatografia ortogonale (GCXGC) per l’analisi di matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Olinda Favoino, Maria Lo Presti, Rosario Luppino e Giovanni Dugo. “Micro HPLC-ESI-MS e Micro HPLC-UV-PDA di antocianine in succhi di frutta”. Comunicazione Orale
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Rosaria Costa, Biagina Chiofalo, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Applicazione dell’Ultrafast-GC per l’analisi dei lipidi”. Comunicazione Orale
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Paola Dugo, Antonella Cotroneo e Giovanni Dugo. “Determinazione della composizione e individuazione delle adulterazioni degli olii essenziali mediante Ultrafast-GC”. Comunicazione Orale
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Biagina Chiofalo, Alessandro Zumbo, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Analisi dei componenti volatili dell’aroma di formaggio caprino siciliano mediante SPME-GC/MS”. Comunicazione Orale
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Rosario Luppino, Olinda Favoino e Giovanni Dugo. “Analisi dei trigliceridi in olii e grassi di origine animale e vegetale mediante HPLC con colonne monolitiche”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Maria Chiara Pietrogrande, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Analisi gascromatografica di olii essenziali: decodifica di cromatogrammi complessi mediante analisi di fourier”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Biagina Chiofalo, Vincenzo Chiofalo, Luigi Liotta, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Caratteristiche della frazione lipidica delle carni del suino nero siciliano mediante GC ultraveloce”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Determinazione di pesticidi organofosforici in olii vegetali mediante Ultrafast GC/FPD e Ultrafast GC/FTD”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. I. Serraino, L. Dugo, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, E. Mazzon, G. Dugo, A.P. Caputi e S. Cuzzocrea. “Effetti protettivi della Cyanidin-3-O-Glucoside estratta dal succo di more nei confronti del danno vascolare e della disfunzione endoteliale indotta dal perossinitrito”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. A. Rossi, I. Serraino, P. Dugo, R. Di Paola, L. Mondello, T. Genovese, G. Dugo, L. Sautebin, A.P. Caputi e S. Cuzzocrea. “Effetti protettivi delle antocianine estratte dal succo di more in un modello di infiammazione acuta polmonare nel ratto”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Olinda Favoino e Giovanni Dugo. “HPLC-APCI/MS di trigliceridi in olii e grassi di origine animale e vegetale”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Maria Lo Presti, Olinda Favonio. “HPLC-APCI/MS per l’analisi dei componenti a nucleo eterociclico contenente ossigeno degli olii essenziali agrumari”. Comunicazione Poster
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Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti. V Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Parma, Italia, 9-12 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lucia Cicero, Athanasia Sakkà, e Giovanni Dugo. “Identificazione di componenti di miscele complesse mediante GC/MS e indici di ritenzione lineari”. Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana,Torino, Italia, 22-27 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo. “Fast GC/MS con Colonne Micro-bore e Macro-bore”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 43)
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Madrid, Spagna, 25 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello.“Ultra-fast GC and Ultra-fast GC/MS for the Analysis of Essential Oils and Fats”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Fast GC and Fast GC/MS Seminar, Barcelona, Spagna, 25 Giugno 2003. Luigi Mondello.“Ultra-fast GC and Ultra-fast GC/MS for the Analysis of Essential Oils and Fats”.Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 44)
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10th Meeting on Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis, Cogne, Valle D’Aosta, Italy, 28 June-1 July, 2003. G. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Innovative Gas Chromatographic Approach in Enviromental and Food Chemistry”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Sicurezza alimentare e certificazione di qualità, Castel del Monte, Andria, Bari, Italia, 4 Luglio 2003. Luigi Mondello. “Metodi Innovativi di Analisi Cromatografia nel Campo Agroalimentare (Fast GC, Fast GC-MS, GCxGC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (45)
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34th International Symposium On Essential Oils, Wurzburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2003. Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo. “Ultra Fast GC and Ultra Fast GC/MS for the Analysis of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale (11)
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34th International Symposium On Essential Oils, Wurzburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2003. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Ultra-Fast GC for the Determination of Essential Oil Composition and Aldulteration”.Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium On Essential Oils, Wurzburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2003. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Olinda Favoino, Maria Lo Presti, Rosario Luppino and Giovanni Dugo. “Characterisation of Oxygen Heterocyclic Components of Cold-pressed Citrus Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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La Microestrazione in fase solida (SPME), Messina, Italia, 28 Ottobre 2003. L. Mondello, P.Q.Tranchida, R.Costa, A.Casilli e G. Dugo. “Analisi SPME-GC e SPME-GCxGC dei componenti dell’Aroma del Caffè Tostato”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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La Microestrazione in fase solida (SPME), Messina, Italia, 28 Ottobre 2003. L. Mondello, R.Costa, B. Chiofalo, A. Zumbo, P. Dugo e G. Dugo. “Analisi dei componenti Volatili nell’Aroma del formaggio mediante SPME-GC/MS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Giornate di Scienza delle Separazioni. Alimentazione, Ambiente, Salute: le sfide analitiche che attendono i giovani. C.N.R. – Area della Ricerca di Roma 1. 15-16 Dicembre 2003. Alessandro Casilli, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo e Giovanni Dugo. “Gascromatografia Multidimensionale (GCxGC) – Tecnica Innovativa per lo Studio di Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Giornate di Scienza delle Separazioni. Alimentazione, Ambiente, Salute: le sfide analitiche che attendono i giovani. C.N.R. – Area della Ricerca di Roma 1, 15-16 Dicembre 2003. R. Luppino, O. Favoino, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, G. Dugo e L. Mondello. “HPLC Multidimensionale (LCxLC) per lo Studio di Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Eighth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Brugge, Belgium, February 4-6, 2004. Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo. “Comprehensive Multidimensional Chromatography for Food Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (46)
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Eighth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Brugge, Belgium, February 4-6, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra Fast GC and Ultra Fast GC/MS for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples using 50 and 100 mm columns”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (47)
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Eighth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Brugge, Belgium, February 4-6, 2004. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Comprehensive Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Food Matrices”.Comunicazione Poster
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Eighth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Brugge, Belgium, February 4-6, 2004. Paola Dugo, Olinda Favoino, Rosario Luppino, Maria Lo Presti, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive Two Dimensional NP (Adsorption)-RP Liquid Chromatography for Food Analysis”.Comunicazione Poster
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Nouveaux devéloppements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 8 Avril 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GCxGC and Comprehensive GCxGC/qMS for the analysis of Flavour and Fragrances”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (48)
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Nouveaux devéloppements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 8 Avril 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Fast GC and GC/MS for the Analysis of Volatile Components”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (49)
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Nouveaux devéloppements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Les Champs Blancs, Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland, 23 Avril 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GCxGC and Comprehensive GCxGC/qMS for the analysis of Flavours and Fragances”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (50)
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Nouveaux devéloppements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Les Champs Blancs, Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland, 23 Avril 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Fast GC and GC/MS for the Analysis of Volatiles”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (51)
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello Luigi. “Comprehensive Techniques for the Analysis of Natural Matrices”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (52)
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Casilli A., Tranchida P.Q., CiceroL., Costa R., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Fast Comprehensive GCxGC Food Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Casilli A., Costa R., Tranchida P.Q., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “The Triple-Dimensional analysis of Higly Complex Food Samples Through GCxGC-q MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Tranchida P.Q., Casilli A., Cicero L., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Ultra-Fast GC Analisys with 50 μm I.D. Column: Practical Aspects and Applications”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Lo Presti M., Öhman M., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Determination of Flavonoids in Citrus Juices by Micro-HPLC”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Favonio O., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “RP-LC Coupled to SI-LC-MS for the Characterisation of Triacylglycerol Positional Isomers.” Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Dugo P., Favonio O., Luppino R., Lo Presti M., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Comprensive Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography in the Study of Food Matrices”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Costa R., Casilli A., Tranchida P.Q., Festa S., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Automated SPME-GC/MS Analysis of Coffee Flavor”. Comunicazione Poster
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27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004. Costa R., Chiofalo B., Chiofalo L., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “SPME-GC/MS: A Suitable Technique for the Analysis of Cheese Aroma Profile”. Comunicazione Poster
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La Microestrazione in fase solida (SPME). Una tecnica semplice per determinare quantitativamente Nutrienti e Contaminanti in Matrici Alimentari ed Ambientali, Torino, Italia, 18 Giugno 2004. Franco Bruno, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Strumentazione ed applicazioni della Tecnica Ultra Fast GC e Fast GCMS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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10° Thermo Week. Corso di Cromatografia-Spettrometria di Massa. Applicazioni Agroalimentari, Acitrezza-CT, Italia, 21-24 Giugno 2004. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Micro e nano-HPLC”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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10° Thermo Week. Corso di Cromatografia-Spettrometria di Massa, Applicazioni Agroalimentari, Acitrezza-CT, Italia, 21-24 Giugno 2004. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo e Giacomo Dugo. “Cromatografia multidimensionale”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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10° Thermo Week. Corso di Cromatografia-Spettrometria di Massa, Applicazioni Agroalimentari, Acitrezza-CT, Italia, 21-24 Giugno 2004. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Olii essenziali agrumari, flavoni”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Nuovi approcci analitici nei settori ambientale ed alimentare, Oristano, Italia, 24 Giugno 2004. Franco Bruno, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Le potenzialità delle tecniche Fast GC e Fast GC-MS: peculiarità costruttive della strumentazione analitica e settori di applicazione”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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6th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, Brighton, UK, June 27-July 1, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra Fast GC and Ultra Fast GC-MS for the Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters from Vegetable and Animal Lipids”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 53)
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6th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, Brighton, UK, June 27-July 1, 2004. Luigi Mondello and Giovanni Dugo. “Group Type Separation of Natural Fats and Oils by Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC)”. Comunicazione Poster a Invito
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8th International Conference on Goats, Pretoria, South Africa, 4-9 July, 2004. B. Chiofalo, A. Zumbo, R. Costa, L. Mondello, P. Dugo and V. Chiofalo. “Characterisation of the cheese flavour of the Maltese goats using SPME-GC/MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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3^ Scuola Nazionale Suolo e Acque Interne, Viterbo, Italia, 13-17 Settembre 2004. Giacinto Errante, Paola Dugo e Luigi Mondello. “Recenti sviluppi della IC-HPLC nell’analisi chimica strumentale”. Comunicazione Orale
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2nd International Symposium on Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 31-September 3, 2004. Luigi Mondello, Peter Q. Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo. “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography in Food Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 54)
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2nd International Symposium on Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 31-September 3, 2004. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, G. Dugo, L. Mondello, P. Dugo. “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography in Combination with Rapid Scanning Quadrupole Mass Spectometry in Complex Sample Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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2nd International Symposium on Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 31-September 3, 2004. A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Dugo, L. Mondello, P. Dugo. “Comprehensive GC (GCxGC) – An Innovative Approach for Food Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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Euroanalysis XIII. European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Salamanca, Spain, September 5-10, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “GCxGC and LCxLC: The new millenium comprehensive separation techniques”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (55)
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XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Analitica, Parma, Italia, 19-23 Settembre 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Nuovi metodi cromatografici (GCxGC e LCxLC) per l’identificazione di molecole di interesse alimentare”. Comunicazione Orale (12)
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XVI Edizione SIPAOC 2004. Siena, 29 Settembre-2 Ottobre 2004. Costa R., Chiofalo B., Mondello L., Dugo P., Chiofalo V. “Analisi mediante SPME-GC/MS della frazione volatile di formaggi tipici siciliani. Risultati preliminari”. Comunicazione Orale
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “High-speed GC Essential Oil Analysis with 50 and 100 µm ID Micro-bore Columns”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. M. Lo Presti, R. Luppino, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive Two-dimensional NP (Adsorption)-RP Liquid Chromatography for Essential Oil Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “GCxGC and GCxGC/qMS for Complex Samples Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. M. Lo Presti, A. Trozzi, S. Ragusa, P. Dugo, G. Colnaghi, F. Visinoni, Giovanni Dugo and L. Mondello. “A Comparison of Microwave-Assisted, Hydro Distillation and Supercritical Fluid Techniques for the Preparation of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. M. Lo Presti, R. Luppino, T. Kumm, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography in the Study of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “High-speed GC Analysis with a 50 µm ID Micro-bore Column: Theory, Practical Aspects and Application on a Complex Essential Oil Sample”. Comunicazione Poster
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, G. Scala, G. Errante and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive GC (GCxGC) – for Citrus Volatile Fraction Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. M.C. Pietrogrande, L. Mondello and G. Dugo. “Gas-Chromatographic Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils: Decoding of Complex Chromatograms by Fourier Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. M. Lo Presti, M.L. Crupi, P. Dugo, A. Trozzi, S. Ragusa, G. Colnaghi, F. Visinoni, Giovanni Dugo and L. Mondello. “Microwave-Assisted Hydro-Distillation of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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35th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, September 29-October 2, 2004. F.C. Pizzimenti, A. Nostro, A. Marino, G. Crisafi, F. Procopio, L. Mondello, D. Monteleone and V. Alonzo. “In vitro inhibition of the growth of Helicobacter pylori by Bergamot essential oil”. Comunicazione Poster
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25th International Symposium on Chromatography, Paris, France, October 4-8, 2004. Luigi Mondello and Hans-Ulrich Baier. “The Effect of Filter Time Constant in Fast GC using the GC-2010: Application on Kerosene Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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25th International Symposium on Chromatography, Paris, France, October 4-8, 2004. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “A Very Fast Method for the Preparation and GC Analysis of Human Plasma Fatty Acid Methyl Esters”. Comunicazione Poster
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Mondello L., Tranchida P.Q., Casilli A., Dugo P. and Dugo G. “Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography in the study of food matrices”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (55)
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Bidimensionality in Gas Chromatography and the Introduction of a Third Mass Spectrometric Dimension”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (56)
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Heart-cutting and Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (57)
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Ultra Fast GC and Ultra Fast GC-MS for the Analysis of Real World Complex Samples using 50 and 100 µm ID Columns”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (58)
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Tiina Kumm, Maria Lo Presti, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Microwave-Assisted Hydro-Distillation of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Very fast GC analysis with a 50 µm ID micro-bore column: method optimization and application on a complex essential oil sample”. Comunicazione Poster
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10° Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Afins, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, October 18-22, 2004. Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GC in combination with a rapid scanning quadrupole mass spectrometer in the 3D analysis of a highly complex perfume sample”. Comunicazione Poster
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Shimadzu Corporation, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan, 1 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo. “Modern Techniques in Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (59)
Takasago International Corporation, Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa, Japan, 2 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo. “Modern Techniques in Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (60)
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Zendentsu-Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan, 4 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo. “Modern Techniques in Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (61)
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Senli Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan, 5 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo. “Modern Techniques in Gas Chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (62)
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GC/GCMS Séminaire. Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Paris, France, 16 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GCxGC and Comprehensive GCxGC/qMS for the Analysis of Flavours and Fragrances”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 63)
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GC/GCMS Séminaire. Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Paris, France, 16 Novembre 2004. Luigi Mondello. “Fast GC and Fast GC/MS for the Analysis of Volatiles”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (64)
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Convegno Regionale della Società Chimica Italiana. Sezione Sicilia, Messina, Italia, 2-3 Dicembre 2004. Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo e Luigi Mondello. “Applicazione della microestrazione in fase solida all’analisi di matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
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Convegno Regionale della Società Chimica Italiana. Sezione Sicilia, Messina, Italia, 2-3 Dicembre 2004. Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Determinazione della frazione trialglicerolica del latte d’asina mediante HPLC-APCI-MS”. Comunicazione Orale
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Enantiosep ’05. Corso-Convegno su Enantioseparazione Analitica e Preparativa, Ferrara, Italia, 21-23 Marzo, 2005. L. Mondello. “La gascromatografia multidimensionale (GC-GC) per l’analisi di composti chinali di oli essenziali”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (65)
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Enantiosep ’05. Corso-Convegno su Enantioseparazione Analitica e Preparativa, Ferrara, Italia, 21-23 Marzo, 2005. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti, M.L. Crupi, R. Costa, D. Sciarrone, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo, G. Dugo e L. Mondello. “Un approccio innovativo per l’analisi gascromatografica multidimensionale di enantiomeri in oli essenziali”. Comunicazione Poster
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Enantiosep ’05. Corso-Convegno su Enantioseparazione Analitica e Preparativa, Ferrara, Italia, 21-23 Marzo, 2005. A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti, M.L. Crupi, P.Q. Tranchida, D. Sciarrone, R. Costa, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo, G. Dugo e L. Mondello. “Analisi di componenti chirali in matrici complesse mediante Fast MDGC”. Comunicazione Poster
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Enantiosep ’05. Corso-Convegno su Enantioseparazione Analitica e Preparativa, Ferrara, Italia, 21-23 Marzo, 2005. M.L. Crupi, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, D. Sciarrone, R. Costa, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo, G. Dugo e L. Mondello. “Valutazione di eventuali frodi in oli essenziali tramite analisi GC chirale”. Comunicazione Poster
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Enantiosep ’05. Corso-Convegno su Enantioseparazione Analitica e Preparativa, Ferrara, Italia, 21-23 Marzo, 2005. M. Lo Presti, M.L. Crupi, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, R. Costa, D. Sciarrone, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo, G. Dugo e L. Mondello. “Comparazione dei rapporti enantiomerici di composti degli oli essenziali ottenuti con differenti metodiche di isolamento”. Comunicazione Poster
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Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 7 Avril, 2005. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Masanao Furukawa, Kyochi Komori and Kozo Miseki. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Chiral Compound”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 66)
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Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 7 Avril, 2005. Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo. “LCxLC for the Analysis of Non Volatile Components in Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito………(67)
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Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 7 Avril, 2005. Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Luigi Mondello and Wil van Egmond. “New Preparative GC for the Analysis of Flavours and Fragrances Products”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (68)
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Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 7 Avril, 2005. Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Luigi Mondello and Wil van Egmond. “Olfactometric Perception by GC-O of Chiral Compounds”. Comunicazione Orale
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Nouveaux développements pour l’analyse des arômes et parfums, Grasse, France, 7 Avril, 2005. H.U. Baier and L. Mondello. “GCMSsolution: le premier logiciel GCMS avec le calcul des LRI (Linear Retention Index) intégré et recherche automatique multicritères dans une nouvelle bibliothèque MS”. Comunicazione Orale (13)
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Com-Chrom Meeting, Amsterdam, April 21, 2005. Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo. “Comprehensive LCxLC using Microbore Silver-ion and Monolithic Columns for the Characterization of Lipids”. Comunicazione Orale (14)
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Com-Chrom Meeting, Amsterdam, April 21, 2005. Alessandro Casilli, Paolo Leinardi, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. “An Innovative Software for the Visualization of Comprehensive Chromatographic Data”. Comunicazione Orale
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Com-Chrom Meeting, Amsterdam, April 21, 2005. Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. “GCxGC and GCxGC-qMS for Complex Sample Analysis”. Comunicazione Poster
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. L. Mondello. “Innovative Chromatographic Techniques for the Study of Essential Oils”.Comunicazione Orale Plenaria (15)
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. A. Casilli, P. Q. Tranchida, M. Furukawa, K. Komori, K. Miseki, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “An Innovative Multidimensional Gas Chromatographic System (MDGC) for Essential Oil Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. P. Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, R. Costa, M. L. Crupi, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Micro-bore Column High Speed Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Essential Oil Volatiles”. Comunicazione Orale
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. M. Lo Presti, M. L. Crupi, M. R. Valentino, P. Dugo, S. Ragusa, F. Visinoni and L. Mondello. “An Evaluation of Different Methods for the Isolation of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Orale
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. R. Costa, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, G. Scala, K. Taneda, J. Iida, K. Miseki and L. Mondello. “Reliable GC-MS peak assignment by means of a novel Mass Spectra library with an «LRI filter» option”. Comunicazione Poster
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4th Malaysian International Conference on Essential Oils and Fragrance and Flavour Materials (MICEOFF4). Kangar, Perlis, May 8-11, 2005. B. d’Acampora Zellner, D. Sciarrone, M. L. Crupi, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Enantioselective Capillary Gas Chromatography – Olfactometry Analysis of Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 22-25, 2005. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LCxLC using Silver-ion and Monolithic Columns for the Characterization of Oils and Lipids”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (69)
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28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 22-25, 2005. Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Maria Lo Presti, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Scala, Katsuyuki Taneda, Junko Iida and Kozo Miseki. “Reliable GC-MS peak assignment by using a LRI-filtered mass spectra searching software”. Comunicazione Poster
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28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 22-25, 2005. L. Mondello, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, M. Furukawa, K. Komori and K. Miseki. “An innovative multidimensional gas chromatographic system”. Comunicazione Orale
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28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 22-25, 2005. Maria Lo Presti, Maria Lucia Crupi, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Salvatore Ragusa, Franco Visinoni and Luigi Mondello. “An evaluation of different methods for the isolation of essential oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 22-25, 2005. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Maria Lo Presti, Paola Dugo, and Giovanni Dugo. “An automated, low-costing, very fast method for the analysis of fatty acids in human plasma”. Comunicazione Poster
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EAAP 2005. Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Uppsala, Sweden, June 5-8, 2005. B. Chiofalo, P. Dugo, E. Salimei, L. Mondello, V. Chiofalo. “Characterisation of triacylglycerols in donkey milk using HPLC/MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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11th International Symposium on Separation Science, Pardubice, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2005. Mondello L., Dugo P. “Comprehensive Chromatography. Different solutions for volatile and non-volatile components (GCxGC, LCxLC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 70)
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11th International Symposium on Separation Science, Pardubice, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2005. Tranchida P.Q., Casilli A., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Automated Fast Solid Phase Microextraction-gas Chromatography with Analyte Cryo-focussing for the Headspace Analysis of Complex Samples”. Comunicazione Orale
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11th International Symposium on Separation Science, Pardubice, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2005. Casilli A., Tranchida P.Q., Furukawa M., Komori K., Miseki K., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography (MDGC) for Complex Samples Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale
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11th International Symposium on Separation Science, Pardubice, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2005. Kumm T., Dugo P., Cotroneo A., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Analysis of Triacylglycerols in Complex Natural Matrices by using Multidimensional HPLC”. Comunicazione Orale
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11th International Symposium on Separation Science, Pardubice, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 2005. Cacciola F., Jandera P., Blahova E., Mondello L. “Characterization of Silica and Zirconia-based Columns as Potential Stationary Phases for the Separation of Antioxidants”. Comunicazione Poster
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36th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2005. L. Mondello, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “New chromatographic methods for the analysis of essential oils”. Comunicazione Orale (16)
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36th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2005. P. Tranchida, A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Automated fast Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography with analyte cryo-focussing for the headspace analysis of complex essential oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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36th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2005. M. Lo Presti, P. Wynne, D. Sciarrone, P. Tranchida, A. Casilli, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Benefits of a Sol-Gel wax stationary phase in comparison to conventional stationary phases in the Gas Chromatographic analysis of essential oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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36th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2005. A. Casilli, P. Tranchida, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, M. Furukawa, K. Komori, K. Miseki and L. Mondello. “Fast multidimensonal Gas Chromatography – an innovative approach for chiral separations”. Comunicazione Poster
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Jaima Show 2005, Makuhari Messe, Japan, August 31-September 2, 2005. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Masanao Furukawa, Kyochi Komori, Kozo Miseki. “New Multi Dimensional GC system – Higher resolving capability system –”. Comunicazione Orale
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Università di Messina, Facoltà di Farmacia, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, La Microestrazione in fase solida (SPME). 10 Anni d’Innovazioni nel preparare i campioni d’interesse analitico, Messina, Italia, 23 Settembre 2005. P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello. “Analisi Fast-GC mediante SPME con trappola criogenica.” Comunicazione Orale ad invito
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Università di Messina, Facoltà di Farmacia, Dipartimento Farmaco-Chimico, La Microestrazione in fase solida (SPME). 10 Anni d’Innovazioni nel preparare i campioni d’interesse analitico, Messina, Italia, 23 Settembre 2005. R. Costa, M.L. Crupi, L. Mondello. “Analisi SPME della frazione volatile di bevande alcoliche.”Comunicazione Orale ad invito
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XIV Congreso Italo-Latinoamericano de Etnomedicina “Gonzalo Aguirre Beltràn”, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico, 25-30 de Septiembre 2005. Mondello Luigi, Costa Rosaria, Dugo Paola, Casilli Vincenzo. “FFNSC (Flavour and Fragrance Natural and Synthetic Compounds): Una libreria di massa innovativa applicata all’indagine di olii essenziali”. Comunicazione Orale
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XIV Congreso Italo-Latinoamericano de Etnomedicina “Gonzalo Aguirre Beltràn”, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico, 25-30 de Septiembre, 2005. Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo e Luigi Mondello. “Anàlise e cacterização de volàteis de impacto no aroma de òleos essenciais através de olfatrometria e o isolamento destes por CG-preparativa”. Comunicazione Poster
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Rich-Mac 2005. Tecnologie strumentali e loro applicazioni analitiche e biotecnologiche – Tecniche separative. Milano, Italia, 5 Ottobre 2005. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giovanni Dugo, Paola Dugo. “Tecnologie cromatografiche innovative per lo studio di matrici naturali complesse”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (71)
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2do Taller Internacional de Autentificación de Bebidas Alcohólicas (TIABA 2005). Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, 11 al 13 de Octubre de 2005. Luigi Mondello “Physical-chemical parameters and aroma composition of the Italian ‘limoncello’ liqueur”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 72)
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III Simpósio Brasileiro de Óleos Essenciais. Campinas, Brasil, 8-10 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello “Advanced analytical techniques for the analysis of essential oil and parfumes (LRI-GC/MS, GCxGC and GCxGC/MS)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 73)
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Chromatography for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures (GCxGC, GCxGC-MS and LCxLC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (74)
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli “Fast GC with 50 and 100 mm ID columns – Theory and Applications”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello, Tranchida Peter Quinto “Rapid automated sample preparation in combination with micro-bore column fast GC separation”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli “Innovative MDGC System and its Applications”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello “FFNSC (Flavour and Fragrance Natural and Synthetic Compunds): a novel GC/MS library”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 75)
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello, Lo Presti Maria “The Extraction of Essential Oils: evaluation and comparison of different methods”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Workshop at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 10-11 de novembro de 2005. Luigi Mondello, Barbara d’Acampora Zellner “CG-Preparativa e CG-O Enantioseletiva na Análise de Materiais Flavorizantes e Fragrantes”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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11as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental. Barcelona, Spagna. 15-17 Noviembre 2005. Luigi Mondello “New Comprehensive Cromatography Multidimensional Techniques for the Analysis of Real Samples (GCxGC, LCxLC and LCxGC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (78)
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. Luigi Mondello. “New Comprehensive Chromatography Approaches for the Analysis of Real Samples (GCxGC, LCxLC and LCxGC)”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (79)
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry with the use of Linear retention Indices for reliable identification of unknown components”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (80)
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo. “Principles of Comprehensive GC and LC”. Comunicazione orale a Invito ( 81)
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. Alessandro Casilli and Luigi Mondello. “Heart-Cutting MDGC Chiral Analysis of Essentials Oils”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. P.Q. Tranchida and L. Mondello. “Micro-bore columns fast GC and GC-MS: instrumental requirements, theory, practical aspects and combination with rapid sample preparation methods”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
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Ninth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, York, United Kingdom, February 8th-10th, 2006. P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Micro HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of food antioxidants”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
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PITTCON 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 12-17, 2006. L. Mondello. “Advanced Chromatographic Techniques for the Analysis of Food”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (82)
Second European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress, 17-18 march 2006 B. Chiofalo, E. Salimei, P. Dugo, T. Kumm, D. Piccolo, L. Mondello. “Evaluation on triglycerides in donkey milk during lactation” Comunicazione Orale
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Convegno Vini – Il Vino tra scienza, economia e cultura: il caso Calabria, Nocera Torinese, Catanzaro, Italia, 30 Marzo-2 Aprile 2006. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Maria Lo Presti e Giovanni Dugo. “Dosaggio di antociani nei vini”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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4ème Séminaire de Grasse, Grasse, France, 6 Avril 2006. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Alessandro Casilli, Rosaria Costa, Barbara D’Acampora, Paola Donato, Maria Lo Presti, Peter Quinto Tranchida. “Innovative Analytical Approaches applied to Flavor and Fragrance Material”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 83)
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4ème Séminaire de Grasse, Grasse, France, 6 Avril 2006. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Alessandro Casilli, Rosaria Costa, Barbara D’Acampora, Paola Donato, Maria Lo Presti, Peter Quinto Tranchida. “Reliable Identifications by using a New Interactively GC/MS Library with the Use of LRIs. A Case Study from Prep-GC, GC-O to the Identification”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 84)
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Enhanced Analytical Potential of Three-Dimensional Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Unravelling of Complex Triglyceride Profiles”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. P. Jandera, K. Novotna, J. Fischer, P. Cesla, E. Blahova, F. Cacciola and L. Mondello. “Programmed Elution Techniques in Conventional and Micro-Hplc”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. L. Mondello, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Evaluation of Micro-Bore Column Very Fast Gas Chromatography as a Tool for High Sample Throughput of Scientifically Important Real-World Samples”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (85)
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Innovative Multidimensional Gas Chromatography for the Analysis of Complex Samples”. Comunicazione Orale
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. B. D’Acampora Zellner, A. Casilli, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GC-Olfactometry an Innovative Technique for Flavour and Fragrance Material Analysis”. Comunicazione Orale
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, M. Mondello, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Determination of Fatty Acid Profiles in Human Plasma by Means of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatographic Chemical Class Patterns”. Comunicazione Orale
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Development of a New GC-MS Library Dedicated to Flavour and Fragrance Compounds Provided with an LRI Filter Tool”. Comunicazione Poster
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. M.L. Crupi, R. Costa, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Physical-Chemical Parameters and Aroma Composition of the Italian ‘Limoncello’ Liqueur”. Comunicazione Poster
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. Y. Foudil-Cherif, B.Y. Meklati, L. Mondello, G. Zappia and G. Dugo. “Enantiomeric Composition of Five Chiral Monoterpens in Nine Algerian Eucalyptus Essential Oils by Direct Multidimensional Chromatography”. Comunicazione Poster
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. T. Kumm, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Separation of Triacylglycerols in Natural Matrixes by Using Comprehensive HPLC-APCI-MS”. Comunicazione Poster
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. R. Lopez, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida and L. Mondello. “Quantitative Analysis of Allergenes in Perfumes with a Multidimensional Gas Chromatographic System”. Comunicazione Poster
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3rd GCxGC Symposium, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 28, 2006. L. Mondello. “Present State-of-the-Art in Comprehensive GCxGC. Instrumentations and Aplications.” Comunicazione Orale a Invito (86)
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. L. Mondello. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 87)
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29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29-June 2, 2006. L. Mondello. “Innovative Multidimensional and Comprehensive Chromatography Techniques for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (88)
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. L. Mondello, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “New Frontier in Chromatography Separation. Comprehensive Chromatography, Multidimensional Chromatography and Reliable identifications by Mass Spectometry to resolve and identify complex samples”. Comunicazione Orale Plenaria ( 89)
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. M.L. Crupi, K. Buonasera, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Use of Superheated Water as Chromatographic Eluent for Liquid Chromatography”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, G. Dugo, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Very Fast Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Real World Samples by Using Short Micro-bore Column Segments”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, P. Donato, D. Sciarrone, M. Lo Presti, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “FFNSC GC-MS Library: an Innovative Tool in the Analysis of Flavour & Fragrance Material”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. M. Lo Presti, A. Casilli, G. Dugo, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “An Analytical Improvement in the Chiral Research Applied to the Essential Oils”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Dugo, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Multidimensional Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Allergens in Fragrances”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. T. Kumm, V. Skerikova, P. Jandera, P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Elucidation of Carotenoid Pattern in Citrus Essential Oils by Comprehensive NPxRP HPLC: Introduction of a Completely Automated LCxLC System”. Comunicazione Poster
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XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Cromatografìa y Ciencias Afines, Mérida, Yucatàn, México, Junio 26-30, 2006. B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Characterization of the Olfactive Profile of Essential Oils by Means of Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry”. Comunicazione Poster
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SISSG – Oli e Grassi Alimentari: Innovazioni Tecnologiche e Ricerca Chimica, Bologna, Italia, 30 giugno 2006. P. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Cromatografia Liquida Multidimensionale (LCxLC/MS) per l’Analisi di Trigliceridi in Matrici Alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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FITOMED2006 – II Congresso Intersocietà sulle Piante Medicinali, Taormina, Messina, Italia, 6-8 Luglio 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Analisi di componenti chirali in matrici complesse mediante Fast MDGC”. Comunicazione Orale (18)
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ISSFAL 2006 – International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids & Lipids, Cairns Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cairns, North Queensland, Australia, 23-28 July 2006. P.Q. Tranchida, A. Casilli, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. Innovative Multidimensional Gas Chromatography Systems appllied to the Analysis of Complex Fats and Oils. Comunicazione Orale (17)
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ISSFAL 2006 – International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids & Lipids, Cairns Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cairns, North Queensland, Australia, 23-28 July 2006. T. Kumm, P.Q. Tranchida, V. Skerikova, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. Determination of Cholesterol Ester and Triacylglycerol Profiles in Human Plasma by using Comprehensive Two-dimensional HPLC-APCI-MS. Comunicazione Orale
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Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science School of Chemistry, Univerisity of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, August 8, 2006. Luigi Mondello and Paola Dugo. New Frontier in Chromatography Separation. Comprehensive Chromatography, Multidimensional Chromatography, and Fast Gas Chromatography. Comunicazione orale a Invito (90)
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ISC 06 – 26th International Symposium on Chromatography, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 July, 2006. Francesco Cacciola, Pavel Jandera, Eva Blahova and Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive Two Dimensional Systems for the separation of phenolic antioxidants” Comunicazione Poster
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ISC 06 – 26th International Symposium on Chromatography, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 July, 2006. Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive HPLC Analyses of Complex Samples by using a completely automated LCxLC System” Comunicazione Poster
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ISC 06 – 26th International Symposium on Chromatography, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 July, 2006. Veronika Skerikova, Luigi Mondello, Pavel Jandera. “Analysis of Carotenoids in Natural Samples by Comprehensive NPxNP HPLC” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Casilli, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-olfactometry: an approach for odour fingerprint acquisition of fragrant complex matrices” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. M. Lo Presti, R. Costa, M. R. Valentino, M. R. De Fina, S. Ragusa, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “Gas chromatographic elucidation of the volatile fraction of Teucrium flavum, a Sicilian endemic plant” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. P.Q. Tranchida, R. Costa, M. L. Crupi, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “Automated fast solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography with analyte cryo-focussing for the headspace analysis of essential oils” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. M. L. Crupi, M. Lo Presti, B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Pappalardo, L. Pappalardo, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “Determination of the quality of Italian bitter orange essential oils” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. M. L. Crupi, M. Lo Presti, B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Pappalardo, L. Pappalardo, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “Characterization of the volatile and non volatile fractions of genuine bergamot essential oils” Comunicazione Poster
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M. R. Valentino, P. Donato, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, and L. Mondello. “FFNSC (Flavour & Fragrance Natural & Synthetic Compounds) GC-MS library: how to bring innovation in GC-MS peak assignment” Comunicazione Orale (19)
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. L. Mondello “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography for the Investigation of the Volatile Fraction of Complex Flavour and Fragrance Materials ” Comunicazione Orale ( 20)
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ISEO 06 – 37th International Symposium on Essential oils, Grasse, France, September 10th – 13th, 2006. A. Casilli, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello “Multidimensional gas chromatography for allergens determination in perfume formulation” Comunicazione Orale
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Seminario “Inovaçães Tecnologicas em Cromatografia a Gás”, São Paulo, Brasil, September 18, 2006. Luigi Mondello “New Frontier in Gas Chromatography: Multidimensional GC, GCxGC, Fast-GC and Reliable Identification Using Interactively LRI and MS Spectra”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (91)
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Seminario “Inovaçães Tecnologicas em Cromatografia a Gás”, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, September 20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “New Frontier in Gas Chromatography: Multidimensional GC, GCxGC, Fast-GC and Relaible Identification Using Interactively LRI and MS Spectra”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito ( 92)
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Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil, Outubro 17-20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “New Developments in Chromatography. From Fast Methods to Multidimensional and Comprehensive Techniques”. Comunicazione Plenaria Orale a Invito (93)
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Short Corse, Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil, Outubro 17-20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “Multidimensional GC: Column Switching and Comprehensive GC”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (94)
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Short Course, Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil, Outubro 17-20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “Fast GC & Fast GC/MS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (95)
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Short Course, Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil, Outubro 17-20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LC & Comprehensive LC-MS”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito (96)
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Workshop “Advanços Recentes e Tendências Futuras em Técnicas de Separaçao”, Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil, Outubro 17-20, 2006. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive and Multidimensional Techniques”. Comunicazione Orale ad Invito (97)
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006. Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Tiina Kumm, Giovanni Dugo “Cromatografia liquida multidimensionale (LCxLC) per l’analisi di matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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IV Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006. Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Approcci innovativi alle separazioni gascromatografiche di miscele complesse di interesse alimentare”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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VI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006. Peter Q. Tranchida, Alessandro Casilli, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo “Cromatografia gassosa multidimensionale (GCXGC): ottimizzazione dei flussi in entrambi le dimensioni ed applicazione su una matrice alimentare”. Comunicazione Poster
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VI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006. Maria Cambria, Tiina Kumm, Agostino Giannino, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Determinazione di trigliceridi in matrici alimentari tramite HPLC-APCI-MS e HRGC-FID”. Comunicazione Poster
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VI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Alba, 7-10 Novembre 2006. Maria Lo Presti, Rosaria Costa, Maria R. Valentino, Maria R. De Fina, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo “Determinazione gascromatofgrafica della frazione volatile di Piper cubeba” Comunicazione Poster
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Seminario “La tecnica SPME ed applicazioni nel Food & Beverage, Catania, 23 Novembre 2006. Maria L. Crupi, Rosaria Costa, Luigi Mondello “Analisi SPME-GC/FID e SPME-GC/MS di Matrici Alimentari” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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4th European Conference on Pesticides an Related Organic Micropollutants in the Enviroment. Almeria, Spain, November 23-26, 2006 Luigi Mondello, Alessandro Casilli, Ennio Bellotti, Rino Calori, Roberto Ferrari. “Innovative multidimensional and comprehensive chromatography techniques for the analysis of complex mixtures” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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4th European Conference on Pesticides an Related Organic Micropollutants in the Enviroment. Almeria, Spain, November 23-26, 2006 Alessandro Casilli, Ennio Bellotti, Rino Calori, Roberto Ferrari, Luigi Mondello. Reliable Identification of Pesticides by Quadruple Mass Spectrometry and Linear Indices. Comunicazione Poster
Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, December 12, 2006. Luigi Mondello. “The new frontier of gas chromatography” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 13, 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli. “Multidimensional gas chromatograph system (MDGC)” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 13, 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli. “Comprehensive gas chromatography (GCxGC)” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Corporation, Osaka, Japan, December 14, 2006. Luigi Mondello. “The new frontier of gas chromatography” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino. “FFNSC (Flavour and fragrance natural and synthetic compounds) GC-MS library”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, B. d’Acampora Zellner, D. Sciarrone. “Development of an enantio MS library equipped with interactive use of linear retention indices and odour descriptors for reliable identification of enantiomers present in complex mixtures”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli, M. Lo Presti. “Creation of an MS library equipped with interactive use of linear retention indices dedicated to pesticides identification”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, B. d’Acampora Zellner. “Shimadzu GCMS solution and HP chemstation – strategies for unknown spectra matching” Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, P. Dugo, T. Kumm. “Development and application of a comprehensive HPLC system for the analysis of natural matrices”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, D. Sciarrone, A. Casilli. “LCxGC instrument development”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, P. Donato. “Coupling Shimadzu GC-2010 to IRPrestige-21. Developing of a new GC-FTIR interface for the construction of reliable libraries”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, P. Dugo, K. Buonasera, F. Cacciola, M.L. Crupi, P.Leinardi. “Use of superheated water as chromatographic eluent for liquid chromatography”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli, B. d’Acampora Zellner. “Automated preparative gas chromatography for the analysis of flavour and fragrance materials”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, B. d’Acampora, P. Leinardi, A. Casilli. “Development of a sniffing port device retrofitted to the Shimadzu GC-2010”. Comunicazione orale a Invito.
Shimadzu Sanjo works, Kyoto, Japan, December 15, 2006. L. Mondello, A. Casilli, B. d’Acampora Zellner. “Development of a two-dimensional comprehensive gas-chromatography-olfactometry system for the investigation of flavour and fragrance materials”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
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XIII Discussion group: Mass Spectrometry in Food Chemistry, Palermo 25-27 Marzo 2007 Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello e Giovanni Dugo. “Cromatografia multidimensionale accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa: applicazioni ai grassi alimentari” Comunicazione Orale
Shimadzu seminar, Grasse, March 29th, 2007. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GCXGC/MS for the analysis of flavour & fragrance material” Comunicazione orale a Invito
Shimadzu seminar, Grasse, March 29th, 2007. Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive LCXLC/MS for the analysis of carotenoids in essential oils and juices” Comunicazione orale a Invito
Enantiosep ’07, Ferrara, 2-4 Aprile, 2007. Luigi Mondello. “Innovative Gas Chromatographic Approach for the Analysis of Chiral Compounds”. Comunicazione orale a Invito
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Enantiosep ’07, Ferrara, 2-4 Aprile, 2007. B. d’Acampora Zellner, A. Casilli, M.L. Crupi, P. Dugo, G. Dugo and L. Mondello. “Assessment and Enantiomeric Differentiation of Chiral Compounds by means of GC-Enantio/O and GC-Enantio/MS/O”. Comunicazione Orale
Enantiosep ’07, Ferrara, 2-4 Aprile, 2007. M.L. Crupi, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Determination of the Enantiomeric Distribution of Chiral Compounds in Citrus Oils by means of GC-Enantio/MS”. Comunicazione Poster
Incontro: L’olio d’oliva e il vino: pilastri della dieta Mediterranea, Marsala, 18-19 Aprile 2007. Paola Dugo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Tiina Kumm, Luigi Mondello. “Metodiche analitiche innovative per l’analisi degli oli vegetali”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
International Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Conference on Culinary herbs, Antalya (Turkey), April 29th – May 04th, 2007. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, L. Mondello. “Application of a new GC-MS library, designed with a retention index filter tool, to the analysis of the essential oil of Cistus ladanifer”. Comunicazione Orale
Sigma-Aldrich scientific seminar: “Nuovi sviluppi in HPLC: dalle colonne chirali alle colonne Fast”, Hotel Selene–Via Pontina Km 30 – 00040 Pomezia (RM), 10th Maggio 2007. Paola Donato e Luigi Mondello. “Sviluppi applicativi su nuove colonne pellicolari per cromatografia liquida”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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98 th Annual Meeting and Expo, Québec City, Canada, 13-16 Maggio 2007 L. Mondello, P.Quinto Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Sidisky. “Comprehensive GCxGC for the analysis of fats and oils” Comunicazione Orale
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Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 4th GCxGC Symposium (June 4-5, 2007). Mondello L., Tranchida P., Casilli A., Dugo P., Dugo G. “Optimum gas linear velocities in both dimensions in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC)” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 16th National Symposium and Exhibition on Chromatography (June 4-6, 2007). Dugo P., Kumm T., Giuffrida D., Herrero Calleja M., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Comprehensive LC analysis of natural matrixes”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 16th National Symposium and Exhibition on Chromatography (June 4-6, 2007). Dugo P., Kumm T., Giuffrida D., Herrero Calleja M., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Comprehensive LC analysis of natural matrixes”. Comunicazione Poster
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (June 5-7, 2007) Tranchida P., Giannino A., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Evaluation of the use of a very short micro-bore column segment in very fast gas chromatography” Comunicazione Poster
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (June 5-7, 2007) Zellner D’Acampora B.,Tranchida P., Crupi M.L., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Application of enantioselective gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry for reliable enantiomer characterization in flavour and fragrance material analysis” Comunicazione Poster
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (June 5-7, 2007) Costa R., De Fina M.R., Valentino M.R., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Flavor and fragrance analysis – the use of Iri as a new tool for reliable GC-MS peak assignment” Comunicazione Poster
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Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (June 5-7, 2007) Casilli A., Sciarrone D., Dugo P., Furukawa M., Komori K., Miseki K., Dugo G., Mondello L. “An innovative and user-friendly multidimensional gas chromatography system for the analysis of multi-effluent bands in complex real-world samples” Comunicazione Poster
Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography (DISEC), Dalian, China, June 4-7, 2007. 30th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (June 5-7, 2007) Sciarrone D., Casilli A., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “High speed gas chromatography full scan quadrupole mass spectrometry for investigation of skin sensitizor profiles in perfumes” Comunicazione Poster
Future trends in Phytochemistry – A young scientists symposium, Gargnano (BS), June 6th-9th, 2007. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Application of a new GC-MS library, designed with a Retention Index filter tool, to the analysis of the essential oil of Tarchonanthus camphoratus L.” Comunicazione Orale
33° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Cagliari, 6-9 Giugno 2007. Iolanda Sacco, E. Palma, F. Sulco, C. Colica, V. Vilasi, S. Muscoli, S. Ragusa, L. Mondello, D. Rotiroti, F. Romeo, V. Mollace. The protective effect of bergamot oil non volatile frction on lox-1 expression in balloon injury-related neointima formation. Comunicazione Poster
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Shimadzu Seminar, Shanghai, China, June 8, 2007. “Reliable Identification by using interactively LRI and mass spectra, multidimensional GC, GCxGC, fast-GC for the analysis of flavour and fragrance samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu Seminar in Guangzhou, China, June 11, 2007. “Reliable Identification by using interactively LRI and mass spectra, multidimensional GC, GCxGC, fast-GC for the analysis of flavour and fragrance samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Ruolo e potenzialità della cromatografia liquida e gassosa e della spettrometria di massa nell’accertamento della qualità, tipicità e sicurezza degli alimenti. Giornata di Studio. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Metodologie Chimiche, Montelibretti (Roma), June 14th, 2007. A. Salvatore, L. Mondello “Utilizzo di librerie GC-MS con indici di ritenzione per l’identificazione di composti di interesse alimentare” Comunicazione Orale
Ruolo e potenzialità della cromatografia liquida e gassosa e della spettrometria di massa nell’accertamento della qualità, tipicità e sicurezza degli alimenti. Giornata di Studio. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Metodologie Chimiche, Montelibretti (Roma), June 14th, 2007. T. Kumm, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Cromatografia liquida multidimensionale per la determinazione di carotenoidi in matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale
Qualità e Salubrità degli alimenti. Il contributo della spettrometria di massa. Workshop. Università degli Studi della Calabria, Rende (CS), June 15th, 2007. T. Kumm, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. “Cromatografia liquida multidimensionale per la determinazione di carotenoidi in matrici alimentari”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Qualità e Salubrità degli alimenti. Il contributo della spettrometria di massa. Workshop. Università degli Studi della Calabria, Rende (CS), June 15th, 2007. A. Salvatore, L. Mondello. “Utilizzo di librerie GC-MS con indici di ritenzione per l’identificazione di composti di interesse alimentare” Comunicazione orale a Invito
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31st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Technique, HPLC 2007. International Convention Centre, Ghent, Belgio, June 17-21, 2007 P. Dugo, T. Kumm, F. Cacciola, L. Mondello “Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography combined with photodiode array and mass spectrometric detection in the analysis of natural matrixes” Comunicazione Orale
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13th International Symposium on Separation Sciences. High Tatras, Strbské Pleso, Slovak Republic, June 27-29,2007. Hans-Ulrich Baier, Margit Geissler, Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive GC with quadrupole mass spectrometric detection” Comunicazione Orale
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Massa 2007 and Liquid Ions in Lucca 2007. Complesso ex Convento San Micheletto, Lucca, September 2-5, 2007. Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Tiina Kumm, Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography Combined with Mass Spectrometric Detection in the Analysis of Natural Matrixes” Comunicazione Orale
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. L. Mondello “Innovative Approaches for the Analysis of Essential Oils (Fast-GC, MDGC, GCxGC, LCxLC)” Comunicazione Orale (21)
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. d’Acampora Zellner B., Rubiolo P., Bicchi C., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Reliable identification of Enantiomers Domprised in Flavour and Fragrance Matrices by Means of GC-Enantio/MS/O” Comunicazione Poster
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. Crupi M.L., d’Acampora Zellner B., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Revisited Enantioselective Investigation of Citrus Oils by Means of GC-Enantio/MS” Comunicazione Poster
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. Costa R., De Fina M.R., Valentino M.R., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Comparison of the Chromatographic Fingerprints of Horseradish and Mustard Oils (Brassicaceae) with the Support of an Innovative GC-MS Database” Comunicazione Poster
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. Costa R., Lo Presti M., Crupi M.L., d’Acampora Zellner B., Dugo P., Mondello L. “Volatile Costituents of Genepì Elixir and Artemisia umbelliformis Essential Oils” Comunicazione Poster
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38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. Rubiolo P., Liberto E., Cagliero C., Sgorbini B., Bicchi C., d’Acampora Zellner B., Mondello L. “Linear Retention Indices in Enantioselective GC coupled with Mass Spectrometry (ES-GC-MS) as a tool to identify Enantiomers in the Flavour and Fragrance Fields” Comunicazione Poster
38th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Graz, Austria, September 9-12, 2007. Sciarrone D., Casilli A., Dugo P., Dugo G., Mondello L. “High Speed Gas Chromatography – Full Scan Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Fragrance Allergens” Comunicazione Poster
Euroanalysis XIV, Antwerp, Belgium, September 9-14, 2007. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, M. Geibler, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. “New tools in GC-MS analysis: interactive use of Retention Indices within a newly designed library dedicated to Flavor & Fragrance material” Comunicazione Poster
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5 th Euro fed lipid Congress and 24 th Symposium of the Nordic Lipidforum, Oils, fats and Lipids: from Science to Applications, Innovations for a better World. Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-19 September 2007. Paola Dugo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Tiina Kumm, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Innovative Multidimensional Chromatographic Systems Applied to the Analysis of Fats and Oils” Comunicazione Orale a Invito.
Advances in GC technology, Cheshire, England, September 27, 2007. L. Mondello “New multidimensional approaches (Comprehensive GCxGC and Multidimensional GC) for the analysis of complex samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean pig, Capo d’Orlando, Messina, October 11-13, 2007. Chiofalo B., Costa R., Mondello L., Chiofalo V. “Nero Siciliano pig for the production of “Nebrodi” cured sausage: effect of some traditional diets on sensorial characteristics” pp 69-69 Comunicazione Poster
I Workshop of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques. Granada, Spain, October 17-19,2007 L.Mondello “Comprehensive chromatography techniques (LCxLC, GCxGC) coupled to mass spectrometry for the separation of complex mixtures”. ISBN 978-84-338-4615-0 (Editorial Universidad de Granada) pp89-89 Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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31st International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 28-30,2007 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive chromatography techniques (LCxLC AND GCxGC) coupled to mass spectrometry for the separation of natura matrices”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
31st International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 28-30,2007 Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Maria Rosa De Fina, Maria Rita Valentino “Increase the power of mass spectral search through the use of a GC-MS database provided with linear retention index information” Comunicazione Poster
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31st International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 28-30,2007 Luigi Mondello, Danilo Sciarrone, Maria Lo Presti, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo. “Multiple heart-cut multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the investigation of allergens in fragrances” Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo “Multidimensional and Comprehensive Chromatography (MDGC, GCxGC, LCxLC, LCxGC) for the Analysis of Complex Matrices”. Comunicazione Orale Plenaria a Invito
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. H.-G. Janssen, P. Schoenmakers and L. Mondello. “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Instrumentation, Method Optimization and Applications”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. L. Mondello. “Comprehensive Techniques”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. L. Mondello, B. d’Acampora Zellner, P. Dugo and G. Dugo. “Quality and Genuineness Assignment of Italian Citrus Essential Oils through Carbon Measurements of Target Components by means of Gas Chromatography/Combustion/Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry”. In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Monica Mondello, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Improved Explotation of Bidimensional Space by Means of Split-Flow Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography”. In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Luigi Mondello, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Analysis of essential oils by using comprehensive LC-GC system” In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Luigi Mondello, Miguel Herrero, Tiina Kumm, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo. “Evaluation of Carotenoid Composition in Citrus Essential Oils by NPLCxRPLC Coupled to Photo DiodeE Array and Mass Spectrometric Detectors”. In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Hans-Ulrich Baier, Luigi Mondello and Susanne Böhme. “The Determination of Allergens in Cosemtics using GCxqGCMS” In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers, Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – February 1st, 2008. Luigi Mondello, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo and Giovanni Dugo “LCMS-IT-TOF in Proteome Research” In “Book of Abstracts”, ISBN 9789081124829 (CIP Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Brussels, Belgium) Comunicazione Poster
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Workshop con il Patrocinio della Scuola Internazionale “Bernardino Telesio”. Autenticità dei Prodotti Agroalimentari. Il Pomodoro, Università della Calabria Aula Magna, Cosenza, 23 Aprile 2008. Luigi Mondello e Paola Dugo “Rilevazione antiossidanti naturali mediante LCxLC-MS” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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32nd International Symposium and Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques , Baltimore, MD, USA, May 10-16, 2008. Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello. “Multidimensional Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography in the Determination of Real Samples”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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32nd International Symposium and Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques , Baltimore, MD, USA, May 10-16, 2008. Paola Donato; Francesco Cacciola; Marina Cambria; Paola Dugo; Luigi Mondello “Evaluation of shell-packed stationary phases for faster and highly efficient HPLC separations”. Comunicazione Poster
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40th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (MARM), Queensborough Community College, Bayside (Queens), New York, May 17-21, 2008. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LCxLC for the Analysis of Semi-Volatile Compounds” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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5th GCxGC Symposium, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 26-27 2008. Peter Quinto Tranchida and Luigi Mondello “Exploitation of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of apparently simple samples”. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive chromatography: potential, limits and applications”. Comunicazione Orale Plenaria a Invito
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Carla Aragonese, Paola Donato, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello “Evaluation of a New Ionic Liquid-Based Stationary Phase for GC Capillary Columns” Comunicazione Poster
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello “Determination and Quantitation of Harmful Compounds in Petrol Products by means of a Multidimensional Gaschromatographic System Coupled with a MS Detector”. Comunicazione Poster
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Barbara d’Acampora Zellner, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, and L. Mondello “Investigation of Italian Citrus Essential Oils and their Quality Marker Monoterpenoids by means of Gas Chromatography/Combustion/Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry”. Comunicazione Poster
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Miguel Herrero, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, and Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Two Dimensional Systems Employing Micro-Columns in the First Dimension Separation for the Analysis of Phenolic Antioxidants”. Comunicazione Poster
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32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-30, 2008. Rosaria Costa, Maria Rosa De Fina, Maria Rita Valentino, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Combination of Linear Retention Indices with a very Versatile Software for Improved Identification in Flavour and Fragrance Analysis” Comunicazione Poster
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Giornata di studio Oli Aromatizzati: Aspetti Tecnologici, Analitici e Normativi, Livorno, 4 Giugno 2008 Rosaria Costa, Peter Quinto Tranchida e Luigi Mondello “Valutazione Analitica degli Aromi” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Seminario Shimadzu, Roma, 17 Giugno 2008 Luigi Mondello, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo “La Cromatografia Comprehensive LCxLC accoppiata alla Spettrometria di Massa IT-TOF per l’Analisi di Campioni Alimentari” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Seminario Shimadzu, Roma, 17 Giugno 2008 Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Danilo Sciarrone “Tecniche Multidimensionali e Comprehensive GCxGC per l’analisi di Miscele Complesse” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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VII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Perugia 23-26 Giugno 2008 Dugo P., Giuffrida D., Herrero M., Cacciola F., Dugo G., Mondello L. “Applicazione della LCxLC-PDA-MS alla Caratterizzazione dei Carotenoidi in prodotto Agrumari” Comunicazione Orale
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VII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Perugia 23-26 Giugno 2008 Tranchida P.Q., Dugo P., Mondello M., Mondello L., Dugo G. “Analisi di Lipidi mediante la Gascromatografia Bidimensionale (GCxGC)” Comunicazione Orale
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VII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti, Perugia 23-26 Giugno 2008 Dugo P., Herrero M., Cacciola F., Giuffrida D., Dugo G.mo, Mondello L. “Analisi di Carotenoidi in Matrici Naturali attraverso l’uso di Colonne HPLC in Fase Inversa Accoppiate in serie” Comunicazione Poster
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The 15TH International Symposium on Carotenoids, Okinawa, Japan 22nd-27th June 2008. Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Miguel Herrero, Tiina Kumm, and Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LCxLC-PDA-MS Applied for the Analyses of free Carotenoids and Carotenoid Esters in Citrus Products” Comunicazione Poster
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The 15TH International Symposium on Carotenoids, Okinawa, Japan 22nd-27th June 2008. Miguel Herrero, Francesco Cacciola, Daniele Giuffrida, Giacomo Dugo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Serial Coupled Columns Reversed-Phase Separations to Analyze Carotenoids from Natural Matrices” Comunicazione Poster
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XLVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisiologia Vegetale, Pisa, June 30th-July 2nd 2008. Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Analysis of Red Sea-weed lipids using Multidimensional Techniques” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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5th International Congress on Pigments in Food, Helsinki, Finland 14-16 August 2008. Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Miguel Herrero, Tiina Kumm, and Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for the analysis of the carotenoid composition of Citrus juices and essential oils” Comunicazione Orale
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39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2008 Quedlinburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2008 Mondello L “Innovative approaches for the analysis of essential oils (Fast-GC, MDGC, GCxGC, LCxLC) Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2008 Quedlinburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2008 Baier H-U, Böhme S, Mondello L “The determination of allergens in cosmetics using GCxqGCMS” Comunicazione Poster
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39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2008 Quedlinburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2008 Sciarrone D, Shellie R, Dugo P, Dugo G, Mondello L “Multidimensional gas chromatographictechniques for the quality assessment of tea tree oil” Comunicazione Poster
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39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2008 Quedlinburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2008 Dugo P, Giuffrida D, Herrero M, Donato P, Dugo G, Mondello L “Comprehensive LCxLC-PDA-MS applied for the analyses of free carotenoids and carotenoid esters In citrus products” Comunicazione Poster
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39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2008 Quedlinburg, Germany, September 7-10, 2008 Costa R, De Fina MR, Valentino MR, Rustaiyan A, Dugo P, Dugo G, Mondello L “Synergistic combination of quantitative GC-FID and innovative GC-MS analyses for the characterization of some Artemisia species from Iran Comunicazione Poster
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8th International Conference VITAMINS 2008 Nutrition and Diagnostics, ZLIN, Czech Republic, September 9-11, 2008 Tranchida P.Q., Mondello L. The use of multi-chromatographic dimensions in the analysis of biological, cosmetic and food products. Comunicazione Orale
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 P. Dugo, D. Giuffrida, M. Herrero, P. Donato, L. Mondello “Confronto tra l’uso di colonne HPLC in fase inversa accoppiate in serie e la cromatografia liquida “comprehensive” per la caratterizzazione di carotenoidi in prodotti agrumari”. Comunicazione Orale
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 L. Mondello “Tecniche Cromatografiche Multidimensionali (Comprehensive) accoppiate alla spettrometria di massa per l’analisidi miscele complesse”. Comunicazione Orale (22)
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 D. Sciarrone, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Cromatografia Tridimensionale Comprehensive Off-line LC-GCxGC Accoppiata ad uno Spettrometria di Massa per l’Analisi del Gasolio” Comunicazione Orale
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Utilizzo di fasi stazionarie HPLC parzialmente porose in cromatografia “comprehensive” (LCxLC)” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 P.Q. Tranchida, M. Mondello, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Cromatografia gassosa multidimensionale (GCxGC): ottimizzazione dei flussi in entrambi le dimensioni” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 A. Salvatore, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L Mondello “Valutazione dell’uso degli esteri metilici e degli esteri etilici degli acidi grassi come composti di riferimento per il calcolo degli indici di ritenzione lineari nella gascromatografia” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 C. Ragonese, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Liquidi Ionici a Temperatura Ambiente (RTILs) come fase Stazionaria per la Separazione di Isomeri Cis/Trans di Esteri Metilici di Acidi Grassi Insaturi” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Sviluppo di un metodo LC/MS per l’analisi di proteine con alta efficienza e precisione” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 D. Sciarrone. P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Identificazione e Quantificazione di Composti Nocivi nelle Benzine Mediante un Sistema Multidimensionale GC-MS” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 M. Cambria, M. Russo, C. Carnovale, A. Piperno, P. Dugo, L. Mondello “Ottimizzazione di un metodo RP-HPLC per isolare, identificare e quantificare le furanocumarine presenti in matrici naturali” Comunicazione Poster
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XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 21-25 Settembre 2008 B. Gabriele, A. Fazio, P. Dugo, R. Costa, L. Mondello “Analisi dell’olio essenziale di cedro estratto con tre differenti tecniche” Comunicazione Poster
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Overcoming Challenger In Flavour & Fragrance Analysis: The Latest Techniques” New Dehli (INDIA) 2 October 2008 Luigi Mondello Shimadzu Seminar “ Reliable Identification By Using Interactively Linear Retention Index (LRI) & Mass Spectra, Multidimensional GC, GC x GC, Fast-GC For The Analysis of Flavour & Fragrance Samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Overcoming Challenger In Flavour & Fragrance Analysis: The Latest Techniques” Mumbai (INDIA) 30 September 2008 Luigi Mondello Shimadzu Seminar “ Reliable Identification By Using Interactively Linear Retention Index (LRI) & Mass Spectra, Multidimensional GC, GC x GC, Fast-GC For The Analysis of Flavour & Fragrance Samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Metodologie Analitiche Avanzate per la Determinazione di Sostanze Naturali Chieti, Campus Universitario, Facoltà di Farmacia, 2-4 ottobre Paola Dugo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Metodi Cromatografici Multidimensionali per la Determinazione di sotanze naturali” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Overcoming Challenger In Flavour & Fragrance Analysis: The Latest Techniques” Singapore (MALAYSIA) 2 October 2008 Luigi Mondello Shimadzu Seminar “ Reliable Identification By Using Interactively Linear Retention Index (LRI) & Mass Spectra, Multidimensional GC, GC x GC, Fast-GC For The Analysis of Flavour & Fragrance Samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Overcoming Challenger In Flavour & Fragrance Analysis: The Latest Techniques” Manila (FILIPPINE) 3 October 2008 Luigi Mondello Shimadzu Seminar “ Reliable Identification By Using Interactively Linear Retention Index (LRI) & Mass Spectra, Multidimensional GC, GC x GC, Fast-GC For The Analysis of Flavour & Fragrance Samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Sigma-Aldrich Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21 oktober 2008 Tranchida Peter Quinto, Luigi Mondello “Evaluation of Use of a Dicationic Stationary Phase (IL-100) in the GC Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello “Combination of Linear Retention Indices and Spectral Similarity: an aid for GC-MS users” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 D. Sciarrone, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L Mondello “Analysis of Diesel By Means of Off-line Tridimensional Comprehensive Chromatography LC-GCxGC Couplet with a MS Detector” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L Mondello “Gasoline Oxygenated and Nocive Compounds Investigatio Using A Multidimensional Gas Chromatographic System Couplet With A Fast Scanning Mass Spectrometer” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 C. Ragonese, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L Mondello “ Fast GC Analysis of Diesel Blend FAMEs by Means of A Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 P. Dugo, P. Donato, D Giuffrida, M. Herrero, F. Cacciola, L Mondello “Use of Comprehensive LCxLC-PDA-MS/MS for The Analysis of Free Carotenoids and Carotenoid Esters in Citrus Products” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 Rita C. Zacardi de Souza, Fabio Augusto, Monica Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lauro Euclides Soares Borata, Luigi Mondello “Anàlise do Oleo Essencial de Aniba Parviflora (Macacaporanga) por Cromatografia Gasosa Monodimensional e Bidimensional Abragente Acopladas a Espectrometria de Massas” Comunicazione Poster
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LCxLC Coupled to IT-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Exact Mass Measurement ” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Cromatography in Combination with Mass Spectrometry” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “MS Analyzers, MS-MS and SIM Methods” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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COLACRO XII – Latin-American Congress of Chromatography and Related Techniques, Florianopolis (SC) Brasil, 28-30 OUT 2008 Luigi Mondello “Last Developments in Conventional Multidimensional gas Chromatography and Comphrensive Chromatography” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu EAM (European Application Marketing) Meeting, Milton Keynes, (UK) 29-30 October 2008 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Luigi Mondello “Heart-cutting Multidimensional GC and Comprehensive 2D GC: Theory, Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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47th Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition, Garden State Exhibit Center Somerset, New Jersey, November 17-20, 2008 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Chromatography: An Overview” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Seminario Shimadzu – Tecniche analitiche nei settori ambientale e alimentare Istituto Zooprofilattico, Palermo, 19 Novembre 2008 Danilo Sciarrone e Luigi Mondello. “Tecniche Gascromatografiche Multidimensionali e Comprehensive Applicate All’analisi Dei Grassi e Dei Pesticidi” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Seminario Shimadzu – Tecniche analitiche nei settori ambientale e alimentare Istituto Zooprofilattico, Palermo, 19 Novembre 2008 Paola Donato e Luigi Mondello. “Applicazioni di Cromatografia Liquida “Comprehensive per l’Analisi di Matrici Complesse” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan, December 1, 2008. Luigi Mondello. “FFNSC” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan, December 1, 2008. Luigi Mondello. “Development of a twin-oven, split-flow GC x GC-qMS prototype: Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan, December 1, 2008. Luigi Mondello and Danilo Sciarrone. “LCxGC system” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LC Coupled to IT-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Exact Molecules Confirmation” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Analysis of Diesel by Means of Off-Line Tridimensional Comprehensive Chromatography LC-GCxGC Coupled with a Ms Detector” Comunicazione Orale
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Francesco Cacciola, Miguel Herrero, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Employment of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for Quantification of Polyphenols in Red Wines” Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Marina Cambria, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Optimization of an RP-HPLC Method for the Identification and Quantification of Oxygen Heterocyclic Components in Citrus Oils” Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Miguel Herrero, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Characterization of Phospholipids Molecular Species in Milk by Using a Hybrid IT-TOF-MS Analyzer” Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC2008- The 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Kyoto Japan, December 2-5, 2008 Paola Donato, Daniele Giuffrida, Miguel Herrero, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Carotenoids” Comunicazione Poster
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Incontro: Tecnologia dei sensori a servizio della buona alimentazione. Campus Bio-Medico, Roma, 3 dicembre 2008 Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Applicazioni di Cromatografia Liquida “Comprehensive” per l’Analisi di Matrici Alimentari” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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ASASS- ACROSS Symposium on Advaces in Separation Science, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 08 December-10 December, 2008 Luigi Mondello “Optimisation of Gas Flows in Comprehensive Two-Dimensionl Gas Chromatgraphy” Comucazione Orale a Invito
ASASS- ACROSS Symposium on Advaces in Separation Science, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 08 December-10 December, 2008 Danilo Sciarrone, Robert A. Shellie, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Investigation on The level of Oxidation and Quality of Tea Tree oil Using an Innovative Multidimensional Gas Chromatographic System” Comunicazione Poster
IFEAT – Italy Study Tour, February 26th, 2009, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Messina, Messina, Italy. L. Mondello, P.Q. Tranchida, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo “Innovative analytical approaches applied to essential oils” Comunicazione Orale (23)
IFEAT – Italy Study Tour, February 26th, 2009, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Messina, Messina, Italy. P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Dugo “HPLC and HPLC-MS of oxygen heterocyclic components of Citrus oils” Comunicazione Orale
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IFEAT – Italy Study Tour, February 26th, 2009, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Messina, Messina, Italy. R. Costa, M.R. De Fina, M.R. Valentino, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Dugo “GC and GC-MS of Citrus oils” Comunicazione Orale
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6th GCxGC Symposium, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 18-19 2009. Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Luigi Mondello “Advantages of using comprehensive 2D GC in the analysis of lipids”. Comunicazione Orale
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6th GCxGC Symposium, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 18-19 2009. Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Towards truly optimized comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Comunicazione Poster
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6th GCxGC Symposium, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 18-19 2009. Luisa Schipilliti, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Qualitiy and genuineness assignment of mandarin essential olis through chromatography/combustion/ isotope ratio mass spectrometry” Comunicazione Poster
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33rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 19-21 2009. Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello. “Comprehensive two-dimensional (RPLC X RPLC) separation of peptides on a set of totaly porous and shell-packed columns” Comunicazione Poster
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33rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 19-21 2009. Luigi Mondello, Rosaria Costa, Maria R. De Fina, Maria R. Valentino, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo. “Synergistic combination of quantitative GC-FID and innovative GC-MS analysis for the characterization of some citrus products” Comunicazione Poster
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33rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 19-21 2009. Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Paola Donato “Comprehensive LCXLC coupled to mass spectrometry for reliable identification of complex molecules” Comunicazione Orale ad Invito
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33rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 19-21 2009. Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello “Higher resolution comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Comunicazione Orale
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33rd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Portland, Oregan, USA, May 19-21 2009. Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello “Determination of ethers and alcohols in gasolines by multidimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection”. Comunicazione Poster
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CHEMIFOR, Roma Eur 28-30 maggio 2009. Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Il ruolo delle tecniche analitiche avanzate nell’analisi degli alimenti” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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NATO-ARW Workshop – Detection of Biological Agents for the Prevention of Bioterrorism, Spezzano Terme (CS), June 26 to July 2, 2009 Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Erminia La Camera, Giuseppe Bisignano “Identification of Cellular Lipid Fraction of Bacteria by GCxGC/MS using an Innovative MS Library with the use of Linear Retention Indices” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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HPLC 2009 – 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Germany June 28 – July 2 2009 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello “Approaches to Obtain High Peak Capacity HPLC Separation of Real Samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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HPLC 2009 – 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Germany June 28 – July 2 2009 Francesco Cacciola, Assis Jacques R, Paola Donato, Bastos Caramao E, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Employment of Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Mate Extracts (Ilex paraguariensis)” Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC 2009 – 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techiques, Germany June 28 – July 2 2009 Paola Donato, Francecso Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Exploiting the Feasibility and Capability of Different RPxRP Modes for the Separation of Peptides and Proteins” Comunicazione Poster
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XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Chimica Italiana – L’energia chimica muove la vita, Sorrento 5-10 luglio 2009-07-2009 Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo “Comprehensive Chromatography (GCxGC, LCxLC) coupled to Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Complex Matrices” Comunicazione Poster
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Luigi Mondello, Giovanni Dugo “Higher Resolution Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography applied to the Analysis of Essential Oils Comunicazione Orale (24)
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “A thorough analysis of the chemical composition of treated bergamot oil (Citrus bergamia)” Comunicazione Orale
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Susanne Böhme, Hans-Ulrich Baier, Luigi Mondello “Flavour & Fragrance analysis: easy heart cut MDGC with mass spectrometric detection in 1st and 2 nd Dimension” Comunicazione Orale
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Marina Russo, Caterina Carnovale, Anna Piperno, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo “Detemination of oxygen heterocyclic components in citrus products by HPLC with UV detection” Comunicazione Poster
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Luisa Schipilliti, Danilo Sciarrone, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Genuineness assessment of mandarin essential oils employing stable, isotope ratio analysis (SIRA)” Comunicazione Poster
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Danilo Sciarrone, Luisa Schipilliti, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “A comparison Of Conventional And Multidimensional Gas Chromatography Methodologies In The Analysis Of Volatile Chiral Compounds In Mandarin Essential Oil” Comunicazione Poster
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40th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2009 Savigliano, Italy, September 6-9, 2009 Rosaria Costa, Francesca Marotta, Francesco Pizzimenti, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Volatile constituents and antimicrobial activity of Leptospermum scoparium J.R. et G. Forst from New Zealand, Ravensara aromatica Sonn. and Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl. from Madagascar” Comunicazione Poster
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NU.TRI.SCI. 2009, Novara, 21 settembre – 2 ottobre 2009 Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography (LCxLC): Instrumentation, Method Optimization and Applications” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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The 24th MSB 2009, Dalian, China, October 19-22, 2009 Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo “Multidimensional two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to an hybrid MS (LCxLC/IT-TOF) in the determination of complex samples” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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The 13th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, BCEIA 2009, Beijing China, November 25-28 2009 Luigi Mondello “Comprehensive LC coupled to IT-TOF mass spectrometry (LCXLC/MS(IT-TOF) exact molecules confirmation using MS/MS experiments” Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC-11) Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – 29th 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive two-dimensional Separation for food Analysis Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC-11) Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – 29th 2010 Luigi Mondello Hyphenated Techniques in food Analysis Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC-11) Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – 29th 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello LCxLC in Food Analysis Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC-11) Bruges, Belgium, January 30th – 29th 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Characterization of Bacterial lipid profiles by using rapid sample preparation and fast comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Albertov Comprehensive Days 2010, Charles University, Prague, February 23rd – 24th, 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida and Luigi Mondello Comprehensive GC and GCMS – applications part I, II, III Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2010 Olomouc, February, 8-11, 2010 Salvatore Fanali, Anna Rocco, Paola Dugo, Chiara Fanali, Luigi Mondello Nano-Liquid Chromatography: a very promising and useful tool in food analysis Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Erbe Medicinali: dalla ricerca di base alla clinica Messina, 29-30 Aprile 2010 Costa Rosaria, Dugo Paola, Dugo Giovanni, Mondello Luigi Advanced GC Techniques applied to the analysis of medicinal plant extracts Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, Leonard M. Sidisky, Mark V. Robillard, Luigi Mondello A new ionic liquid stationary phase for gas chromatography: preliminary evaluation and applications Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Headspace enrichment of bergamot and mandarin juices by means of monolithic material sorptive extraction (MMSE) Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Quality assessment of sandalwood essential oil by means of a amultidimensional gas chromatographic system with 2D fid and QMS simultaneos detection Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Luisa Schipilliti, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Authenticity control on lemon essential oils employing gas chromatography-combustion –isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Maria Scandinaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analysis of packaging-derived compounds in chewing gum by using solid–phase microextraction –comprehensive 2D gas chromatography-quadruple mass spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Continuous – cutting VS. comprehensive two – dimensional gas chromatography: a comparative study Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Paola Donato, Eduardo Maria Sommella, Paola Dugo, Pietro Campiglia, Ettore Novellino, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive 2D-LCxLC-MS/MS for shotgun proteomics Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Paola Donato, Marco Beccaria, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Determination of triacylglycerides in edible oils employing a comprehensive LCXLC system coupled to elsd and MS detectors Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Paola Dugo, Marina Russo, Germana Torre, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Development of a comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography method for determination of flavonoids in Citrus juices Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Luigi Mondello, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Carla Ragonese, Marina Russo, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo Characterization of Mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) essential oil by GC, GC/MS, ESMDGC, RP-HPLC/PDA and LCMS-IT-TOF Comunicazione Poster
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Poala Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Extending the realm of qualification and quantification in comprehensive two – dimensional gas chromatography to quadruple mass spectrometry Comunicazione Orale
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Luigi Mondello, Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo New frontier in ultra fast-GC/MS. Rapid quadrupole technology (20000 AMU/S) for qualitative and quantitative analysis Comunicazione Orale (25)
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Recent developments in comprehensive LC Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 7th GCxGC Symposium Riva del Garda, Italy, May 30-June 4, 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Peter Dawes, Luigi Mondello Development of a flexible chip-based pneumatic modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Comunicazione Orale
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HPLC 2010 – 35th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techiques, Boston, MA USA June 19 –24, 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Recent Developments in Comprehensive LC Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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HPLC 2010 – 35th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techiques, Boston, MA USA June 19 –24, 2010 Francesco Cacciola, Pierluigi Delmonte, Karolina Jaworska, Luigi Mondello, Jeanne Rader Employment of an Ortogonal Normal Phase x Reversed Phase System for the Characterizatio of Stevia Rebaudiana Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC 2010 – 35th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techiques, Boston, MA USA June 19 –24, 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Eduardo Maria Sommella, Pietro Campiglia, Ettore Novellino, Luigi Mondello Proteomic Analysis by Comprehensive 2D-LC Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC 2010 – 35th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techiques, Boston, MA USA June 19 –24, 2010 Tatsunari Yoshida, Ken-ichiro Tanaka, Tsutomu Nishine, Hirohisa Mikami, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analysis of Panax Ginseng by Comprehensive Rwo-dimensional Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatography Comunicazione Poster
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HPLC 2010 – 35th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techiques, Boston, MA USA June 19 –24, 2010 Paola Dugo, Marina Russo, Marco Beccaria, Germana Torre, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Natural Matrrices Comunicazione Poster
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Pigments in Food –Chemical, Biological and Technological Aspects of the 6th International Congress June 20-24, 2010 Budapest, Hungary Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Giacomo Dugo, Luigi Mondello Applications of Comprehensive (LCxLC) liquid chromatography in the analyses of various pigments in different natural matrices Comunicazione Orale
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41th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2010 Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-8, 2010 Danilo Sciarrone, Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Advanced Gas Chromatographic Techniques for the Quali-Quantitative Analysis of Essential Oils: Fast GC-qMS (20,000 a.m.u./sec) and Multidimensional MDGC-qMS Comunicazione Orale
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41th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2010 Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-8, 2010 Luisa Schipilliti, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Authentication of begamot essential oil by Gas-Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS) Comunicazione Poster
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41th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2010 Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-8, 2010 Caterina Carnovale, Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, Anna Piperno, Danilo Sciarrone, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Cellulosic-based liquid chromatographic enantiomeric separation for determination of coumarins in Citrus essential oils Comunicazione Poster
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41th International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2010 Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-8, 2010 Carla Ragonese, Danilo Sciarrone, Luigi Mondello Conventional and Fast Gas Chromatography Analysis Of Essential Oils Using An Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase Comunicazione Poster
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16th International Symposium on Separation Science, ISSS 2010 Roma, Italy, September 6-9, 2010 Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Peter Dawes A Novel Chip-Based Flow Modulator for Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Comunicazione Orale a Invito (26)
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16th International Symposium on Separation Science, ISSS 2010 Roma, Italy, September 6-9, 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato,Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive LC Analysis of Real Samples Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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16th International Symposium on Separation Science, ISSS 2010 Roma, Italy, September 6-9, 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Potential of Very fast Quadruple Mass Spectrometry (20000amu/sec) for Analysis of Perfume Allergens Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Comunicazione Orale
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6th European Conference on Pesticides and related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment, Matera, September 5-10, 2010 Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida Reliable identification of pesticides in complex mixture exploiting comprehensive 2D GC-MS with the interactive use of lenear retention indices during the MS library search process Comunicazione Poster
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XXII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Como, 12-16 Settembre 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Extending the realm of qualification and quantification in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography to quadrupole mass spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
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28th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC 2010 Valencia, Spain, September 12-16, 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Potential of Comprehensive two Dimensional Gas Chormatography Coupled to a Very Fast Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (20000 AMU/SEC) Comunicazione Orale
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12th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2010, Poznan, Poland September 20-22, 2010 Luigi Mondello SPME-GCxGC/MS Analysis of Roasted Coffee Beans using an innovative MS search with the use of Linear Retention indices. Comunicazione Orale (27)
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Potenzialità della LCxLC accoppiata al rilevatore di massa per l’anlisi di matrici alimentari. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giacomo Dugo Carotenoidi in matrici naturali e loro prodotti: aspetti funzionali, compositivi e analitici Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Peter Dawes, Luigi Mondello Sviluppo di un modulatore pneumatico versatile basato su un chip per gas cromatografia multidimensionale comprehensive di matrici alimentari Comunicazione Orale
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Danilo Sciarrone, Carla Ragonese, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Identificazione e quantificazione di additivi negli alimenti mediante gas cromatografia multidimensioanle con simultanea rivelazione 2D a spettrometria di massa e ionizzazione di fiamma Comunicazione Orale
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Filomena Cichello, Marina Russo, Anna Piperno, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analisi della frazione fosfolipidica in matrici alimentari tramite HPLC accoppiata con ESI-MS/ELSD Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Chiara Fanali, Laura Dugo, Giovanni D’Orazio, Melania Lirangi, Marina Dachà, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analisi di antocianine in frutta fresca e succhi di frutta commerciali attraverso metodiche di HPLC-UV/VNANO-LC-ESI-MS Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Marina Russo, Caterina Carnovale, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Determinazione del contenuto di compositi eterociclici ossigenati in derivati agrumari Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Paola Dugo, Daniele Giuffrida, Germana Torre, Luigi Mondello Applicazione della cromatografia liquida comprehensive (LCxLC) alla separazione di clorofille e carotenoidi in matrici vegetali e loro prodotti Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Ivana Bonaccosi, Paola Dugo, Maria Restuccia, Alessandra Trozzi, Luigi Mondello, Antonella Cotroneo, Giovanni Dugo Caratterizzazione della frazione volatile di oli essenziali di diverse specie di citrus mediante GC e GC/MS e determinazione dei rapporti enantiomerici mediante enantiogc ed enantiomdgc Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Laura Dugo, Chiara Fanali, Melania Lirangi, Marina Dachà, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Caratterizzazione dell’olio di semi di sacha inchi (PLUKENETIA VOLUBILIS L.) attraverso tecniche cromatografiche Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Carla Ragonese, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Valutazione di una nuova fase stazionaria a liquidi ionici per gas cromatografia ed applicazione all’analisi di oli essenziali Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Potenzialità della GC X GC accoppiata a qMS detector a rapida scansione per l’analisi degli alimenti Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Paola Donato, Eduardo Maria Sommella, Pietro Campiglia, Ettore Novellino, Luigi Mondello Utilizzo della metodica comprehensive 2D-LCxLC-MS/MS in studi di proteomica Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Marco Beccaria, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Analisi di triacilgliceroli (TAG) in oli ad uso alimentare mediante un sistema LC X LC accoppiato ad uno spettrometro di massa e ad un light scattering utilizzati come rilevatori Comunicazione Poster
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VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti – Qualità e Tipicità degli Alimenti Mediterranei: Alimentazione e Salute, Marsala, Trapani, 20-24 Settembre 2010 Luisa Schipilliti, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Giovani Dugo Determinazione del rapporto isotopico stabile del carbonio, mediante GC-C-IRMS, per il controllo dell’autenticità degli oli essenziali di origine agrumaria Comunicazione Poster
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International PSE Symposium on: Terpenes-Application, Activity & Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 September 2010 Luigi Mondello Comprehensive GC (GCxGC) Coupled to MS for the Reliable Identification of Terpenes and related Compounds Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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International PSE Symposium on: Terpenes-Application, Activity & Analysis, Instabul, Turkey, 26-29 September 2010 Laura Tedone, Danilo Sciarrone, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Reliable Identificatio of the Volatile Components of Sage Oil using Mass Spectrometry Library Search together whit Linear Retention Indices Comunicazione Poster
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International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 15-20 2010 Luigi Mondello, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo Comprehensive chromatography (GCxGC and LCxLC) for the analysis of complex samples Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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Albertov Comprehensive Days 2011, Charles University, Prague, February 8-9, 2011 Peter Tranchida and Luigi Mondello Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: principles, optimization aspects and applications (part I, II) Comunicazione Orale a Invito
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L’innovazione cromatografica Supelco per il settore farmaceutico e biofarmaceutico: HPLC, HPLC chirale e preparazione del campione. Pomezia, RM, 23 febbraio 2011. Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Tecniche cromatografiche avanzate nell’analisi del proteoma Comunicazione Orale a invito
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Pittcon 2011 Conference & Expo, Atlanta (USA), March 13-18, 2011 Luigi Mondello A Novel Chip-Based Flow Modulator for Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Comunicazione Orale ( 29)
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Pittcon 2011 Conference & Expo, Atlanta (USA), March 13-18, 2011 Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo, Paola Donato. Comprehensive LC of real complex samples Comunicazione Poster
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Pittcon 2011 Conference & Expo, Atlanta (USA), March 13-18, 2011 Luigi Mondello, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Purcaro. Potential of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to a very fast quadrupole mass spectrometer (20,000 amu/sec) Comunicazione Poster
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Pittcon 2011 Conference & Expo, Atlanta (USA), March 13-18, 2011 Ken-Ichiro T., Tatsunari Y., Tsutomu N., Hiroshisa M., Mondello L., Dugo P. Analysis of panax ginseng by comprehensive two-dimensional ultra high performance liquid chromatography Comunicazione Poster
Shimadzu seminar, Grasse (France), March 24, 2011. Luigi Mondello Multidimensional and comprehensive chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for flavour and fragrance analysis Comunicazione Orale a Invito
CIPAM 2011, 3rd International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Cagliari, Italy, April 13-15, 2011 L. Tedone, R. Costa, D. Sciarrone, I. Bonaccorsi, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, S. Ragusa, L. Mondello Reliable identification of volatiles by simultaneous search of linear retention indices (LRIs) and mass spectra similarity Comunicazione Orale
CIPAM 2011, 3rd International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Cagliari, Italy, April 13-15, 2011 L. Mondello, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo, G. Dugo. Advanced chromatography techniques for the study of medicinal plants and derived products Comunicazione Orale ( 28)
Incontri di Scienza delle Separazioni – Il contributo della Scienza delle Separazioni alle problematiche ambientali, Torino, 4-5 Maggio 2011 Francesco Cacciola, Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Utilizzo di uno spettrometro di massa ad analizzatore quadrupolare di ultima generazione in combinazione con la gascromatografia bi-dimensionale “comprehensive” per l’analisi di pesticidi in acque potabili Comunicazione Orale
Incontri di Scienza delle Separazioni – Il contributo della Scienza delle Separazioni alle problematiche ambientali, Torino, 4-5 Maggio 2011 Mariosimone Zoccali, Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Luigi Mondello Analisi di diesel mediante un approccio “off-line” LC-GC×GC in combinazione con uno spettrometro di massa ad analizzatore quadrupolare a rapida scansione Comunicazione Orale
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) F. Cacciola, P. Donato, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Carotenoid profiling in complex matrices by one-dimensional and comprehensive two-dimensional LC/PDA/APCI-MS Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) L. Mondello, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo Comprehensive liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry: instrumental approaches and applications Comunicazione Orale (30)
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) G. Purcaro, P.Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, S. Moret, L. Conte, P. Dugo, L. Mondello A rapid screening method for the detection of low levels of mineral oil in vegetable oils using comprehensive 2D GC Comunicazione Orale
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) P.Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, G. Purcaro, S. Moret, L. Conte, P. Dugo, L. Mondello A rapid and sensitive LC/GC (LCxGC) method for the determination of hydrocarbon contamination in vegetable oils Comunicazione Orale
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) I. Bonaccorsi, L. Schipilliti, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Head space-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS) for strawberry flavoured food quality control Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) I. Bonaccorsi, L. Schipilliti, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Multidimensional enantio-GC and GC-C-IRMS for the authenticity assessment of Citrus essential oils Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) D. Sciarrone, S. Pantò, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Enhanced terpene collection exploiting a multidimensional GC-prep system Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) P. Donato, F. Cacciola, E.M. Sommella, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Column-coupling vs. comprehensive LC/MS approaches towards Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) G. Purcaro, F. Franchina, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with very fast quadrupole mass spectrometry for the analysis of water pesticides Comunicazione Poster
Joint Congress 2011 – 35th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 26th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations, 8th GCxGC symposium, May 1-5, San Diego, California (USA) P.Q. Tranchida, G. Purcaro, F. Franchina, P. Dugo, L. Mondello A simple method to calculate second-dimension retention indices in comprehensive 2D GC Comunicazione Poster
Alimed 2011 – Alimentazione Mediterranea, qualità, sicurezza e salute, 22-25 Maggio 2011, Palermo Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Giacomo Dugo, Francesco Salvo, Luigi Mondello Carotenoids in natural matrices and their derived products: functional, compositional and analytical aspects Comunicazione Orale
Alimed 2011 – Alimentazione Mediterranea, qualità, sicurezza e salute, 22-25 Maggio 2011, Palermo Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Determinazione rapida ed altamente sensibile della contaminazione da idrocarburi in oli vegetali mediante un metodo LC/GC Comunicazione Orale
Alimed 2011 – Alimentazione Mediterranea, qualità, sicurezza e salute, 22-25 Maggio 2011, Palermo L. Schipilliti, I. Bonaccorsi, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS) for food quality control Comunicazione Orale
Alimed 2011 – Alimentazione Mediterranea, qualità, sicurezza e salute, 22-25 Maggio 2011, Palermo P. Dugo, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Innovative analytical techniques in food research Comunicazione Plenaria a Invito
Sigma-Aldrich seminar, Sample preparation and analysis of food and beverages, Praga, Czech Republic, June 1, 2011. Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Chromatography in Food Analysis: Enhanced Resolution for Challenging Separations Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Shimadzu Dinner Scientific Forum at ASMS 2011, June 5-9, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (IT-TOF): Instrumentation, Software, and Selected Applications Comunicazione Orale a Invito
HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-23, 2011 Paola Dugo, Daniele Giuffrida, Germana Torre, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Luigi Mondello Analysis of Native Carotenoid Composition in Sweet Bell Peppers using C30 Columns in tandem Contributo Poster
HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-23, 2011 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello New developments in the use of comprehensive LC for the analysis of natural products Comunicazione Orale
HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-23, 2011 Filomena Cichello, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Unambiguous Determination of Milk Phospholipids by HILIC Coupled to an Hybrid Mass Analyzer Contributo Poster
HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-23, 2011 Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato , Marina Russo, Paola Dugo, and Luigi Mondello Polyphenolic fingerprint of various natural matrices by RPLC coupled to quadrupole and hybrid mass analyzers Contributo Poster
HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-23, 2011 Tatsunari Yoshida, Ken-ichiro Tanaka, Tairo Ogura, Tsutomu Nishine, Hirohisa Mikami, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo Detection of Panax ginseng extracts using comprehensive two-dimensional LC-MS coupled with PCA Contributo Poster
Shimadzu seminar at HPLC 2011, 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, June 20, 2011 Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello Developing Comprehensive LC (LCxLC) Methods for Achieving High Resolution Separations Comunicazione Orale a Invito
16th International Symposium on Carotenoids – towards a brighter side of life, Krakow, Poland, 17-22 July, 2011. Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Germana Torre, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello. Determination of carotenoids and their esters in chilli red pepper (Capsicum anuum L.) by comprehensive (LCxLC) liquid chromatography Comunicazione Poster
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16th International Symposium on Carotenoids – towards a brighter side of life, Krakow, Poland, 17-22 July, 2011. Daniele Giuffrida, Adela Pintea, Paola Dugo, Germana Torre, Raluca Maria Pop, Luigi Mondello. Determination of carotenoids and their esters in fruits of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) by HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS Comunicazione Poster
The next era of mass spectrometry from Shimadzu, Seminar series 2011, July 26, 2011, Singapore. Luigi Mondello Multidimensional gas chromatography with a flexible Deans switch for analysis of complex samples Comunicazione Orale Pleanaria a Invito
New horizons in separation and detection techniques, Separation Science Asia 2011, July 27-28, 2011, Biopolis, Singapore. Luigi Mondello A flexible chip-based pneumatic modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Comunicazione Orale Pleanaria a Invito
17th Symposium on Separation Sciences, September 5-9, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. Use of High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Capabilities for Applications in Food Area Comunicazione Orale a Invito
First International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea, CoCoTea 2011, September 13-16, 2011, Novara, Italy. P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello, P. Dugo, G. Dugo. Analysis of coffee volatiles by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Comunicazione Orale a Invito
ISEO 2011 – 42nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, September 11-14, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. L. Mondello, P. Dugo Advanced chromatographic techniques for the analysis of essential oils and related products Comunicazione Orale Plenaria a Invito
ISEO 2011 – 42nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, September 11-14, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. D. Sciarrone, S. Pantò, G. Dugo, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Enhanced collection of essential oil components by using a multidimensional GC-prep system Comunicazione Orale
ISEO 2011 – 42nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, September 11-14, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. L. Tedone, L. Mondello, A. Ludwiczuk, Y. Asakawa Volatile components from selected Japanese liverworts: a chemosystematic approach Comunicazione Orale
ISEO 2011 – 42nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, September 11-14, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. I. Bonaccorsi, D. Sciarrone, L. Schipilliti, L. Mondello and G. Dugo Authenticity assessment of Citrus essential oils Comunicazione Poster
ISEO 2011 – 42nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, September 11-14, 2011, Antalya, Turkey M. Russo, M. Sarò, C. Carnovale, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Analysis of chiral coumarins and furocoumarins in Citrus essential oils by means NP-HPLC Comunicazione Poster
XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-16 Settembre 2011, Lecce. Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Chromatography (GCxGC, LCxLC) coupled to mass spectrometry for the analysis of complex matrices Comunicazione Orale a Invito
EUROanalysis 2011, 16th European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, “Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry”, 11-15 September 2011 – Congress Center SAVA, Belgrade, Serbia. P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Ultra Fast Separation and High Resolution Capabilities (LCxLC-IT-TOF) for Natural Products Applications. Comunicazione Orale
RDPA 2011, Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 14th International Meeting, September 21-24, 2011, Pavia, Italy. P. Dugo, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, L. Mondello Multidimensional liquid chromatography in combination to mass spectrometry for the analysis of natural products Comunicazione Orale
RDPA 2011, Recent Developments in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 14th International Meeting, September 21-24, 2011, Pavia, Italy. E. Sommella, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Campiglia, E. Novellino, L. Mondello, P. Dugo Online comprehensive 2D LC/MS for proteomic analysis Comunicazione Poster
XXV Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche, Trieste-Udine, 26-28 Settembre 2011. B. Chiofalo, P. Dugo, A. Prandini, F. Cacciola, N. Fawzy, P. Donato, C. Panetta, F. Lo Coco, S. Simonella, L. Mondello. Characterization of the triacylglycerol fraction of Salame S. Angelo PGI by means of HPLC-APCI/MS. Comunicazione Poster
XX Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano de Etnomedicina, 19-22 Settembre 2011, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasile Bonaccorsi I.L., Schipilliti L., Sciarrone D., Dugo P., Mondello L., Haro-Guzman L., and Dugo G. Characterization of Mexican lime oils C. aurantifolia Swingle and C. latifolia Tanaka by modern chromatographic techniques Comunicazione Orale
XX Congresso Italo-Latinoamericano de Etnomedicina, 19-22 Settembre 2011, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasile Bonaccorsi I., Dugo G., Dugo P., Mondello L. Advanced Liquid Chromatographic Techniques for the Analysis of Food Matrices Comunicazione Orale
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Dugo Giovanni Comunicazione Orale Plenaria a Invito
ExTech 2011 – 13th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, September 27-29, 2011, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia L. Mondello, R. Costa, P. Dugo, G. Dugo Solid Phase Microextraction combined with Multidimensional Comprehensive Chromatography for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures Comunicazione Orale a Invito
ExTech 2011 – 13th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, September 27-29, 2011, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia D. Sciarrone, R. Costa, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello SPME coupled to Comprehensive GCxGC with simultaneous 2D FID/MS detection for the analysis of Italian truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico) volatiles Comunicazione Orale
ExTech 2011 – 13th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, September 27-29, 2011, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia D. Sciarrone, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Purcaro, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello A rapid screening method for the detection of mineral oil composition in vegetable oils Comunicazione Poster
ExTech 2011 – 13th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, September 27-29, 2011, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia G. Purcaro, F. Franchina, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, R. Costa, L. Mondello Solid Phase Microextraction-Comprehensive Gas Chromatography with very fast Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of water pesticides Comunicazione Poster
37th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2011 Dalian), October 8-11, 2011, Dalian, China Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola e Luigi Mondello Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography: Instrumental Aspects, Method Development and Future Trend Comunicazione Orale a Invito
37th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2011 Dalian), October 8-11, 2011, Dalian, China Paola Donato, Eduardo Sommella, Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello, Paola Dugo On-line capillary scale comprehensive 2D-LC system for the analysis of proteome samples Comunicazione Poster
The 14th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA2011), October 13-16, 2011, Beijing, China Paola Dugo, Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola e Luigi Mondello Employment of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography in Combination with Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Complex Samples Comunicazione Orale
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5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Ivana Bonaccorsi, Danilo Sciarrone, Peter Tranchida, Luisa Schipilliti, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Multidimensional GC (MDGC) and Carbon Isotope Ratio MS (GC-C-IRMS) for the Authenticity Assessment of Citrus Essential Oils Comunicazione Orale
5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Francesco Cacciola, Paola Donato, Germana Torre, Daniele Giuffrida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Exploiting high pressure conditions in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography as a novel approach in food analysis Comunicazione Orale
5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Sigma-Aldrich Vendor Seminar, November 3, 2011 P.Q. Tranchida, C. Ragonese, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Use of Ionic Liquid Stationary Phases in the GC analysis of Food Volatiles Comunicazione Orale
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5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Luisa Schipilliti, Peter Tranchida, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, Luigi Mondello Citrus liqueurs quality control employing headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to gas chromatography-combustion-isotope mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS), enantioselective-gas chromatography (Es-GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Giorgia Purcaro, Peter Tranchida, Flavio Franchina, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC) coupled to a fast quadrupole mass spectrometer for the reliable quantification of pesticides in water Comunicazione Poster
5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1-4, 2011, Prague, Czech republic Peter Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Giorgia Purcaro, Sabrina Moret, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello A rapid and sensitive multidimensional liquid-gas chromatography (LC-GC) method for the determination of hydrocarbon contamination in foods Comunicazione Poster
Incontri di Scienza delle Separazioni – Stato dell’arte e prospettive future delle tecniche separative in campo biologico, fitochimico e farmaceutico, Roma, 22-23 Novembre 2011. E. Sommella, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Sviluppo di un sistema multidimensionale nella modalità comprehensive LCxLC per l’analisi di campioni proteoma Comunicazione Orale
Incontri di Scienza delle Separazioni – Stato dell’arte e prospettive future delle tecniche separative in campo biologico, fitochimico e farmaceutico, Roma, 22-23 Novembre 2011. F. Franchina, P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello Analisi degli acidi grassi di campioni lipidici tramite gascromatografia a separazione multidimensionale con micro modulatore a flusso (FM-GCxGC-qMS) Comunicazione Orale
Seminar “Modern Methoden der Massenspektrometrie und Chromatographie des Massenspektrometrie Zentrums”, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 22 Novembre 2011. Luigi Mondello A novel flow modulator for comprehensive 2D GC Comunicazione Orale a Invito
HTC-12, 12th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analysers, Bruges (Belgium), February 1-3, 2012 P.Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, G. Purcaro, L. Conte, L. Mondello Multidimensional Liquid-Gas (LC-GC) Chromatography for the rapid determination of saturated hydrocarbon contamination in food Comunicazione Orale
HTC-12, 12th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analysers, Bruges (Belgium), February 1-3, 2012 L. Mondello, P.Q. Tranchida, F. Franchina, P. Dugo Flow-modulated Comprehensive 2D Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry assisted by a novel data-processing software Comunicazione Orale ( 31)
Pittcon Conference & Expo, March 11-15,2012, Orlando, FL, USA L. Mondello, C. Ragonese, D. Sciarrone, P.Q. Tranchida A new trend in GC Selectivity: ion liquid Stationary phases. Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Pittcon Conference & Expo, March 11-15,2012, Orlando, FL, USA P.Q. Tranchida, F. Franchina, L. Mondello A flexible chip-based pneumatic modulator for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography Comunicazione Orale
Seminario Waters “Nuove Soluzioni per l’Analisi Ambientale ed Alimentare”, March 28, 2012, Messina G. Torre, P. Dugo, D. Giuffrida, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Utilizzo della cromatografia liquida ad alte prestazioni accoppiata alla spettrometria di massa (HPLC-DAD-MS) per la determinazione di carotenoidi in matrici alimentari Comunicazione Orale
30th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, 29th April – 3rd May 2012, Olomouc, Czech Republic. P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo, L. Mondello. Mass spectrometry detection in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography: instrumentation, software, and selected applications. Comunicazione Orale
8th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products, May 17-20, 2012, Lublin, Poland. Mondello L., Dugo p., Cacciola F., Donato P. Advanced Chromatography Techniques for the Analysis of Natural Products. Comunicazione Orale
60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 20 – 24, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. M. Mreyen; F. Cacciola; P. Donato; D. Giuffrida; G. Torre; P. Dugo; L. Mondello. Mass spectrometric elucidation of carotenoids in chili red peppers using ultra high pressure comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography. Comunicazione Poster
60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 20 – 24, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. C. T. Santasania; M. Beccaria; F. Cacciola; P. Donato; P. Dugo; L. Mondello. Analysis of Triacylglycerols in Brevoortia tyrannus (Menhaden) Oil by Non-aqueous reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography in Combination with Mass Spectrometry. Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy P. Dugo, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, L. Mondello Continuous and Stop-Flow Approaches in Comprehensive Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy P. Dugo, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, L. Mondello Liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry for lipid analysis. Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy D. Sciarrone, S. Pantò, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Enhanced Collection Of Volatile Components By Using A Triple Deans Switch Tridimensional Preparative Capillary Gas Chromatographic System Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy I. Bonaccorsi, L. Schipilliti, E. Grasso, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G.Dugo Carbon Isotope Ratio MS (GC-C-IRMS) And Multidimensional GC (MDGC) for The Authenticity Assessment Of Natural Food Flavors Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy G. Purcaro, L. Mondello, P. Q. Tranchida, L. Barp, L. S. Conte, S. Moret Elucidation Of Hydrocarbon Contamination In Food Products By Using Off-Line Solid-Phase Extraction And Comprehensive Twodimensional Gas Chromatography With Dual Detection Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy P. Q. Tranchida, F. A. Franchina, P. Dugo,L. Mondello Enhanced Selectivity And Sensitivity of Comprehensive 2D GC Combined With A Novel Fast Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer Comunicazione Orale
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy C. Ragonese, D. Sciarrone, E. Grasso, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Enhanced Resolution Of Terpene Compounds By Using An Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase In Peppermint Essential Oil Analysis Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy N. B. Hussin, L. Mondello, R. Costa, P. Dugo, N. Yusoff N.I., M.A. Yarmo, P. Q. Tranchida, A. Ab. Wahab, M. Said Simple And Reliable Methods For Producing Patchoulol (Patchouli Alcohol) Standard For Gc-Fid And Gc-Ms Analyses Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy R. Costa, S. De Grazia, E. Grasso, L. Tedone, L. Mondello Characterization Of Agaricus Bisporus Flavor By Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) Coupled With Gas Chromatography(GC-FID) And Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy L. Tedone, R. Costa, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Application Of Multiple Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction (MHS-SPME) Technique To The Quantitative Analysis Of Fragrance And Flavour Compounds Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy M. Russo, M. Sarò, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Heart-Cutting Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography For The Determination Of Chiral Coumarins And Furocoumarins In Citrus Essential Oils Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy M. Zoccali, P. Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Determination Of Saturated-Hydrocarbon Contamination In Baby Foods By Using On-Line Liquid-Gas Chromatography And Off-Line Liquid-Comprehensive Gas Chromatography Combined With Mass Spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
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36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy S. Pantò, D. Sciarrone, P. Dugo, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Highly Efficient Collection Of Oxygenated Sesquiterpenes By Means Of A Triple Deans Switch Tridimensional Preparative Capillary Gas Chromatographic System Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy M. Zoccali, P. Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Mondello A Measurement Of Fundamental Chromatography Parameters In Conventional And Split-Flow Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: A Comparative Study Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy F. A. Franchina, P. Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Increasing The Selectivity And Sensitivity Of Comprehensive Twodimensional Gas Chromatography By Hyphenation With A Novel Highspeed Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy E. Sommella, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Dugo, P. Campiglia, L. Mondello On-Line Capillary Scale Comprehensive Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography System For The Analysis Of Proteome Samples Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy P. Donato, F. Cacciola, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Implementing On-Line Comprehensive NP-LC×RP-UHPLC Technology For Improved Identification Of A Complex Foodstuff By Mass Spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy M. Beccaria, G. Sullini, N. Fawzy, F. Cichello, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Employment Of A Stop-Flow Technique In Comprehensive Twodimensional Liquid Chromatography For Fish Oil Analysis Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy C. Fanali, L. Dugo, R. Costa, G. Pennaza, M. Santonico, P.Dugo, L. Mondello White Truffle Aroma Fingerprint: Electronic Nose And GC-MS Analyses. Comunicazione Poster
36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy L. Schipilliti, I. Bonaccorsi, D. Sciarrone, L. Dugo, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Dugo Determination Of Petitgrain Oils Landmark Parameters By Using Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry And Enantioselective Multidimensional Gas Chromatography Comunicazione Poster
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36th ISCC and 9th GC×GC Symposium, May 27 – June 1, 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy D. Kotoni, G. Pierri, A. Ciogli, P. Campiglia, G. Tenore, P.Dugo, L. Mondello, C. Villani, F. Gasparrini Proteomic Profile Of Caseins And Minor Proteins In Bovine Milk Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. I. Bonaccorsi, D. Sciarrone, L. Schipilliti, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, G. Dugo. Enantioselective multidimensional GC (MDGC) and carbon isotope ratio MS (GC-C-IRMS) for the authenticity assessment of Citrus essential oils and other food flavours Comunicazione Orale
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. I. Bonaccorsi, L. Schipilliti, P.Q. Tranchida, P. Dugo, L. Mondello, A. Cotroneo. Carbon isotopic ratios and enantiomeric distributions of selected volatiles as parameters for the quality assessment of Citrus liqueurs determined by HS-SPME coupled to GC-C-IRMS, and ES-GC Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. D. Giuffrida, E. Murillo, D. Menchaca, P. Dugo, G. Torre, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Carotenoids composition in some tropical fruits Comunicazione Orale
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. D. Giuffrida, P. Dugo, G. Torre, C. Bignardi, A. Cavazza, C. Corradini, G. Dugo, L. Mondello Characterization of 12 Capsicum varieties by evaluation of their carotenoid profile and pungency determination Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. M. Mreyen, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, D. Giuffrida, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Mass spectrometric elucidation of carotenoids in chili red peppers using ultra high pressure comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. C. Fanali, A. Rocco, Z. Aturki, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Food analysis by using miniaturized chromatographic techniques: determination of polyphenols in tea samples Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. M. Beccaria, E. Sommella, N. Fawzy, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Dugo, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Analysis of triacylglycerols in Brevoortia tyrannus (menhaden) oil by non-aqueous reversed phase liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. P.Q. Tranchida, M. Zoccali, P. Dugo, Giovanni Dugo, L. Mondello Multidimensional liquid-gas (LC-GC) chromatography for the rapid determination of saturated hydrocarbon contamination in baby food Comunicazione Poster
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. Luigi Mondello Advanced liquid chromatography techniques for the analysis of proteins of food concern Comunicazione Orale (32)
ChimAlSi_2012 – IX Italian Congress of Food Chemistry – “Food, functional foods and nutraceuticals”, Ischia (NA, Italy), June 3-7, 2012. F. Cichello, M. Russo, E. Sommella, P. Donato, P.Q. Tranchida, G. Dugo, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Determination of phospholipids in various milk samples by means of HILIC-ELSD/MS Comunicazione Poster
Massa 2012 – Division of Mass Spectrometry – SCI, 40th anniversary, Palermo, July 1-5, 2012. P.Q. Tranchida, F.A. Franchina, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Enhanced selectivity and sensitivity of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with a novel high-speed triple quadrupole mass spectrometer Comunicazione Orale
Massa 2012 – Division of Mass Spectrometry – SCI, 40th anniversary, Palermo, July 1-5, 2012. P. Donato, F. Cacciola, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Mass spectrometric elucidation of carotenoids in complex foodstuff using ultra high pressure comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography Comunicazione Orale
HPLC 2012 – 38th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Anaheim, CA (USA), June 16-21, 2012 L. Mondello, P. Donato, F. Cacciola, P. Dugo New trends in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry for the analysis of real-world samples Comunicazione Orale ( 33)
43rd International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2012, Lisbona, Portogallo ,05-08 Settembre 2012. Russo M., Torre G., Bonaccorsi I., Dugo P., Mondello L. Fast-RP-HPLC/PDA analysis of oxygen heterocyclic compounds in citrus essential oils Comunicazione Poster
43rd International Symposium on Essential Oils, ISEO 2012, Lisbona, Portogallo, 05-08 Settembre 2012. Ragonese C., Sciarrone D., Grasso E., Dugo P., Mondello L. Exploiting the alternative selectivity of a novel medium-polar ionic liquid stationary phase in the gas chromatographic analysis of essential oils Comunicazione Poster
Scienza, Alimentazione, Stili di Vita e Salute”, Bologna, Italy, September 8-10-11, 2012. P.Q. Tranchida, L. Mondello Aspetti metodologici e analitici per la valutazione della qualità in matrici alimentari. Comunicazione Orale
29th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC 2012, September 9-13, 2012, Torun, Poland. F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Advanced liquid chromatography techniques for analysis of food lipids Comunicazione Orale ad Invito
29th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC 2012, Torun, Poland, 09-13 Settembre 2012. F. Cacciola, P. Donato, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Comprehensive liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry technologies in food analysis Comunicazione Orale
29th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC 2012, Torun, Poland, 09-13 Settembre 2012 M. Mreyen, F. Cacciola, P. Donato, D. Giuffrida, G. Torre, P. Dugo, L. Mondello Mass spectrometric elucidation of carotenoids in chili red peppers using ultra high pressure comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012. Russo M., Torre G., Sarò M., Dugo P., Mondello L. Extraction and characterization of bioactive molecules from Citrus-processing by-products Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012. Russo M., Sarò M., Torre G., Dugo P., Mondello L. Multidimensional liquid chromatography for the purification and determination of chiral oxygen heterocyclic compounds in Citrus essential oils Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012. Donato P., Cacciola F., Cihello F., Russo M., Dugo P., Mondello L. Determination of phospholipids in milk samples by means of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to evaporative light scattering and mass spectrometry detection. Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Q. Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco Conte, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. Determination of mineral oil saturated-hydrocarbon contamination in baby foods by using on-line LC-GC and off-line LC-GC×GC combined with mass spectrometry: Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Flavio Franchina, Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Q. Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. SPME-(Fast) GC combined with high-speed triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for the unknown and target analysis of pesticides in tea samples Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Peter Q. Tranchida, Mariosimone Zoccali, Flavio A. Franchinca, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. Enhanced selectivity and sensitivity of SPME-fast GC in combination with a novel high-speed triple-quad mass spectrometer in food analysis Comunicazione Orale
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Rosaria Costa, Laura Tedone, Selenia De Grazia, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Multiple Headspace-Solid-Phase Microextraction (MHS-SPME): An Application To Quantification Of Mushroom Volatiles Comunicazione Orale
14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Elisa Grasso, Selenia De Grazia, Laura Tedone, Rosaria Costa, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Changes In The Volatile Fingerprint Of The Edible Mushroom Agaricus bisporus Occurring During Storage Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Selenia De Grazia, Elisa Grasso, Rosaria Costa, Laura Tedone, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Characterization of Agaricus bisporus Flavor By Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) Coupled With Gas Chromatography (GC-FID) And Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Luisa Schipilliti, Ana G. Buglia, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Headspace-SPME Coupled To GC-C-IRMS For The Geographical And Botanical Characterization Of Coffee Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Sebastiano Panto’, Danilo Sciarrone, Carla Ragonese, Laura Tedone, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Preparative gas chromatography as a powerful extraction tool for the isolation of highly pure components from complex matrices Comunicazione Orale
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Laura Tedone, Sebastiano Pantò, Danilo Sciarrone, Archimede Rotondo, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello. Isolation of an unknown compound from the essential oil of Clausena lansium (Rutaceae) by means of a tridimensional preparative capillary gas chromatographic system Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Simona Salivo, Peter Q. Tranchida, Flavio A. Franchina, Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis Of The Unsaponifiable Fraction Of Vegetable Oils By Using Comprehensive 2D GC With Dual FID/MS Detection Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Giuseppe Sullini, Marco Beccaria, Eduardo M. Sommella, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Multidimensional Off-Line Non-Aqueous Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography – Silver Ion Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry For The Characterization Of Triacylglycerol Positional Isomers Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Danilo Sciarrone, Carla Ragonese, Peter Q. Tranchida, Luigi Mondello Simultaneous Determination Of Oxygenated Compounds And BTEX In Gasoline By Means Of Multidimensional GC Coupled To MS Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Carla Ragonese, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Danilo Sciarrone, Luigi Mondello Simultaneous Sample Preparation And Characterization Of Biodiesel Blend Fames Exploiting An Ionic Liquid Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phase
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Nermeen Fawzy, Francesco Cacciola , Paola Donato, Filomena Cichello, Paola Dugo and Luigi Mondello Comprehensive Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography Combined with Mass Spectrometric Detection for Phospholipid Analysis Comunicazione Poster
14th International Symposium On Advances In Extraction Technologies, Extech 2012, Messina (Italia), 24-26 Settembre 2012 Chiara Fanali, Laura Dugo, Rosaria Costa, Laura Tedone, Paola Dug, Luigi Mondello Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) of white truffles volatile compounds: evaluation of storage condition markers Comunicazione Poster
XIV COLACRO, Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 2-5, 2012 Luigi Mondello Comprehensive chromatography techniques coupled to mass spectrometry: a new frontier in separation science Comunicazione Orale a Invito
XIV COLACRO, Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia e Técnicas Relacionadas, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 2-5, 2012 Ana Gabriela Buglia, Luisi Schipilliti, Ivana Bonaccorsi, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Carbon isotope ration determination, by GC-C-IRMS using SPME extraction in natural complex matrices of food interest Cominicazione Poster
Pittcon Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, USA, March 17-21 2013 Luigi Mondello Multidimensional Chromatography Techniques in Food Analysis: State of the Art Comunicazione Orale a Invito
Pittcon Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, USA, March 17-21 2013 Luigi Mondello Advances in Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography: Beyond the Separation Comunicazione Orale a Invito
31st IMMS, Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Palermo, Italy, May 5-8 2013 Francesco Cacciola, Luigi Mondello Advanced analytical Techniques for characterization of bio-active molecules in complex real-world samples Comunicazione Orale
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 Peter Tranchida, Luigi Mondello Gas velocity at the point of re-injection: an additional parameter in comprehensive 2D GC optimization Comunicazione Orale a Invito
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 Luigi Mondello Comprehensive 2D Chromatography: A Key to Unlock Closed Analytical Doors Comunicazione Orale a Invito
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 Danilo Sciarrone, Sebastiano Pantò, Peter Quinto Tranchida, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello Rapid isolation of high solute amounts by using an on-line 4D chromatographic system ( prep LC-GC-GC-GC) Comunicazione Orale a Invito
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 Paola Donato, Francesco Cacciola, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello High Peak Capacity Separations of Biologically-Important Molecules by Using 2DLCxUHPLC Comunicazione Orale a Invito
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 Flavio Franchina, Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Tranchida, Luigi Mondello High sensitivity flow-modulated two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Comunicazione Poster
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, and 10th GC×GC Symposium, Palm Springs, USA, May 12-16, 2013 |